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Not for sale

January 8 2006

Neil McDonald

Neil McDonald

Neil McDonald has issued a hands-off warning to clubs chasing ANDY JOHNSON.

Birmingham are the latest club to be linked with a £6m move for JOHNSON, who scored in Saturday's 4-1 FA Cup win against Northampton.

But Palace assistant manager McDonald was in defiant mood after his side eased past their League Two opponents.

McDonald said: "Obviously the window's open and there's always going to be speculation about AJ.

"He's a fantastic player and other clubs want him.

"But the chairman and the manager say he's not going anywhere.

"He's back scoring goals again and hopefully that will put him in the frame for England."

McDonald admitted he was relieved to get

through against tricky opposition.

He said: "We knew it would be tough because we've watched Northampton a couple of times and they're doing well in their league.

"I felt we were in control. We were disappointed to concede and they came back into it, but we rode it out, came back strongly and scored some good goals."

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