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FA Cup final tickets (details/buy/sell/swap)

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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 11 May 16 2.15pm Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Originally posted by sydtheeagle

Maybe you should tell him you're aware the tickets you're buying have just been sold to someone else and see what he says...he'll probably choke on his bowl of scouse.

Edited by sydtheeagle (11 May 2016 2.07pm)

The post has been taken down from facebook.


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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marchyusa Flag NJ, USA 11 May 16 2.16pm Send a Private Message to marchyusa Add marchyusa as a friend

Genuine fan travelling to game from USA. I have 2 tickets but have been offered 2 tickets in "Club Wembley" for 250 quid each. I would sell my 2 tickets to someone on here who needs them (250 quid each), so I can get the club ones.

A lot of money I know. Not even sure if this club wembley thing is worth it!

Anyway, if anyone is interested, PM me


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miles18 Flag Telford 11 May 16 2.21pm

He hasn't replied after I told him screenshots are great and trying to sell tickets he doesn't have and taking money of people is against the law.

Think he might have blocked me. Sorry to say but your friend ain't getting any money back.

Should have checked his profile out properly, looks like a chavvy c*** and I wouldn't have even given him 150p!!



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steph_eagle Flag Thornton Heath 11 May 16 2.23pm Send a Private Message to steph_eagle Add steph_eagle as a friend

Originally posted by marchyusa

Genuine fan travelling to game from USA. I have 2 tickets but have been offered 2 tickets in "Club Wembley" for 250 quid each. I would sell my 2 tickets to someone on here who needs them (250 quid each), so I can get the club ones.

A lot of money I know. Not even sure if this club wembley thing is worth it!

Anyway, if anyone is interested, PM me

You are not allowed to sell tickets for profit on here


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sean_ Flag 11 May 16 2.23pm Send a Private Message to sean_ Add sean_ as a friend

Originally posted by marchyusa

Genuine fan travelling to game from USA. I have 2 tickets but have been offered 2 tickets in "Club Wembley" for 250 quid each. I would sell my 2 tickets to someone on here who needs them (250 quid each), so I can get the club ones.

A lot of money I know. Not even sure if this club wembley thing is worth it!

Anyway, if anyone is interested, PM me

So you are over charging for your existing tickets so you can upgrade to club tickets? Nice


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sydtheeagle Flag England 11 May 16 2.24pm Send a Private Message to sydtheeagle Add sydtheeagle as a friend

Originally posted by marchyusa

Genuine fan travelling to game from USA. I have 2 tickets but have been offered 2 tickets in "Club Wembley" for 250 quid each. I would sell my 2 tickets to someone on here who needs them (250 quid each), so I can get the club ones.

A lot of money I know. Not even sure if this club wembley thing is worth it!

Anyway, if anyone is interested, PM me

So you'd rather sit with the prawn sandwich brigade than Palace supporters, but you'd like Palace supporters to foot the bill for the privilege. Classy post.


Sydenham by birth. Selhurst by the Grace of God.

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Westie Eagle Flag Surrey 11 May 16 2.26pm Send a Private Message to Westie Eagle Add Westie Eagle as a friend

Another one to ignore. Only a member since today. Muppet.


'Welcome To The Beautiful South'

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thank_you_very_mutch Flag 11 May 16 2.27pm Send a Private Message to thank_you_very_mutch Add thank_you_very_mutch as a friend

Originally posted by marchyusa

Genuine fan travelling to game from USA. I have 2 tickets but have been offered 2 tickets in "Club Wembley" for 250 quid each. I would sell my 2 tickets to someone on here who needs them (250 quid each), so I can get the club ones.

A lot of money I know. Not even sure if this club wembley thing is worth it!

Anyway, if anyone is interested, PM me

stick with your normal tickets or sell them for face value and stump up the extra funds for the club wembley tickets yourself. its not our responsibility to fund your 'club wembley' experience.


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sydtheeagle Flag England 11 May 16 2.28pm Send a Private Message to sydtheeagle Add sydtheeagle as a friend

Originally posted by Westie Eagle

Another one to ignore. Only a member since today. Muppet.

He is American, so profiteering is probably in his DNA.

Edited by sydtheeagle (11 May 2016 2.28pm)


Sydenham by birth. Selhurst by the Grace of God.

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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 11 May 16 2.31pm Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Originally posted by sydtheeagle

He is American, so profiteering is probably in his DNA.

Edited by sydtheeagle (11 May 2016 2.28pm)

Probably the spawn of trump!


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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Gameover Flag 11 May 16 2.41pm Send a Private Message to Gameover Add Gameover as a friend

This post has been merged from a topic called 'Anyone with ticket who can't make it?' by Old Chap

Hello Palace faithful. I know it's a long shot but if ya don't ask ya don't get. Am looking for a ticket for the final for my father in law. He has always supported Palace and use to go regularly years ago but because of change in job he can only make it to very few games. He doesnt think he is getting a ticket anyway so if I can't get a hold of 1 then so be it. Just thought I would try.



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FairweatherEagle Flag London 11 May 16 2.42pm Send a Private Message to FairweatherEagle Add FairweatherEagle as a friend

Originally posted by marchyusa

Genuine fan travelling to game from USA. I have 2 tickets but have been offered 2 tickets in "Club Wembley" for 250 quid each. I would sell my 2 tickets to someone on here who needs them (250 quid each), so I can get the club ones.

A lot of money I know. Not even sure if this club wembley thing is worth it!

Anyway, if anyone is interested, PM me

Need to sell somewhere else if you want above face value, which I presume £250 is not, given they're not club wembley tickets.

What you're trying to do is effectively get a free upgrade, if I've understood correctly.

Edited by FairweatherEagle (11 May 2016 2.44pm)


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