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Stadium Redevelopment

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View SeagullHunter's Profile SeagullHunter Flag Reading 16 Apr 19 9.29am Send a Private Message to SeagullHunter Add SeagullHunter as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

So Palace haven't spent in 3 years supposedly due to funding for this 'new stand'. Are we actually any closer to building commencing... SP with a classic PR job, smoke and mirrors once again, pocketing 80k a week whilst we all argue as to whether or not this is viable. One thing that is not up for contention is that SP has done very, very well out of the club from an individual financial standpoint, and to say he has the club's best interest at heart would be fairly tongue in cheek. I'm not blaming the man at all, but at least sell up to people who have a greater LT ambition, rather than using it as a cash generator for personal projects in the south of France.


Dont let Cabaye go

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View BarEagle's Profile BarEagle Flag Monmouth 16 Apr 19 9.44am Send a Private Message to BarEagle Add BarEagle as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

Originally posted by davehuggins

Is it ever going to happen???

Not for 5 years.

Could do it sorting out what’s there now. Service and food is a shambles.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards View palace99's Profile palace99 Flag New Mills 18 Apr 19 6.34pm Send a Private Message to palace99 Add palace99 as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

Originally posted by dreamwaverider

The new stand will be £100M minimum. If we find a shareholder to put up £50m and borrow £50m we will be paying it back with interest at say £5m pa. so it would just about wash its face.
So find a shareolder to stomp up £50m, fine. To try and forward fund it off advanced season ticket sales forget it. No bank would do that. Even a ground rent company wouldn’t as there is no alternative use when we wipe out luckily. So it is pretty much reliant on shareholder funds.
What it would need is someone with deep pockets who likes SE25. Funny place to dump that sort of cash in a completely oversized stand in comparison to the rest of the stadium. It will dwarf the white horse and the arfur.
In hindsight the homesdale should have been single tier and lower.
Look at the new Tottenham stadium. The single tier wall of sound etc.
Amazing. It’s madness to drop at least £100m on one side of a dinosaur.
Let’s see if anyone wants to stomp up £ 50m for that. Very much doubt it. No wonder the yanks have turned their backs.
Wake up SP.
Talk to developers. Don’t get carried away by some crazy emotion.
Look at Spurs. It has to be something really special to work.
What we have designed is lopsided at best. Think very carefully. We really don’t need a disaster.
It would be madness to build it.

Edited by dreamwaverider (16 Apr 2019 7.40am)

i understand what you are saying, but by comparison the new Spurs ground has cost £1bn so £100m for 1 of 4 stands whilst very expensive seems reasonable.

The reason it is so big is because we need the extra capacity - other grounds like Man U and Newcastle don't have 4 sides the same size and are still fantastic.

In terms of finance yes the extra 8k seats will add some value but it is the executive seats that will make the project worthwhile. On a matchday with meal and lounge access they can be sold for say £300 a game - that's over £5k a season. A 1,000 of them and it's £5m a season.


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View Hrolf The Ganger's Profile Hrolf The Ganger Flag 18 Apr 19 6.55pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

I'd say it is quite possible to make Selhurst a 40K stadium but it is all about money and desire.

A similar construction minus the infrastructure of the main stand would fit where the AW is now and several thousand more seats could fit at the WHL end when the boxes are removed.
I have always been in favour of a move away from the current site but if we must stay then a decent stadium which would take us up the league of crowd capacity is possible where we are.

Edited by Hrolf The Ganger (18 Apr 2019 6.56pm)


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View HKOwen's Profile HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 19 Apr 19 2.13pm Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

For some here that's bordering on blasphemy...........I am not one of them

Originally posted by SeagullHunter

So Palace haven't spent in 3 years supposedly due to funding for this 'new stand'. Are we actually any closer to building commencing... SP with a classic PR job, smoke and mirrors once again, pocketing 80k a week whilst we all argue as to whether or not this is viable. One thing that is not up for contention is that SP has done very, very well out of the club from an individual financial standpoint, and to say he has the club's best interest at heart would be fairly tongue in cheek. I'm not blaming the man at all, but at least sell up to people who have a greater LT ambition, rather than using it as a cash generator for personal projects in the south of France.


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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View FairweatherEagle's Profile FairweatherEagle Flag London 19 Apr 19 4.18pm Send a Private Message to FairweatherEagle Add FairweatherEagle as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

Originally posted by SeagullHunter

So Palace haven't spent in 3 years supposedly due to funding for this 'new stand'. Are we actually any closer to building commencing... SP with a classic PR job, smoke and mirrors once again, pocketing 80k a week whilst we all argue as to whether or not this is viable. One thing that is not up for contention is that SP has done very, very well out of the club from an individual financial standpoint, and to say he has the club's best interest at heart would be fairly tongue in cheek. I'm not blaming the man at all, but at least sell up to people who have a greater LT ambition, rather than using it as a cash generator for personal projects in the south of France.

So basically you're saying he's just another Ron Noades. If you look at his interviews he does a very good job of convincing you otherwise, at least with Noades I think you knew what you were getting. But even so not I'm convinced he doesn't genuinely care about the club, I think you're being a bit harsh but he is probably more calculating than people realise.


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View martin2412's Profile martin2412 Flag Living The Dream 19 Apr 19 4.41pm Send a Private Message to martin2412 Add martin2412 as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

I still can't believe that anyone has has fallen for this new stand cobblers. Parish is a bulls hitter extraordinaire. He craves adoration, and this is one way of getting it. Wake up and smell the coffee ffs.


