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5 facts about me

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Beckenhameagle Flag 'nham 29 Oct 05 4.05pm Send a Private Message to Beckenhameagle Add Beckenhameagle as a friend

1.I live in Beckenham

2.I'm currently extreamly bored waiting for saturday night to hurry up and come

3.I spend 5 hours down the gym a week (great fun that is , but its gotta be done)

4.I ALSO have signed the offical secrets act, 3 weeks ago

5.I'm gonna get mashed tonight!


As Danny Butterfield wheeled away, arms aloft in celebration of his third goal – an expression of delight and astonishment on his face – a man seated beside me in the stands turned to his young son and told him that he would remember this moment for the rest of his life. I will too.

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Matt_Hep Flag Block B 30 Oct 05 12.28am Send a Private Message to Matt_Hep Add Matt_Hep as a friend

Who HASN'T signed the 'secrets act'?


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morganistic Flag 30 Oct 05 12.33am Send a Private Message to morganistic Add morganistic as a friend

good shout matt

1. i HAVEN'T signed the official secrets act.

2. i'm a bit worried about that.

3. my name is paul.

4. i suffer from a form of undiagnosed disorder.

5. c**t b*llocks arseholic!


''careful Penny - we don't know what we're dealing with here''

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bexy Flag - 30 Oct 05 4.18am Send a Private Message to bexy Add bexy as a friend

My name is Bekki, facts interesting or not:

1. Got 5 middle names all spelling an acrostic
2. I would like to be a flight attendant or co-pilot
3. Born on first day of the Horoscope year!
4. I'm the neice of ERYR and kid of PALACEPOPULARFRONT...
5. My uncle played for Palace and is now a Newcastle Scout!


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eryr Flag Caerphillydelphia 30 Oct 05 9.16am Send a Private Message to eryr Add eryr as a friend

1) bexy_bex is my niece!!
2) I have run in 3 marathons and countless 1/2 marathons since giving up rugby a few years ago.
3) In addition to English, I can speak Welsh and German.
4) I was born in St Mary's Maternity Hosp., St James' Road, Croydon.
5) I also signed the Official Secrets Act when I was 16 when I joined the RAF. But I can't tell you that...


Dulce et decorum est pro Palace mori

"Gee, you and I oughtta get on swell Mister Burton, as we're both Selts".
"No, I am a Selt. You are a Sunt."

"24 hours in a day, 24 beers in a case. Coincidence? I think not." ~ Stephen Wright


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matthig2005 Flag Lewisham 30 Oct 05 9.29am Send a Private Message to matthig2005 Add matthig2005 as a friend

1) My Name is Matt (in case your a bit slow, and couldnt work it out for yourself!)
2) I live in Catford
3) I sit down the bottom of Holmesdale block F
4) My favourite player is Wayne Andrews
5) Its my 16th birthday next month (I'll be expecting a present!)


"Yes, I can empathise with his frustrations: they'd just been beaten 7-0. The fact that I was dancing round the room laughing doesn't mean I can't understand the exasperation."
-Simon Jordan

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asianeagle Flag Hampshire 31 Oct 05 9.37am Send a Private Message to asianeagle Add asianeagle as a friend

1. I am not asian. I just live there.
2. I am 6ft 5" tall
3. Years ago I competed against Jonathan Edwards at triple jump. He got good thereafter; I didn't...
4. I am going to the Antarctic in January
5. I used to work with Rachel Steven's cousin


Grabbing defeat from the jaws of victory

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Christal Palace Flag 31 Oct 05 10.25am Send a Private Message to Christal Palace Add Christal Palace as a friend

Quote Matt_Hep at 30 Oct 2005 12:28am

Who HASN'T signed the 'secrets act'?



Peter Taylor's Red 'n' Blue Army!

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Matt_Hep Flag Block B 01 Nov 05 12.30am Send a Private Message to Matt_Hep Add Matt_Hep as a friend

1.My name is Matt Hepburn
2.I was born in a sink in the Latin Quarter of Paris in 1983.
3.I now live in Camden Town
4.I support PSG as well as Palace
5.Block B of the Holmesdale is my second home.


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Nelson Muntz Flag ME10 27 Mar 06 12.49am Send a Private Message to Nelson Muntz Add Nelson Muntz as a friend

Old thread, but I thought I'd have a go.

1. I was in a Finnish TV documentary called 'Man In The Mirror' about Aki Riihilahti.

2. I'm mates with an ex Brighton goalkeeper who now coaches at Chelsea.

3. I'm mates with an ex Palace Welsh international.

4. I know the current Northampton goalkeeper.

5. I have had the 'lucky' number in the progamme twice to go on the half time challenge, but lost in the ballot both times.


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Palace Adam Flag Adelaide 27 Mar 06 6.44am Send a Private Message to Palace Adam Add Palace Adam as a friend

OK Then...

1) My name, suprisingly is Adam.

2) I live in Adelaide, Australia after leaving that lovely town Brighton in January 2006.

3) I have a degree in Film/Video, Media and Society.

4) I hate Brighton more than Millwall, Charlton and Man United put together.

5) I now play for Noarlunga United FC at a newly found and loved Centre Half role.


Oz Clique... Keeping the message board active during the hours of 12-8am!

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Dancpfc Flag Milton Keynes 27 Mar 06 8.44am Send a Private Message to Dancpfc Add Dancpfc as a friend

1-I have two autographs from the cast of 24 (Carlos Bernard [Tony Almeda] and Penny Johnson Jerald [Sherry Palmer])

2-I also have a piece of a tie from series 1 of 24

3-I work for a football team

4-I failed two modules at uni

5-I've served Darren Gough in a sports shop


Facebook: [Link]

For some things there is no rational explanation. There is no way out. There is no happy ending to this story. Welcome to the unknown. Welcome to eternal darkness. Welcome... to oblivion.

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