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A Level results

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Tom-the-eagle Flag Croydon 14 Aug 20 11.07am

Originally posted by mezzer

Not directly related to the results, but what I took to be a rather worrying indication of the modern student's take on life.....I was talking to a Professor from Manchester University a year or so ago and he said that, because of the status of the University, most students who got in were high achievers at their respective schools. However, in their new groups, not all could be as high achievers as the next as some had to be, by definition, lower than others in the group.

The consequence was that some had very serious reactions to their "failure" as they'd never experienced failure before. So the University had to introduce cookery classes because it was "OK" to be a bad cook and it taught acceptance of not being best.

I do wonder whether this is what happens if the one that comes last in a swimming gala gets as much or more applause than the winner, or you are second or third runner up rather than having lost.

One of the most dangerous things in my mind is this "you can be anything you want to be" mantra that has been doing the rounds for some time now. No you can't. There are endless things that you can never be. Accept it. I would have loved to have been a professional footballer but it wasn't meant to be. I'll never be on the front cover of Men's Health magazine either. It doesn't mean that I begrudge those who can do those things.

Good post.

We live in a time when everyone gets a medal, just for participation. A generation of kids having grown up as you say, being told they can do anything.

We cant all be pop stars, somebody has to drive the taxi or sweep the streets.


"It feels much better than it ever did, much more sensitive." John Wayne Bobbit

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JRW2 Flag Dulwich 14 Aug 20 11.10am Send a Private Message to JRW2 Add JRW2 as a friend

Originally posted by eaglesdare

I failed all my GCSE's didint bother with education again until i was 20 did a course and worked in tesco for years, went to uni got a degree got a good job and have just moved into my own place i have bought.

GCSE's and A Levels are not the be all and end all!

Well done you. But did you really not need any GCSEs or A levels to get to university? Or did you do them after leaving school?


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eaglesdare Flag 14 Aug 20 11.57am Send a Private Message to eaglesdare Add eaglesdare as a friend

Originally posted by JRW2

Well done you. But did you really not need any GCSEs or A levels to get to university? Or did you do them after leaving school?

Cheers! I ended up doing an IT course which was equivalent to them both which got me to uni. I did at at 20! (wasnt that long ago)

I know people can go to uni as mature student these days without needing anything! think you have to be over 24 or 25 tho?


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serial thriller Flag The Promised Land 14 Aug 20 1.11pm Send a Private Message to serial thriller Add serial thriller as a friend

I don't disagree that of course it's not the end of the world to not get all As. And obviously there's no shame in being a plumber, electrician etc instead of a biochemist.

But when the schools closed, I told my bottom set, who were all working very hard and coming to lessons and who were all worried about what grades they would be given, that I was sure they would get the benefit of the doubt given the situation.

But of course I didn't realise the government would ignore teachers and make up their own system. What I should've said was 'you're all thick, get used to that, and no matter how hard you work, expect disappointment, because the people 2ho run this country don't care about you'.


If punk ever happened I'd be preaching the law, instead of listenin to Lydon lecture BBC4

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Teddy Eagle Flag 14 Aug 20 1.47pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by serial thriller

I don't disagree that of course it's not the end of the world to not get all As. And obviously there's no shame in being a plumber, electrician etc instead of a biochemist.

But when the schools closed, I told my bottom set, who were all working very hard and coming to lessons and who were all worried about what grades they would be given, that I was sure they would get the benefit of the doubt given the situation.

But of course I didn't realise the government would ignore teachers and make up their own system. What I should've said was 'you're all thick, get used to that, and no matter how hard you work, expect disappointment, because the people 2ho run this country don't care about you'.

Why are these students in the bottom set?


