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Fan of the Week

October 9 2008

Robert Shepherd

Robert Shepherd

Crystal Palace Fan of the Week is Robert Shepherd. Have you submitted your entry?


Robert Shepherd

Where do you live?

La Zenia, Spain

Which part of the ground do you sit?

Holmesdale Lower

How did you become a Palace fan?

I was a late starter and have only supported Palace for 40 years. Until the 1960s I did not even like football, then I saw the Spurs “double-team” and realised that it can be a great game.

For much of the 60s I travelled up to North Londonto watch Spurs, then after University (1968) I decided to give my local team a chance – Cliff Jackson, David Payne – and of course John Jackson soon converted me to my “true” team. Soon I was travelling to away games and watching almost all the home games.

My parents had taken some interest in football (due to the 1966 World Cup) and soon decided to become season ticket holders at Palace. We often travelled together to away games on the “Glaziers” coach.

Tell us about your first Palace game?

I can’t remember any specific game – except the one I didn’t watch. Confident that Palace would easily beat Fulham in the last game of that first promotion season, I decided it wasn’t worth going to the match. I look back with regret and can hardly believe my stupidity.

Your favourite player of all time?

Very difficult – John Jackson, Peter Taylor, Peter Wall, Jim Cannon and John McCormack were early contenders, more recently Ian Wright, Dougie Freedman and NIGEL MARTYN are candidates. Mostly I feel lucky to have seen so many great players. On balance I think Ian Wright just takes the honours – apart from his huge talent he always seemed to have a sense of his role / duty – and of course the Cup Final has to be a very special memory.

Best goal you've seen?

Sorry – it wasn’t a Palace goal – though certainly John “Yogi” Huges, Alan Whittle, Don Rogers and John Salako gave us great moments. The best ever was Jimmy Greaves against Leicester City in the mid-60s, catching Pat Jennings’ clearance at the half-way line and jinking forward to tap the goal in the net with 4 or 5 defenders still lying on the ground from trying to tackle him. Better than John Barns in Brazilor Michael Owen’s fantastic goal, or some of George Best’s great goals.

Favourite Palace memory?

Sitting in the Stand, watching a reserve match as the news was coming through from Wrexham, where we had to win by 2 clear goals to get out of the 3rdDivision, is probably the second best moment. Going to the 1976 Cup run up at Leeds and Sunderlandwas also magical. However Palace 4 Liverpool 3 in the semi-final has to be the best moment.

Best Palace kit?

I’m sure this needs a reference to Fiona Richmond’s kit in Malcolm Alison’s time, but to be truthful I don’t really notice kits – except perhaps the very irritating kit used for the Cup Final reply.

Why do you think you should be voted Fan of the Year?

(written on behalf of my family for my father- It's virtually impossible to get him to brag about his Palace loyalty)

My dad's shouts on the terrace of 'Come on you P's' are the stuff of legends, up there with the likes of 'Joyce the Voice'. You'll never see him in a replica kit, or hear him swear or fail to see him clap a good goal by the other team for that matter, however crucial it may be. I never stop learning about my dad's love for the club.

He didn't batter an eyelid when asked to help financially during the desperate plight of administration, and the ludicrous sum he agreed to 'lend' the club, was enough to almost tip my mum over the edge!! I'd like to put on record as well that my dad has always liked Ron Noades and felt that as a Chariman he truley loved Palace and was always around the ground available for a natter.

For the last 5 or so years my dad has lived in Spain, which hasn't stopped him from still attending the majority of home games, although his away trips are a little more limited nowadays. I often get a call to say 'hold onto my ticket' as my dad has decided to book a day trip over to watch Palace when things are not going too well, just so he can see for himself.

Now in his 60's he resents paying OAP prices and like many others would rather see the return of terracing than premier league status, which he still blames on bad policing rather than the actions of the supporters in the terracing days. Only once in all my life have i seen my dad leave a game early.

That was in the early 80's when darts and snooker balls were landing in our end at The Old Den and he decided enough was enough, with three toddelers in tow. I've never known a boxing day when we weren't all draged to one end of the country by my dad to watch palace, rain or shine (or snow).

I continue to learn more and more. Last Christmas my brother bought the Hy Money Palace Book for my dad. Upon looking at it my dad said, "Oh Hy Money, look Norman (my grandad) do you you remember Hy Money?" Apparently they had given her lifts to the away games in the 1970's.

or when i was looking at a family album of baby pictures and next to my eldest brothers very first picture were two tickets for the Crystal palace supporters club train to Cardiff on November 25th 1978.

Apparently my dad was all set for a trip to Cardiff when my mum inconvenienced him by slipping into labour!!

He's one of the best Palace have ever had. He never asks the club for a thing. But is greatful forever all the good times. Long may they continue.

We are searching for Crystal Palace's Fan of the Year 2008.

This award will honour the supporter who demonstrates a high standard of dedication, passion and loyalty to Crystal Palace - voted by fellow fans.

They may travel hundreds of miles for each home game, may have had a red and blue themed wedding, named a child after Palace player, not missed a game in years, have a massive tattoo of the club crest... you get the idea!

Over the coming months, we will feature a mini interview with the Fan of the Week. Then at the end of the year, YOU have the chance to review the candidates and vote on our voting page who you think should be crowned Crystal Palace Fan of the Year 2008. The winning fan will get a specially-engraved trophy.

Simply copy and paste the questions above and email your answers with "Fan of Year" in the subject line to with a photo of yourself in Palace colours and we will publish the best ones each week.

The closing date for entries will be in December 2008 and voting will take place shorty after with the winner announced in January 2009 and presented with the trophy and honour of being crowned Fan of the Year.

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