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GB News, the irony of Sky

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 08 Mar 23 5.20pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Makes perfect sense.

You are a perfect fit for the minority who want to watch this. Anyone who chooses to watch Rees-Mogg immediately qualifies for the old duffers club in my view. He was old-fashioned when my mother was a girl.

How can you make any sort of judgement unless you watch GB News regularly?

You just spout brainless rhetoric which strongly suggests that you don't have any idea what real people think.


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 08 Mar 23 5.40pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

It seems to have really gained in popularity - so fairplay if that's true in the ratings. Looked like it wouldn't last when it started.


Red and Blue Army!

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the silurian Flag The garden of England.(not really) 08 Mar 23 5.46pm Send a Private Message to the silurian Add the silurian as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

You really don't like things that conflict with your prejudices, do you?

This is an important story. You might want to ignore it, but GB News will not be allowed to.

Making comments about me won't change that.

Is your first para graph irony?? You will take the opposite view to anyone and everyone on here just because it amuses you...what asad life you must have

And your constant belittling of people as in your oft used phrase "you kind of people", it's like you believe you're something special....


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Spiderman Flag Horsham 08 Mar 23 5.50pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

If he does it in his own time, and not on a BBC platform, I suspect they would run into legal jeopardy if they went any further.

We'll see as he has said he won't stop.

Many here would argue he has a perfect right to express himself that way. Or maybe not, because it isn't what they want to hear.

So why are they, apparently, even talking to him? If they are not, they have lied to a select committee. Why should he get £1.3m pa of taxpayers money if he does not have to comply with BBC impartiality rules

Edited by Spiderman (08 Mar 2023 5.50pm)


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Spiderman Flag Horsham 08 Mar 23 5.52pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by Far away fan

As I live in SE Asia, I enjoy GB news and Talk TV



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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 08 Mar 23 10.26pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Willo

As Lee Anderson asserted "GB News is the true voice of the Great British noisy minority....."
I look forward to watching his shows.

Edited for accuracy!


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 08 Mar 23 10.32pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

Not sure about that. I worked for a large corporation as a paid employee and a contractor it was in our contract that reputational damage would lead to dismissal e.g. get in a fight in a pub off duty or appear in the media without prior approval etc.

GL may not be a full time BBC employee but he is contracted to them and must adhere to their internal rules if his contract doesn't say that then shame on the BBC for basic failings in HR.

Nor am I, but I suppose it depends on his contract. They can sack him and pay him off, but I doubt they want to do that. Despite what folk think here he is pretty popular and would take an audience with him. If journalists can ignore non-disclosure agreements and trust the Courts to back them, then I suspect GL must have had similar legal advice.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 08 Mar 23 10.39pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

I know if must be difficult to remember one comment amongst the mountain of your parrot droppings.

Very magnanimous of you to accept a Supreme Court ruling. It didn’t succeed on a point of law, the accused were simply not guilty of the offences they were charged with.

Standing silently in a public street in which she was allowed to be in is deemed to be sufficient reason to arrest her – at least Stalin used to use trumped-up charges.

Of course you know which child I mean, the one involved in the scuffed Koran incident.

If the offence is standing silently in a public street from which you have not been prohibited, there is little else that you can be guilty of other than thought crime.

The SC most surely did overturn the Appeal Court decision on a point of law. If it was a simple open and shut case it would never have got that far.

Anyone can stand in a street. All streets have some restrictions. Some have a few more. Doing what she did, whether you approve or not, was unlawful. You don't make the law. End of.

I have no knowledge of a child and a scuffed Quran. Or a Koran.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 08 Mar 23 10.45pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

How can you make any sort of judgement unless you watch GB News regularly?

You just spout brainless rhetoric which strongly suggests that you don't have any idea what real people think.

I drop by, hold my nose, watch a while, smile a little and then go back to normality.

I can also read the ratings. Which I posted earlier in the thread. From memory, they have a 0.41% share of the audience. Which is less than CBS who are an American broadcaster!

That's a pretty small minority in my view.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 08 Mar 23 10.55pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by the silurian

Is your first para graph irony?? You will take the opposite view to anyone and everyone on here just because it amuses you...what asad life you must have

And your constant belittling of people as in your oft used phrase "you kind of people", it's like you believe you're something special....

Woken up? Oh, of course, you don't do woke, do you?

I have plenty of other things in my life. Maybe it escapes you but my posts generally all arrive in bursts, as I sit down with a cup of tea to watch the TV, or eat my breakfast. Multi-tasking is not beyond this 78-year-old, and nor is voice controlling a device.

If you don't realise there is a cohort of the right-minded here, snuggling together for mutual confirmation of their biases then you have been living under a stone.

I don't believe I am in any way special. I believe I am completely normal and mainstream. It's the cohort of self-opinionated know-it-alls who think they are somehow wiser than everyone else.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 08 Mar 23 10.58pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Spiderman

So why are they, apparently, even talking to him? If they are not, they have lied to a select committee. Why should he get £1.3m pa of taxpayers money if he does not have to comply with BBC impartiality rules

Edited by Spiderman (08 Mar 2023 5.50pm)

I suspect we are reaching a critical point. One when the BBC will be forced to cancel his contract. Which will doubtless cost them a lot of money. Then he will turn up at Sky in a few months.


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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 09 Mar 23 6.16am Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

The SC most surely did overturn the Appeal Court decision on a point of law. If it was a simple open and shut case it would never have got that far.

Anyone can stand in a street. All streets have some restrictions. Some have a few more. Doing what she did, whether you approve or not, was unlawful. You don't make the law. End of.

I have no knowledge of a child and a scuffed Quran. Or a Koran.

You cannot be serious, are you saying that you have no knowledge of this incident?


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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