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February 17 2025 10.25am


August 17 2021
Jamesey has updated his interests 10.03pm
July 25 2021
Jamesey regretted the old Palace Demon hovering ovver the Ipswich friendly - the seemingly total inbility to tuck away cast-iron chances. 9.39pm
July 13 2021
Jamesey wonders why the opinions of Mings justify top media headlines? Who bloody cares what he thinks about anything? 11.13am
July 08 2021
Jamesey was seriously tempted to renew his season ticket after 40 years. But then recovered. 5.48pm
Jamesey was seriously tempted to renew his season ticket after 40 years. But then didn’t,. 5.47pm
June 02 2021
Jamesey is surprised that there was obviously no plan at all to follow Roy's departure. So when time is crucial we go through the laborious interview routines. 9.09am
Jamesey is surprised that there was obviously no plan at all to follow Roy's departure. So when time is crucial we gothrough the laborious interview routines. 9.09am
May 24 2021
Jamesey wonders at the fact some accept such a low level of football to stay in the Loadsadosh. Others found liverpool easy meat at Anfield while we were lucky to keep it down to 2-0. 2.06pm
Jamesey wonders at the fact some accept such a low level of football to stay in the Loadsadosh. 2.04pm
May 23 2021
Jamesey hopes for better times to come...after the dismal dismal display at Anfield. For the love of God get a manager who'll have a go at least. Goodbye Roy - time to put your feet up. 8.49pm
May 18 2021
Jamesey was delighted at the second half of the Villa game. Just showed what the team can do if they are set up properly. Most of the time they are not but presumably Roy has his reasons. 11.41am
May 01 2021
Jamesey thought the 2-0 defeat against Citeh was incredibly flattering 12-0 would have reflected the game but for MC's unusually bad finishing. What idiot brought in Mateta? 3.11pm
Jamesey thought the 2-0 defeat against Citeh was incredibly flattering 12-0 would hev reflected the game but for MC's unusually bad finishing. What idiot brought in Mateta? 2.47pm
April 27 2021
Jamesey enjoyed us looking like a decent football team again versus the Foxes. Could easily have nicked a point there but.... 12.44pm
April 05 2021
Jamesey is chuckling with mirth at another unbelievable draw against Everton. How do we do it? 10.00pm
March 12 2021
Jamesey hopes that when West Brom get relegated Fatso Sam will pay the club the £2m he would have got for keeping them up. 8.57pm
March 08 2021
Jamesey thought we were lucky to escape another really big thumping from Tottenham. The old dismal and clueless Palace appears again. 11.47am
Jamesey thought we were lucky to escape another really big thumping from Tottenham. The old dismal and clueless Palce appears again. 11.47am
March 04 2021
Jamesey expected a massacre but the Eagles are never predictable and could have beaten Man U if PVA had ben more ruthless in the dying minutes. 11.34am
Jamesey expected a massacre but the Eagles are never predictable and could hav wonthis game if PVA had ben more ruthless in the dying minutes. 11.33am
February 28 2021
Jamesey wonders whether there is a worse team in the Prem at present. All the relegation candidates look brilliant beside us. Fearful of Man U on Wednesday. 3.00pm
February 23 2021
Jamesey is lost for words after the amazing Brighton win. One of the strangest results ever. 12.41pm
February 13 2021
Jamesey has watched seven relegation seasons and rarely missed a game but today against Burnley and the previous fiasco against Leeds i can't remember such a spineless, inept and useless bunch of tossers in Palace shirts. I cam't watch much more garbage like this 8.27pm
Jamesey has watched seven relegation seasons and rarely missed a game but today against Burnley and the previous fiasco against Leeds i can't remember such a spineless, inept and useless bunch of tossers in Palace shirts. like others here I am reaching the point 8.25pm
February 09 2021
Jamesey Another spineless display at Leeds. Conceding early goals is becoming an embarrassing habit. Not one Palace player looked any use at all. How we are still mid-table is a blinking miracle. 12.09pm
Jamesey Another spineless display at Leeds. Conceding early goals is becoming an embarrassing habit. Not one Palace player looked any se at all. How we are still mid-table is a blinking miracle. 12.09pm
Jamesey Another spineless display at Leeds. Conceding early goals is becoming an embrrassing habit. Not one Palace player looked any use atall. How we are still mid-table is a blinking miracle.. 12.07pm
January 27 2021
Jamesey will be delighted when Lew-Lew's Back in Town (apologies to Thomas J Waller). 8.19pm
Jamesey is glad he didn't renew, thanks to covid19. The thought of paying more than I did for that dismally awful display is beyond thinking about. 8.17pm
January 17 2021
Jamesey was daft enough to think the Arsenal match was encouraging. The pathetic and hopeless display against Man C quickly disproved that. 9.22pm
