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Jean-Philippe Mateta (rumour)

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taylors lovechild Flag 26 Aug 20 8.23am Send a Private Message to taylors lovechild Add taylors lovechild as a friend

The lad is 6' 4" so he in terms of being a target man for a 4-3-3 setup he hits the physical side, as this is one area Ayew struggles with. Yes we need a striker who scores, but just as important is one who can hold the ball up as in more than half our games we will generally be forced to play on the counter. If you look at the leading goal scorers in the PL nearly all are from the top 6 clubs. Ings is the only non-top 8 player who stands out, although Wood had a good season too. A good example of a player who complements his team but who didn't score many last season is Firmino, who spearheaded a 4-3-3 but only scored 9 league goals.

Bentenke at his peak is actually probably the ideal striker for us at the moment. Sadly he's no longer at the summit of his powers, more drinking tea at base camp.


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EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 26 Aug 20 3.46pm Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

Originally posted by Hudsoneagle

Every player has a value. Id suggest many football enthusiasts could go out and pick 50-100 players performing well, who are under the age of 26 and it’s highly likely they would make large profits given time. It’s simply the way football values’s not a testament to you being the Sherlock Holmes of football.

Forgive me Mattteo but I just don’t buy your rhetoric...however I do admire your knowledge of the minor European leagues.

I’ve always found it bizarre how impressed some posters are by a list of exotic sounding names with made up valuations.


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Petereagle Flag Brockley 26 Aug 20 4.20pm Send a Private Message to Petereagle Add Petereagle as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

I’ve always found it bizarre how impressed some posters are by a list of exotic sounding names with made up valuations.


We seem serious about this guy, and if he is now rated at. £15m then that seems a much more realistic price point?


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samprior Flag Hamburg 26 Aug 20 4.20pm Send a Private Message to samprior Add samprior as a friend


When a 'highlights' video makes you look no better than Sanogo I'd say we need to be wary of spending 15m+.

But then again we do love an injury prone, non-goalscoring striker.

When it comes to strikers I'm more in the take a cheap punt or give a youngster a chance category. It's served us well in the past I.e Wright, Johnson, Murray and now Ayew. Spending big doesn't guarantee goals - rarely does a player outside of the top six bag 15+.


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Only 10 a year!! Flag 26 Aug 20 4.25pm Send a Private Message to Only 10 a year!! Add Only 10 a year!! as a friend

Originally posted by kennybrowns leftfoot

I'm gonna hang myself out on a whim here and bet my mortgage that you will never be chairman of Palace... Call me old fashioned or call me streetwise... I'm gonna be arrogant and say my first thought is right??....

You will also need a huge amount of capital to buy all these young players and then be able to send them all out on loan whilst they mature and all the agent's fees, salaries and other costs... Makes me glad SP is at the helm.


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mattteo Flag 26 Aug 20 5.29pm Send a Private Message to mattteo Add mattteo as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

I’ve always found it bizarre how impressed some posters are by a list of exotic sounding names with made up valuations.

You have no right attacking me cause I made a list (that you cannot understand with your football knowledge or know the valuations on it).

Your contributions to this forum:

about Batshuayi on January 22 2018:

Nobbybm: Meh. I know at least 6 Chelsea ST holders who go home & away, week in, week out & they are all of the same opinion - he just isn't good enough.
(proceeds to paste a Chelsea fans discussion where opinions of Batshuayi are varied)

EverybodyDannsNow: Pretty conclusive. To add even further, one quick look on the Chelsea forum would show that they think very little of him;
"Show me a Chelsea fan or pundit who has said this" (which had been my comment) seems a laughable comment now.

spartakev2: I'm sorry but matteo knows every player in world football and his is the only opinion that matters..

me: People at Chelsea are comparing their strikers to Diego Costa, Lukaku, Luis Suarez, Lewandowski, the best in the world. Comments like "Batshuayi isn't quite up to the Chelsea level we want" or "Batshuayi in not as good as Diego Costa" are not reflective on his value. We're talking here about Batshuayi vs Benteke, not why Bats isn't exactly a Champions League winning player.