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The Dolphin Flag 14 Aug 20 2.07pm Send a Private Message to The Dolphin Add The Dolphin as a friend

Just a few bullet points in no particular order but on both sides of the argument.
The government were damned if they did and damned if they didn't on this one - there is no one size fits all and there will always be people who get a bad deal sadly.
Hopefully there will be a proper appeal system for those who really have been shafted.
Too many little luvs and their parents think that they deserve A*'s all the way and so anything less ensures a hissy fit - stop whining if you got your Uni place and move on - no one else gives a stuff about your results in the future.
There will be many out there using Covid to get grades that they were never going to achieve - again - stop whining!
An algorithm that uses your schools historical results seems a little unfair?
Why have so many grades been put down by 2 or more - that seems unfair?
Teachers should not have made the predicted grades so high - had the powers that be used just those then the pass rates and A* grades would have gone through the roof and blown any previous years rises out of the water - madness - Teachers should have been more realistic - they have had enough time to work it out after all!!!
To the OP - bit unfair - I listened to a story yesterday - a girl - privately educated - a Scholar - never ever got below a B in anything and a B was rare - she got awarded C's and D's - that kind of thing is just so wrong whether it is a privately or state educated child.
On the whole - pass rates were up, A & A* grades were up so it is similar to previous years.
Getting this right was impossible but I do hope that those who have been hard done by get their day in court - so to speak!


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 14 Aug 20 3.05pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Why are these students in the bottom set?

I think most of the posters students fit that, I deserve and should get attitude; bearing in mind he most probably imparts his political views on them.
I would also question his ability to inspire.
Guaranteed they have all had the email slagging off the government. Woe betide any who are right leaning!


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 14 Aug 20 3.22pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Another band wagon to jump on. Poor me, didn't have to sit exams but passed them all. I want more. Victim mentality, how f***ing unusual these days.
I'm a victim of evil Boris. He purposely marked down poor people in his bid to create a slave race.


Red and Blue Army!

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 14 Aug 20 3.52pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by ASCPFC

Another band wagon to jump on. Poor me, didn't have to sit exams but passed them all. I want more. Victim mentality, how f***ing unusual these days.
I'm a victim of evil Boris. He purposely marked down poor people in his bid to create a slave race.

These youngsters are going to get a f*** off shock when ths left wing s***e ends and we get back to reality. Sharing out the wealth ain't goner happen so get a grip I say. Unless rhodesia and Venezuela are what they want.


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steeleye20 Flag Croydon 14 Aug 20 5.00pm Send a Private Message to steeleye20 Add steeleye20 as a friend

Who would have thought there could be a tory more hapless than 'failing Grayling'.

Even the Daily Mail is calling for Williamson's head.

Everywhere he goes a fresh disaster.

An important lesson for the younger generation, that the tories f**k you over at the expense of the rich.

That's more valuable than any 'A' level.


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serial thriller Flag The Promised Land 14 Aug 20 5.21pm Send a Private Message to serial thriller Add serial thriller as a friend

So at half time in this thread, here's the scores of the blame game so far...

Teachers 1: they were too generous with their predicted grades, and generally give out too much false hope which doesn't prepare kids for the real world.

Kids 5: They're 'thick c***s', who are lazy, did nothing and now play the victim as they always do, are all entitled to become millionaires but have no respect or brains to do anything else.

Government 0: how could we expect them to do any better than there perfect neutral model of guessing? Criticizing them is unfair on the poor little munchkins who worked so hard. Haven't we all made mistakes after all?

Still all to play for though in the second half!


If punk ever happened I'd be preaching the law, instead of listenin to Lydon lecture BBC4

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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 14 Aug 20 5.38pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Serial, you weren’t in the slightest bit dramatic?

A year to avoid a s*** first year university experience, resit and get the grades you think you’d have achieved and earn some money. ‘Stay safe’ and whatever cringeworthy sayings and all that and whatever they feel they want to communicate regarding Covid. Either be virtuous or go to the pub all the time ignoring all the social distancing and guidelines. It’s one year after 6+ months off and more until retakes and it’s hardly great anywhere anyway.

Calm down.



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