January 15 2021
Jamesey considered gaining a point from in-form Arsenal was excellent. 12.20pm
January 09 2021
Jamesey wonders why we bothered to turn up at Molyneux. Would have been easier to give Wolves a walk-over which is what we did anyway. Alarmingly drab display. 8.29am
January 02 2021
Jamesey notes that Eagles' next game is versus Sheffield Utd who have yet to win. We all know what that means... 11.26am
December 29 2020
Jamesey can hardly believe that the team against Foxes could be so abysmal in 1st half and so good in early 2nd half. Extraordinary schizoid! 11.43am
December 26 2020
Jamesey watched Palace suffer another well-justified defeat at Villa Park. Outwitted by 10 men in 2nd half. Can we expect another seasonal stuffing against the Foxes? 8.28pm
December 19 2020
Jamesey had a nightmare and dreamed that Eagles were stuffed 7-0 at home by least the 9-0 was away all those years ago. 8.49pm
December 16 2020
Jamesey finds watching Palace a pleasure again - for the moment anyway. 9.50am
December 07 2020
Jamesey is dumbdounded at the Baggies goalfest. Benteke - 2.? What? 8.25am
December 01 2020
Jamesey sees relegation zone within two weeks. 9.04pm
November 28 2020
Jamesey was surprised at the number of chances we missed. 8.24pm
Jamesey was surprised at the number of chances we mised. 5.50pm
Jamesey was surprised at the nmber of chances we mised. 5.50pm
November 27 2020
Jamesey wonders what’s happening. Burnley and Newcastle - absolute joke. 10.15pm
November 23 2020
Jamesey was not surprised. Struggling teams must lick their lips when we arrive. Embarrassing display. 9.40pm
October 31 2020
Jamesey was disappointed to see how outclassed we were aginst Wolves. Some awful and inept performances from professional players. Jairo was terrible.. 8.23am
October 29 2020
Jamesey found the Fulham game encouraging. But why are we so obliging in leaking late goals these days? 2.43pm
Jamesey found the Fulham game encouraging. But why are so obliging in leaking late goals these days? 2.43pm
October 22 2020
Jamesey was eagerly awaiting a trip to Craven Cottage...but sadly it wasn't to be. 3.23pm
October 19 2020
Jamesey is embarrassed to be a Crystal Palace supporter after the shocking display against Brighton. Don't bother with highlights any more. There aren't any. 11.31am
October 03 2020
Jamesey observes that after a false dawn we were abysmal against Chelsea. Losing 4-0 against a top side no disgrace but gutless and witless is disgraceful. 2.40pm
September 26 2020
Jamesey wonders why Wilf gave up after his yellow card against Everton. He was total rubbish in second half. 8.24pm
Jamesey wondwes why Wilf gave up after his yellow card against Everton. He was rotal rubbish in second half. 8.24pm
September 14 2020
Jamesey just received email telling him to renew by Thurs (17th) or possibly lose nice seat. Despite dreadful deal on offer sorely tempted after 40 years plus as ST holder. 4.49pm
Jamesey just got email reminding him to renew by Thurs (17th). After more than 40 years as ST holder weakening despite the bum deal on offer. 4.15pm
September 10 2020
Jamesey is not renewing or being blackmailed to cough up £200. 12.39pm
August 30 2020
Jamesey enjoyed the Charlton friendly but was playing a lower league team too flattering? 10.39pm
Jamesey enjoyed the Charlton friendly was playing a lower league team too flattering? 10.38pm
August 19 2020
Jamesey fears the appearance of the "black dog" 12.45pm
July 23 2020
Jamesey wonders what the arrangements will be for 20/21 season? 10.05am
Jamesey wnders what the arrangements will be for 20/21 season? 10.05am
July 21 2020
Jamesey is relieved the seasons nearly ended. Can't bear watching Palce flops any more. 50:50 whether to bother renewing for next season 10.02am
July 16 2020
Jamesey will be absolutely delighted if the Eagles get anything from Man U game tonight. But not optimistic after Villa no-show. 3.29pm
July 07 2020
Jamesey watched the Chelsea game with trepidation but was very happy with our post-Wilf goal performance...a bit of bottle and guts like we expect from our team. 11.43pm
Jamesey watched the Chelsea game with trepidation but was very happy with out post=Wilf goal performance...a bit of bottle and guts like we expect from our team. 11.42pm
July 04 2020
Jamesey is tiring of even watching Palace games any more. Even worse than Burnley and a total embarrassment. But for the points cushion this sad bunch would be certs for relegation. Will NOT be watching MOTD. 5.07pm
Jamesey is tiring of even watching Palace games any more. Even worse than Burnley and a total embarrassment. But for the points cushion this sad bunch would be certs for rlegation. Will NOT be watching MOTD. 5.07pm
July 01 2020
Jamesey has stayed resolutely loyal to everything Roy has done at CPFC but perhaps enough is enough? Burnley was atrocious. 8.01am
Jamesey has stayed reso;utely loyal to everything Roy has done at CPFC but perhaps enough is enough? Burnley was atrocious. 8.01am
June 29 2020