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View grumpymort's Profile grumpymort Flag US/Thailand/UK 19 Apr 19 4.54pm Send a Private Message to grumpymort Add grumpymort as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

Originally posted by dreamwaverider

The new stand will be £100M minimum. If we find a shareholder to put up £50m and borrow £50m we will be paying it back with interest at say £5m pa. so it would just about wash its face.
So find a shareolder to stomp up £50m, fine. To try and forward fund it off advanced season ticket sales forget it. No bank would do that. Even a ground rent company wouldn’t as there is no alternative use when we wipe out luckily. So it is pretty much reliant on shareholder funds.
What it would need is someone with deep pockets who likes SE25. Funny place to dump that sort of cash in a completely oversized stand in comparison to the rest of the stadium. It will dwarf the white horse and the arfur.
In hindsight the homesdale should have been single tier and lower.
Look at the new Tottenham stadium. The single tier wall of sound etc.
Amazing. It’s madness to drop at least £100m on one side of a dinosaur.
Let’s see if anyone wants to stomp up £ 50m for that. Very much doubt it. No wonder the yanks have turned their backs.
Wake up SP.
Talk to developers. Don’t get carried away by some crazy emotion.
Look at Spurs. It has to be something really special to work.
What we have designed is lopsided at best. Think very carefully. We really don’t need a disaster.
It would be madness to build it.

Edited by dreamwaverider (16 Apr 2019 7.40am)

Spot on and even 100m is under value really so it makes no sense to keep polishing/building on a turd.

Spurs was so smart the cost may appear high but when you see the deals they have made with the likes of nfl and even commercial they will gain it back this is why i dont understand whats going on at Palace

We have theses Americans who own other franchises they should be joining them together playing off each other but nothing its like the deal was SP saying give me this much £ and you own this much and thats it nothing else from you to ever be put in again.

I think this stadium stuff was a big scam and all it has done is line pockets with the so called ring fence money that has now gone.

Edited by grumpymort (19 Apr 2019 4.56pm)


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View est1905's Profile est1905 Flag 19 Apr 19 5.37pm Send a Private Message to est1905 Add est1905 as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

Trying to build/redevelop anything within the London boundaries is very difficult these days. Spurs greased a lot of palms to get approval for their stadium and even then it took years to get it done and came in way late and way over budget.
Palace as a club have nowhere near as much political clout as Spurs not does Parish have the same negotiating strengths as Levy.
If true, taking into account traffic issues, parking, etc there are no options locally away from Selhurst Park you have to make it work. A new main stand will bring about state of the art corporate facilities. This is where the money is. A top quality Premiership Corporate box in todays market can command 10m plus in revenue per year. A new main stand will give us 20 to 30 such boxes. Do the maths. It will be the difference between being able to compete financially in the top division or just trying to stay up each year.
And when you look at the potential revenue a new main stand can bring in 100m to build it seems in the greater scheme of things pocket change.
Even Parish realises this. Its not about wanting/not wanting a new stand. If the club is to survive long term in the Premiership its essential.


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View ASCPFC's Profile ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 19 Apr 19 6.12pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

Originally posted by est1905

Trying to build/redevelop anything within the London boundaries is very difficult these days. Spurs greased a lot of palms to get approval for their stadium and even then it took years to get it done and came in way late and way over budget.
Palace as a club have nowhere near as much political clout as Spurs not does Parish have the same negotiating strengths as Levy.
If true, taking into account traffic issues, parking, etc there are no options locally away from Selhurst Park you have to make it work. A new main stand will bring about state of the art corporate facilities. This is where the money is. A top quality Premiership Corporate box in todays market can command 10m plus in revenue per year. A new main stand will give us 20 to 30 such boxes. Do the maths. It will be the difference between being able to compete financially in the top division or just trying to stay up each year.
And when you look at the potential revenue a new main stand can bring in 100m to build it seems in the greater scheme of things pocket change.
Even Parish realises this. Its not about wanting/not wanting a new stand. If the club is to survive long term in the Premiership its essential.

Makes me think we could do with some real investment. I'm starting to hope we get somewhat of a sugar-daddy to buy in. The current Americans haven't stuck around and one has to wonder why Palace seem so poor of an investment. You would think that if Fulham, Brighton, Wolves (for teams around our size) have seen such significant investment, then what exactly is our problem? Is Selhurst one of the main stumbling blocks? I'm from Bromley and while I have always felt connected to Selhurst, you would have thought that we might consider a shiny new stadium further out somewhere (but not too far). Dons tin hat.


Red and Blue Army!

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View Rudi Hedman's Profile Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 19 Apr 19 7.47pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

We’re pretty poxy at everything unless we get a manager in with experience to show the club inside how to do things. Pity nobody comes in like that away from the playing side and we’re forever run like an amateur bunch of charlatans.



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View Lombardos barber's Profile Lombardos barber Flag 19 Apr 19 8.25pm Send a Private Message to Lombardos barber Add Lombardos barber as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Stadium plans' by bexleydave

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

We’re pretty poxy at everything unless we get a manager in with experience to show the club inside how to do things. Pity nobody comes in like that away from the playing side and we’re forever run like an amateur bunch of charlatans.

So many people who clearly haven't known the club from its pre-Premier League days.

You must be about 17 mate. Do some reading.


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