Gender: | Male |
Marital Status: | Married |
Birthday: | July 12 1967 |
Location: | ....back in London now (Hong Kong) |
Occupation: | Underwriter |
August 16 2011 | |
Singapore Eagle has updated his location to ....back in London now 11.59pm | |
August 13 2010 | |
Singapore Eagle first container arriving on Tuesday...I'll b elooking forward to go back to work. Fed up with gardening, cleaning and the restof the crap that moving house makes you do.... 10.35pm | |
August 03 2010 | |
Singapore Eagle ......looking forward to using my first season ticket since the 94-95 season on Saturday.... 9.53pm | |
June 28 2010 | |
Singapore Eagle the packers have started........back in the UK in 8 days 3.10am | |
June 06 2010 | |
Singapore Eagle ...the kids enjoyed the 5 hour slow cooked lamb - a recipe to keep! 11.22am | |
June 02 2010 | |
Singapore Eagle was not really looking forward to moving back to the UK.....but yesterday gave some hope that he might find something to enjoy! 3.27pm | |
June 01 2010 | |
Singapore Eagle is just about staying optimistic................ 3.33pm | |
Singapore Eagle is just about staying optimistic................ 3.33pm | |
Singapore Eagle is just about staying optimistic................ 3.33pm | |
Singapore Eagle is just about staying optimistic................ 3.32pm | |
May 31 2010 | |
Singapore Eagle can't be with you in person, but certainly at SP in spirit........ 2.48pm | |
May 19 2010 | |
Singapore Eagle having a blast in Ho Chi Minh City........ 5.36pm | |
May 09 2010 | |
Singapore Eagle Back in the London Office for a week..... 9.50pm | |
May 02 2010 | |
Singapore Eagle Well done lads - and well done to all those who travelled up and shouted throughout the game 3.27pm |
Private Msg: | Send |
Member Since: | April 26 2004 |
Laid up badly | 20 Apr 2017 8.24am | |
Have you seen anyone famous today and where? | 08 May 2007 8.40am | |
What is your 2nd favorite team and why ? | 07 Aug 2005 11.50am | |
Where did you get your username from? | 30 Mar 2005 2.42pm | |
Immigrants | 30 Mar 2005 2.22pm | |
Creation vs. Evolution Debate | 10 Jan 2005 11.42am | |
Creation vs. Evolution Debate | 10 Jan 2005 11.31am | |
Creation vs. Evolution Debate | 07 Jan 2005 5.31pm | |
Creation vs. Evolution Debate | 07 Jan 2005 5.27pm | |
Creation vs. Evolution Debate | 07 Jan 2005 5.07pm |
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