Jamesey has got his rebate and after that disgraceful rubbish against Clarets seriously wondering whether to bother renewing again. A real low point. 10.05pm
June 27 2020
Jamesey Is not happy at CPFC breaking record as most spineless performance in EPL records. Really proud of that . 😖 6.44am
June 25 2020
Jamesey is ashamed at the pathetic capitulation at Anfield. Most disgraceful lack of effort and desire I have ever witnessed in a long history. 8.12am
June 23 2020
Jamesey thinks the team is heading for Anfield at the right time for a full-blooded battle. The Scousers who were so lame against Everton won't be so passive for this one... 12.48pm
Jamesey thinks the team is heading for Anfield at the right time. The Scousers who were so lame against Everton won't be so passive for this one... 12.47pm
Jamesey thinks the team is heading for Anfield at the right time. The Scousers who were so lame against Everton won't be there for this one... 9.03am
June 20 2020
Jamesey wonders whether we were that good or Cherries were that useless. Whatever, it was a delightful game to watch from CPFC angle... 11.08pm
Jamesey making virtual trip to Bournemouth tonite. RIP Kayla. 5.42am
June 18 2020
Jamesey is hurt by accusations of gloom. After 60 years as Palace supporter it's the unbelievable moaners on this site who regard 7 seasons in top division as failure. What utter pillocks. OK? 9.49am
Jamesey Prepare to meet thy Zoom. Be charitable to the aged and infirm, Nic. 6.19am
Jamesey Prepare 6.17am
June 13 2020
Jamesey is trying to fathom how to work Zoom. They say it's easy but.... 5.13pm
June 07 2020
Jamesey has emerged into light of day after incarceration at St Georges, Tooting. Absolutely wonderful medics and nurses and I stll wonder why they spend so much time and effort on old crocks like me. Time would be better spent with young people. 8.05pm
Jamesey has emerged into light of day after incarceration at St Georges, Tooting. Absolutely wonderful medics and nurses and I stll wonder why they spend so much time and effort on old crocks like me. Time would be better spent with young people but then, they do 8.05pm
April 29 2020
Jamesey has been watching 2013 play-offs game against Watford, Glorious sunny May day at Wembley. Was there to witness the obvious foul against Wilf for our penalty winner. Completely forgotten about some CPFC players like Moxey and Wilbraham... 11.02pm
April 28 2020
Jamesey has been watching 2013 play-offs game against Watford, Glorious sunny May day at Wembley. Was there to witness Wilf's winning penalty. Completely forgotten about some CPFC players like Moxey and Wilbraham... 6.48pm
April 01 2020
Jamesey has cracked and watched highlights of 1990 league 1-0 win v Scousers. Definitely best Palace team in my lifetime by miles. 6.52pm
March 29 2020
Jamesey is not yet desperate enough to watch videos of old Palace games. But in time who knows? 12.03am
March 21 2020
Jamesey admits he might have been wrong. Could be worse than the "Black Death" 10.56am
March 15 2020
Jamesey thinks there has been a hysterical overreaction. The percentage of fatalities is very small. This isn't the Black Death for f***'s sake. 9.14pm
Jamesey I 5.10pm
March 14 2020
Jamesey thinks there has been a hysterical overreaction. The percentage of fatalities is very small. This isn't the Black Death for f***'s sake. 9.18pm
Jamesey thinks there has been a hystrical overreaction. The percentage of fatalities is very small. This isn't the Black Death for f***'s sake. 10.30am
Jamesey thinks ther has been a hystrical overreaction. the percentage of fatalities is very small. This isn't the Black Death for f***'s sake. 10.29am
March 10 2020
Jamesey has hopes for a top 10 or even top 8 finish, luck, injuries and suspensions willing. Would prove how useless Roy is to some of the idiots on this site. 5.08pm
March 02 2020
Jamesey held his breath while watching the Seagulls match. They looked a useful team but just couldn't score. We looked a very odinary team but did score. That's football, sunshine... 11.27am
February 17 2020
Jamesey watched Chelsea/Man U game. How can Var be so great in rugby and how absolutely useless in football? 11.58pm
February 15 2020
Jamesey is enjoying a weekend without worrying about Palace or Welsh rugby. 12.05am
February 08 2020
Jamesey wonders what on earth happened to one of the best defensive sides in the league. Appalling against Everton... 2.24pm
Jamesey wonders what on earth happened to one of the best defensive sides in the leagues. Appalling against Everton... 2.24pm
February 03 2020
Jamesey always reads the "experts" on the boards for a good laugh. They're out in force at the moment especially the American ones. They all know better than Roy. 9.03am
February 01 2020
Jamesey can't really believe that we play very well, concede a goal through a freak keeper error and a bunch of effing idiots are howling for Roy to resign. Really defies reality. 11.56pm
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