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Brighton vs Crystal Palace - Match Thread

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The Dolphin Flag 15 Mar 23 9.24pm Send a Private Message to The Dolphin Add The Dolphin as a friend

Does Clyne ever pass the ball forwards?


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davenotamonkey Flag 15 Mar 23 9.25pm Send a Private Message to davenotamonkey Add davenotamonkey as a friend

We are s***. Utterly irredeemably s***.

Zero quality. Zero product. Zero drive. I genuinely give up


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards grumpymort Flag US/Thailand/UK 15 Mar 23 9.26pm Send a Private Message to grumpymort Add grumpymort as a friend

Need to stop the pointless knocking ball around slowly and keep going back to the keeper.

What is with trying to walk the ball into the net the other end remind anyone of another team who used to be like this (Arsenal)

Wilf again showing why no big club wanted to touch him.

This game sums up the manger and his assistant have no clue.

We need to clear out most of the staff get in some proper coaches which would on defense and attacking.

I would say our fitness isn't anything special either.

I look at these players and under other managers would be going far better and have confidence.


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Mathers Flag 15 Mar 23 9.27pm Send a Private Message to Mathers Add Mathers as a friend

Vieira has to go NOW.

Literally doesn’t matter who we bring in to replace until end of the season. We urgently need a fresh perspective/ voice to try and motivate this shambles of a squad. New manager bounce could be enough to save us.

Anybody who wants Vieira to stay at this point is clueless.


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Mugaman Flag 15 Mar 23 9.27pm Send a Private Message to Mugaman Add Mugaman as a friend

I've never said this before despite the inept performances but that's it. We can't stick with PV.

A sign of a good manager is where they improve players. This is v obvious with Brighton and also especially with Howe at Newcastle.

Can anyone name a single player PV as improved? I can't think of a single player.

Tactically we are nowhere. Effort wise we are nowhere. It's absolutely shambolic.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards robdave2k Flag 15 Mar 23 9.27pm

Originally posted by davenotamonkey

We are s***. Utterly irredeemably s***.

Zero quality. Zero product. Zero drive. I genuinely give up

The frustrating thing is we do have a good team.

Case of bad coaching, and poor fitness.


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Rogers the legend Flag Auckland 15 Mar 23 9.29pm Send a Private Message to Rogers the legend Add Rogers the legend as a friend

Lets get a manager who will put a rocket up this lots arse.


It's not the size of the dog in the fight, but the size of the fight in the dog.

Archie Griffen

Hating Brighton since 1974

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SarfNorwoodAl Flag South Norwood 15 Mar 23 9.30pm

Parrish should meet PV after the game for fish and chips on the prom and tell him you're fired.
Get Jesse March in someone with passion on the touchline and who will play attacking football.


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humber eagle Flag hull 15 Mar 23 9.31pm Send a Private Message to humber eagle Add humber eagle as a friend

Absolutely no passion shown tonight, the one game we could have turned a corner. Instead have become a push over, hy the weekend we'll be in deep s***e


In my day, a Selfie was what you had when the wife didn't put out.

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kennybrowns leftfoot Flag Reigate 15 Mar 23 9.31pm Send a Private Message to kennybrowns leftfoot Add kennybrowns leftfoot as a friend

Originally posted by Mathers

Vieira has to go NOW.

Literally doesn’t matter who we bring in to replace until end of the season. We urgently need a fresh perspective/ voice to try and motivate this shambles of a squad. New manager bounce could be enough to save us.

Anybody who wants Vieira to stay at this point is clueless.

Yep I agree... If he stays we go down it's as simple as that.. I don't care who it is if I'm honest but a change is drastically needed to try and inject some life into this squad.


Don't waste your time with jealousy. Sometimes your ahead, sometimes your behind, the race is long. But in the end it's only with yourself!!

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DenTyler Flag Sidcup 15 Mar 23 9.32pm Send a Private Message to DenTyler Add DenTyler as a friend

Awful. Just awful.


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Uphill Flag Bedford 15 Mar 23 9.36pm Send a Private Message to Uphill Add Uphill as a friend

The Pluses:
1. only lost by one goal
2. Southampton beaten

and the Minuses:
A blank sheet of A4 wouldn't be large enough


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