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February 14 2025 5.29am

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CPFC Sydney Supporters Vs Sydney Hammers

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jordo Flag Hobart 01 May 14 7.51am Send a Private Message to jordo Add jordo as a friend

Crystal Palace Sydney Supporters will be playing Sydney Hammers on 11 May at David Phillips Fields, Daceyville NSW, with Kickoff at 4pm.

Teams will be playing for the Dylan Tombides Cup, named after the young Aussie lad from West Ham who recently died from cancer. There will be a collection for donations with funds raised going to charity.

This will be our first chance of silverware and we will be looking to do the treble over West Ham and their supporters whilst enjoying further bragging rights at the Royal Exhibition where both watch the games at 2am each weekend.

Post Game both teams will be heading to the Royal Exhibition from 8pm for a few post game drinks before watching the Fulham game.

I would like to invite all Hol Members in Sydney or Australia (or overseas if you are keen) to the game and post game drinks. If you would like to play let me know, otherwise i would enjoy having a beer with you and discussing the season and our win that afternoon.


CPFC SYD Vs Sydney Hammers
11 May Kickoff 4pm (be there early)
David Phillips Field, Banks Ave Daceyville
Wear any Home kit
cost $10 to charity.

Post Game:
Royal Exhibition Hotel
Chalmers Street, Surry Hills (Opposite central station)
From 7:30pm




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