Not giving Benteke for Batshuayi now, probably the last time in this century that a top 6 team will ask for Benteke, would be madness. Conte is either cocky as hell or mad

EverybodyDannsNow: To be fair to Conte, from what he has shown recently you can see why he doesn't want play him. Real shame, as I was hoping he could be the answer, but last night he looked a million miles away from being PL / CL standard (so EDN didn't think Batshuayi was Premier League standard ))))) )

EverybodyDannsNow: Someone throw him a life jacket - he's drowning (in reference to me). Benteke, whilst admittedly having a poor season, is a proven goal scorer for our club and in this league.

Result of this Batshuayi-Benteke debate over the next years: does it even need to be said??)))))))))

And more discussions where your knowledge about football or players was proven awful. I can provide more examples, but this is not a personal attack and I don;t want to.

It's a response to the reply you gave about me where I prove that you don't know what you're talking about.

All the best. I hope I never reply to you again.


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Hudsoneagle Flag 26 Aug 20 5.41pm Send a Private Message to Hudsoneagle Add Hudsoneagle as a friend

You’ve proven something that’s for sure...whether it was what you intended, I very much doubt lol

In EverybodyDannsnow defence I didn’t consider that he had criticised you at all...only that he was unsure why other posters buy into the made up fees you post. That to me sounds more like a question about other posters...not Mattteo.

What you have done Mattteo is clearly go on the attack of EverybodyDannsnow. I wouldn’t worry about it I’m sure he will rise above it.

Edited by Hudsoneagle (26 Aug 2020 5.50pm)


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mattteo Flag 26 Aug 20 5.50pm Send a Private Message to mattteo Add mattteo as a friend

Originally posted by Hudsoneagle

What you have done Mattteo is clearly go on the attack of EverybodyDannsnow. I wouldn’t about it I’m sure he will rise above it.

Edited by Hudsoneagle (26 Aug 2020 5.47pm)

Is it an attack to quote exactly what someone wrote? How is this an attack? Do I insult him?


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Hudsoneagle Flag 26 Aug 20 5.52pm Send a Private Message to Hudsoneagle Add Hudsoneagle as a friend

Originally posted by mattteo

Is it an attack to quote exactly what someone wrote? How is this an attack? Do I insult him?

You’d have to ask him but I have a feeling he won’t be bothered or insulted in the slightest.


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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 26 Aug 20 5.59pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Mattteo appears to spend a significant amount of time compiling screeds of information about an array of players not playing on these shores so I give praise for his efforts and for the fact he has supplied the details in good faith in order to be informative.

I suspect there are those who take a single look at the protracted list and simply do not bother to peruse the information about players who they have simply never heard of and is of no interest to them so perhaps his efforts can be wasted in this respect.

Being somewhat cerebrally challenged I have to admit that my 'Grey matter' has real difficulty computing "Minutes" in relation to the playing time as it is programmed to think in terms of "Games".

Apropos the 'Valuations' I simply have no idea whether this is a personal view or is attained from some website or software package.It is a 'Moving picture' of course and probably bears no resemblance to the fee commanded by the player when he is sold.

In the main I have found Mattteo's list of player analysis useful.

Edited by Willo (26 Aug 2020 6.04pm)


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Hudsoneagle Flag 26 Aug 20 6.07pm Send a Private Message to Hudsoneagle Add Hudsoneagle as a friend

I wouldn’t get into second guessing people Willo. I think your last sentence is all you needed to my opinion.

Besides we are meant to be talking about a football player linked to Palace and now we’re here talking about another Mattteo meltdown after a perceived criticism.


Edited by Hudsoneagle (26 Aug 2020 6.15pm)


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EverybodyDannsNow Flag SE19 26 Aug 20 6.28pm Send a Private Message to EverybodyDannsNow Add EverybodyDannsNow as a friend

Originally posted by Hudsoneagle

You’ve proven something that’s for sure...whether it was what you intended, I very much doubt lol

In EverybodyDannsnow defence I didn’t consider that he had criticised you at all...only that he was unsure why other posters buy into the made up fees you post. That to me sounds more like a question about other posters...not Mattteo.

What you have done Mattteo is clearly go on the attack of EverybodyDannsnow. I wouldn’t worry about it I’m sure he will rise above it.

Edited by Hudsoneagle (26 Aug 2020 5.50pm)


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