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How you became Palace

July 1 2001

Crystal Palace

Crystal Palace

Every Palace fan has their own story about the time they saw the light and became an Eagles fan...


Here in the states, when I come across some footie supporters it's always the same: Moan U, Arsenal maybe Liverpool. One of my best mates supports Bolton but that's a different story...

When I tell them I support Palace, I always get asked "Why?" like they are stunned a Yankee has even heard of them or something. And it's quite simple really...

Here in the states we play 'soccer'... Our MLS might rank with your third division. (I hope I'm not insulting any third division supporters/players!) I like most American kids do, grew up with all the other sports we play here. It wasn't until I was in college that a friend of mine from England got me hooked.

He played at the lower levels there in England he claimed and I believe him. Unfortunatly I can't remember his last name. Just his name was Graham and the supporters called him "psycho".

Anyway we'd go to this pub that would show the games and it just blew me away to see the passion of the supporters and players on the pitch.

The match was the Coca-Cola cup and the Eagles lost a heartbreaker. I was won over straight away but it was hard following the team and it would be years before the internet made following the club possable.

First it was the CP Instant News Service then thankfully the web broadcasts that have gotten me up to this point. I was as gutted as anyone when it looked like this club was going to dissolve. And pledged money when the drive to buy the club kicked off.

I purchased mechandise from the club store and wanted to be counted in the "Steve Coppell's red and blue army."

I got down on my hands and knees and begged the football gods to keep Palace up while the broken audio would work its way through my computer speakers last match of the season last year -- and partied (alone) at the local pub when they did stay up.

The highlight of lastyear came when I got to see three Eagle matches on TV, The Worthington cup matches against Leicester City and the two with Liverpool. I taped the games and charished them because it's the first time I've seen them live since Wright/Bright.

The CPFC supporters were excellent in those cup matches I could hear you singing your hearts out and it came through loud and clear on my TV in the states.

So I tell the Man U and Arsenal fans of the world I support CPFC because I love the supporters, this is their club. They are not afraid to slag off the lads (or themselves) when they deserve it. The supporters have put up with so much; owners, groundsharing, bankruptsy, sackings, demotions.

Things that would make a Red Devil fan think of switching clubs the minute any hint of this kind of adversity would be coming their way.

To me CPFC is a real club, an English club. I want to go to Croydon, drink in the pubs with the supporters and watch our lads play. I want to go to Selhurst and sit in the Holmesdale, not Highbury or Old Trafford. I want to finally see REAL English footy not what I'm allowed to see on my dish by the 'fashionable' clubs.

I'm counting the days to March 30th @ Norwich and April 1 against Birmingham. And I do want to be counted in Steve Bruce's Red and Blue Army. That's what this 'Yank' has to think about OUR club.


Barry's the name and I live in Perth, Western Australia. I was born in Thornton Heath in the days when there was a pond and lived Norman Road.

I was dragged off to Australia via Bognor Regis (four years in B.R. and survived) by my parents with no say in the matter.

Like my father before me, I have always been a Palace fan and survive only through what I can find out online and with a daily dose of Sportsline on satelite tv. I don't get to see many matches unless its a cup match or something but the live online broadcasts keep me sane (just).

I feel very home sick listening to you all singing yer lungs out at the matches and wish I could be there at Selhurst, anywhere at Selhurst, doing the same. Like TStack I do alot of cheering and celebrating on my own as we are seven hours in front of those of you in the U.K.

So it is midnight and a lot of lagers quaffed by the time the game has finished but, the neighbours always know when we have won.

There are many Palace fans here with plenty of passion and very proud to wear the the Red and Blue to all the local and N.S.L. matches.

To all those foreigners, I hope you can get there and enjoy the matches as much as I used to. Maybe I'll see you there one day too!!!


Born in Thornton Heath, grandfather supported Palace, father supported Palace, four uncles supported Palace, seven cousins supported Palace. A family outing meant a trip to Selhurst Park, who else was I gonna follow?

