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Season Tickets released..

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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 05 Sep 20 12.22am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

I’d love to have been a fly on the wall in their brainstorms before they asked fans to donate 4 games worth of ticket money last season & make fans pay £550-£800 or whatever when they know full well the maximum they’re likely to effectively use on tickets is a quarter of that. It takes some front to require fans to pay that 3/4 of of the full price in these times.

Put us who aren’t going to sign up either in a priority stage for 21-22 before general sale or throw us into general sale and risk fans knocking it on the head because of poor treatment and maybe not being with mates again so part of the reason to go has gone.

Palace really do have a knack of making a complete fvck up of things like this. Pay full whack when they know it’s more likely to be a quarter. Lol. I still can’t believe they’re doing it. I don’t want to be in an empty stadium so it’s an easy decision to make.



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Henry of Peckham Flag Eton Mess 05 Sep 20 12.31am Send a Private Message to Henry of Peckham Add Henry of Peckham as a friend

I suppose their credit voucher is only valid for the 2020/21 season? Does anybody know?

As for a new season ticket, I don't mind paying if I know what I'm getting but I don't and they don't seem to know either. Shambollocks!!!


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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 05 Sep 20 12.33am Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Martin Long had left Direct Line years before CPFC 2010.

17,501 because you didn't renew?

Your post is basically mumbo jumbo rubbish IMO.

Presumably you are trying to say you didn't renew your ST when the price when up by 60%.

When was that? I don't remember any 60% increases.

Originally posted by croydon proud

Season tickets should be 17,501 - if they hadn"t put mine up by 60%, but alas they did, and i didn"t! With the biggest CONservative donor in our owner !(direct line fella, unless he left) you have to put it all down to business,we (or you), are nothing but paymasters in a business, not family as some like to believe, our (your) loyalty means nothing now the tv money is calling the shots, it"s all about the money, and like so many other things you sign up for these days, usually will screw you over if they feel they can, and they feel they can! It"s a race to the bottom chaps- COYP!

Edited by HKOwen (05 Sep 2020 12.35am)


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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Jamesey Flag Wandsworth 05 Sep 20 8.37am Send a Private Message to Jamesey Add Jamesey as a friend

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

I’m not buying that bollox because:

1) there won’t be any new season ticket holders in 20-21 season so

2) lapsed Covid season ticket holders from 19-20 could be priority before general sale in the 21/22 season or

3) they put us lapsed for one Covid season fans in with general sale and risk losing a lot of fans that rely on their seats for various reasons, mainly the view, being in an area that suits them and amongst mates they won’t be able to guarantee if its a big general sale free for all.

I’m not buying it, or the season ticket for a chance to watch 5 games I may not be able to get to or even want to. Armchair for me. See you in a year.

Edited by Rudi Hedman (04 Sep 2020 7.05pm)



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NEILLO Flag Shoreham-by-Sea 05 Sep 20 9.04am Send a Private Message to NEILLO Add NEILLO as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

I donated to the academy as it's what I wanted to do for my club.
Right or wrong to do it the refund wouldn't have changed my life.
It may start an academy players.
This needs isolating as a separate issue totally.

Why do you think I donated !?

And thanks for your explanation of what the funds are being used for, albeit in a semi literate way.

I don't agree that it is a separate issue. It forms part of my overall reaction to the lousy proposition that Palace have put in front of me.

Parish himself said that the very future of football was a stake when he was a major voice of Project Restart. One of his concerns was that people would not come back to football when eventually things get back to some sort of normal. Well, he's contributing to the problem with this season ticket policy.


Old, Ungifted and White

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doombear Flag Too far from Selhurst Park 05 Sep 20 10.54am Send a Private Message to doombear Add doombear as a friend

Originally posted by NEILLO

Why do you think I donated !?

And thanks for your explanation of what the funds are being used for, albeit in a semi literate way.

I don't agree that it is a separate issue. It forms part of my overall reaction to the lousy proposition that Palace have put in front of me.

Parish himself said that the very future of football was a stake when he was a major voice of Project Restart. One of his concerns was that people would not come back to football when eventually things get back to some sort of normal. Well, he's contributing to the problem with this season ticket policy.

Spot on. Don't see me renewing unless the club change their stance.


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monkey Flag Sittingbourne,but made in Bromley 05 Sep 20 11.07am Send a Private Message to monkey Add monkey as a friend

Just a little quote from Bromley FC’s chairman “we refuse to sell season tickets for a product we can’t provide” Take note Mr Parish, it’s like selling you a season ticket for your commute to work on the train and only a quarter of the trains are running

Edited by monkey (05 Sep 2020 1.59pm)


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NEILLO Flag Shoreham-by-Sea 05 Sep 20 11.29am Send a Private Message to NEILLO Add NEILLO as a friend

Originally posted by monkey

Just a little quote from Bromley FC’s chairman “we refuse to sell season tickets for a product we can’t provide” Take note Mr Parish, it’s like selling you a season ticket for your commute to work on the train and only 3 quarters of the trains are running

In my commuting experience, this is the norm !


Old, Ungifted and White

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Tom-the-eagle Flag Croydon 05 Sep 20 11.43am

Originally posted by monkey

Just a little quote from Bromley FC’s chairman “we refuse to sell season tickets for a product we can’t provide” Take note Mr Parish, it’s like selling you a season ticket for your commute to work on the train and only 3 quarters of the trains are running

In this case possibly more like a quarter of the trains Monkey.

Terrible way of doing business.


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 05 Sep 20 12.11pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

It’s only the cost of one salon visit for Parish so I doubt the amount registers with him.



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bicycle repair man 05 Sep 20 12.42pm Send a Private Message to bicycle repair man Add bicycle repair man as a friend

Originally posted by monkey

Just a little quote from Bromley FC’s chairman “we refuse to sell season tickets for a product we can’t provide” Take note Mr Parish, it’s like selling you a season ticket for your commute to work on the train and only 3 quarters of the trains are running

The Bromley chairman is absolutely right.
We're in an extremely volatile situation,and they may be no trains running at all.
After 30+ years as a season ticket holder I shan't be renewing this season.


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 05 Sep 20 1.56pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by bicycle repair man

The Bromley chairman is absolutely right.
We're in an extremely volatile situation,and they may be no trains running at all.
After 30+ years as a season ticket holder I shan't be renewing this season.

This is going g to look rather silly when Parish is trying to get lapsed fans back in for 21-22 and putting them in general sale will cause lots to knock it on the head for another season. Parish got blinded by the free credit I think.



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