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FA Cup final tickets (details/buy/sell/swap)

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Eggy118 Flag 10 May 16 9.26pm Send a Private Message to Eggy118 Add Eggy118 as a friend

Possibly a long shot but does anyone have tickets in United end or club Wembley they want to swap?


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EagleLee79 Flag Mablethorpe, Lincs 10 May 16 9.29pm Send a Private Message to EagleLee79 Add EagleLee79 as a friend

Originally posted by Michaelawt85

Go on crystal palace football club on Facebook . Go to posts by others . Someone selling two on there .

Have you got a link please? Not on facebook at all. Thanks


Add me on Xbox One or PS4 - Eaglelee79

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eagle2806 Flag Coventry 10 May 16 9.41pm Send a Private Message to eagle2806 Add eagle2806 as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'cup final ticket' by Old Chap

Hi, I know its a long shot but should anybody finds themselves or knows of anybody with a spare ticket for the final then please message me, I am a gold member and therefore I have got my ticket but I would really like to take my son, I was there in 1990 but obviously he wasn't lol, I am in two minds whether to just give my ticket to my son but I dont think he would be confident enough to travel there himself, thanks for reading.
fingers crossed


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eagle2806 Flag Coventry 10 May 16 9.57pm Send a Private Message to eagle2806 Add eagle2806 as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Not another FA Cup Final tickets thread moan, zzzz' by Old Chap

1978 I started attending selhurst park, I find myself in phase 4 due to work and family commitments, I now live in coventry, from 1988- 1998 i had 3 season tickets in the arthur and we as a family went home and away for 12 years, we were at the final in 1990 and the semi final, do i deserve a ticket? I have got one because i am a gold member, nowadays I attend more away games than home games, do I deserve a ticket?


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readallaboutit123 Flag Croydon 10 May 16 10.00pm Send a Private Message to readallaboutit123 Add readallaboutit123 as a friend

On club web site All tickets sold out! Gutted but again as per previous post...enjoy everyone and all of us that can't go will be right behind you and cheering for our boys! We can do this!


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Bearcage Flag Welling 10 May 16 10.12pm Send a Private Message to Bearcage Add Bearcage as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Not another FA Cup Final tickets thread moan, zzzz' by Old Chap

I thought the phased selling approach worked really well. I had a choice of buying in an early phase, or waiting until the phase 5 and also getting a ticket for my daughter, who's also a member but didn't have enough points.
I waited, my seat isn't as good as if I'd bought earlier, but that was my choice so we sat together.
If every season ticket holder was able to buy 2 or 3 tickets, then they would've gone to non-member friends and family (or been flogged on) and there would've been nothing left for the members to buy.


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palace777 Flag belfast 10 May 16 10.13pm Send a Private Message to palace777 Add palace777 as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Not another FA Cup Final tickets thread moan, zzzz' by Old Chap

Originally posted by eagle2806

1978 I started attending selhurst park, I find myself in phase 4 due to work and family commitments, I now live in coventry, from 1988- 1998 i had 3 season tickets in the arthur and we as a family went home and away for 12 years, we were at the final in 1990 and the semi final, do i deserve a ticket? I have got one because i am a gold member, nowadays I attend more away games than home games, do I deserve a ticket?



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OllieMaidstoneEagle Flag Maidstone, Kent 10 May 16 10.32pm Send a Private Message to OllieMaidstoneEagle Add OllieMaidstoneEagle as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Difference between £65 tickets and £45 tickets?' by Old Chap

Originally posted by mountaineagle

went to the semi and had £45 tickets - literally the back row with the back wall behind us. This was the view. Yes was far away but still very enjoyable. Have £45 ticket again.

That's my sister and nephew in the row below you! Ollie's Dad,Ash.


Red and Blue Army!
Football is not just a game, its a religion

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jf78 Flag 11 May 16 5.52am Send a Private Message to jf78 Add jf78 as a friend


careful if buying from craigslist


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cpfckieran Flag Sheffield 11 May 16 8.39am Send a Private Message to cpfckieran Add cpfckieran as a friend

Continue to live in hope that a genuine fan has a ticket to sell me really dont want to run the risk of being ripped off on craigslist


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mountaineagle Flag Enniskillen 11 May 16 8.40am Send a Private Message to mountaineagle Add mountaineagle as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Difference between £65 tickets and £45 tickets?' by Old Chap

Originally posted by ZIGnZAG

What block and row was that?

My son tells me we were block 518 row 28 for the semi. I'm in the equivilant in the final without my son. Block 544 row 25 this time.


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mountaineagle Flag Enniskillen 11 May 16 8.42am Send a Private Message to mountaineagle Add mountaineagle as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Difference between £65 tickets and £45 tickets?' by Old Chap

Originally posted by OllieMaidstoneEagle

That's my sister and nephew in the row below you! Ollie's Dad,Ash.

Proof they were there! Can't hide anywhere.


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