Old Chap

I can't really give one reason, perhaps local, liked the red & blue, mates went etc etc.

The more difficult question is why do we carry on year after year, never a dull moment, are we getting promotion/relegation?

Sometimes I think what would it be like to support a team like Arsenal, Chelsea etc. Don't think I'd want to - like an advert on the TV said, "think carefully who you support, cos you're with them for life"


My mum and dad dragged me along when I was six. I remember being more interested in half-time though. It was in 1991, I still have the ticket, vs Southampton. Kept going year after year and even though my best friend in primary school quit supporting Palace at the age of 11 because Man U won the title an Palace got relegated, although he denied that was the reason, I carried on. God I'm stubborn.

Sir Joe

A bit of a late bloomer with football...I did see Palace play Norwich in around 79/80 (it was a mate's 10th birthday treat, and I can still remember being slightly embarassed as, not having been to a match before, calling out come on you Crystals!! and then being corrected by everyone around me).

That was it for 12 years until I was talking with a mate in a pub in the City - he travelled into work by coach and mentioned all the building work going on at the Valley (Charlton were just about to move back). I thought seeing it complete would be a decent excuse to get to a game. However, I saw it wasn't that easy to get to from where I live, and so decided to go see Palace v Spurs in jan 1993 instead. I have been going ever since.

That was a close shave...I was nearly a Charlton supporter!


Basically, my Dad and his mates were all local as kids and have been going together for 40 years. I was taken as a child, remember being passed over the crowd in the Holmesdale, than passed back at the final wistle!

Had a couple of years off whilst at Uni, but am a season ticket holder again and loving every minute of it!


Mine - 5-0 win over Man Utd! That was it, buggered!!! Grandfather supported Palace so it's a family tradition.

dicky boy

One of my first games was at home to Millwall. Went with Millwall fans I was eight or nine I think. Palace won so carried on supporting them. God know's what would of happened if Millwall won, been hooked ever since.


Became a Palace fan 'cause I went to all the games with my girlfriend (and her ex, who had stayed on as a Palace fan after they split up).

Eventually we split up too -- me and her, not me and Palace. I think she should get a free season ticket from SJ for bringing us into the CPFC fold!

Billingshurst Eagle

Because in 1972 they wore the same colours as West Ham! Grandfather supported West Ham but took me to first game in 1972 - Palace v Bristol.


First match in 1988/1989, how could I keep away from Wright and Bright? My childhood heroes!


1985-ish was the first game I went to. I was about six. The whole of my Dads family are Palace supporters, so I'm just carrying on the tradition. I've just bought my 1 year old daughter the full home kit


Semi-final 1990 when I was sitting in front of the telly with a massive hangover from the night before. Best game EVER and I was hooked !

And I'll never get un-hooked EVER .. EVER !!


Born in Peterborough, live in Norwich, so how come Palace?? Taken to see Palace play Derby in 1979, 4-0 win, best thing this ten year old had ever seen.

Funny thing was Gordon Hill (ex Man U) was playing for Derby that day. He had been my childhood hero up to then, but he was sent off in the 1st half, Vince Hilaire became my new hero and the rest is history!!

Mr B

Manchester City at home was the day I finally realised what a rollercoaster of a life I would have in front of me as a Palace fan. Formally a Man U fan with all of my mates until the age of about five.

I remember telling my friends that I was going to see Palace play and the main responce I got back was: "who are they?!" Anyway Palace won 4-1 I believe, and then after that day I am proud to say I'll stand on those bloody freezing terraces and cheer on my club until I die....UP THE EAGLES


A Palace fan in Tranmere? Well it started as a joke to annoy my dad (die-hard Liverpool) and all the stick I took at school for the 9-0 result in 1989 just made me more determined.The cup semi later that year sealed my fate,and I've never regreted it for a moment. Especially when we knocked Everton out of the Worthy cup at Goodison and my girlfriend didn't speak to me for a week.

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