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January 14 2025 2.32am

Email Alerts

What are News Alerts?

News Alerts are emails which are sent to you when a news story is added to the site.

How can I get News Alerts?

You must be a registered user to receive News Alerts

If you are not registered yet, go to our Registration page.

If you are registered, you must be logged into the site before preceeding.

If you are logged in, to go the 'Edit Your Profile' page where you can enable News Alerts (at the bottom of the page).

How often do the emails come?

A News Alert email will be sent as soon as a news story is published on the website.

In the 'Edit Your Profile' page you can select whether you want to receive the emails from Monday-Sunday or Monday-Friday (perhaps for a work email address).

I'm already signed up to News Alerts, but don't want them anymore

Go to the Edit Your Profile page, and de-select the tick box, next to the 'News Alert' option, and then hit the Update button to save your choice.

You are here: Home > News > Email Alerts