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Matheus Franca (LOCKED)

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Hudsoneagle Flag 02 Aug 23 9.22pm Send a Private Message to Hudsoneagle Add Hudsoneagle as a friend

Originally posted by ASCPFC

I'm not thinking otherwise - it was stated in the Brazilian news pieces about the deal for Franca. Textor was specifically mentioned as doing the deal. There was even mention of him owning a percentage of the player but I've no idea how that would work. Eagle Holdings? Several football clubs have had owners buying players. The obvious one is Chelsea.

In South America, it’s normal business for players to be owned by several entities. Normally multiple clubs and sometimes agencies…but that is not allowed over here. So it’s impossible that it can happen.

I think what’s more likely, is that they know Textor with his links to Botofogo and will be aware he’s a shareholder at Palace, and it’s nothing more than a spurious link…so it’s BS.

The only person I’d give either credit or blame on our transfers is Dougie.


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Mwncisee Flag Middlesbrough 02 Aug 23 9.32pm Send a Private Message to Mwncisee Add Mwncisee as a friend

I'm pretty certain a ruling was made that if a European club wants to purchase a player who has multiple agency ownership that the buying club has to reach an agreement with all the owning parties as the rules for players in Europe state that a player cannot have multiple ownership. This may explain why this deal has taken so long.


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Jacey Flag 03 Aug 23 10.35am Send a Private Message to Jacey Add Jacey as a friend

All gone very quiet.
Apparently,in the UK and has undergone his medical.
Waiting patiently for his unveiling as a Palace and not West Ham player!!


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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 03 Aug 23 10.37am Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by Jacey

All gone very quiet.
Apparently,in the UK and has undergone his medical.
Waiting patiently for his unveiling as a Palace and not West Ham player!!

I've just shut up shop mentally on this one Jacey until such time the/a picture of him in red n blue is posted (officially). Let's hope it's soon!


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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Putitout Flag Oxford 03 Aug 23 10.56am Send a Private Message to Putitout Add Putitout as a friend

It’s hard to be positive on this one . This story has gone forward ,and backward far too often. Usually the selling club will clearly let it be known the player is going and where, that hasn’t happened officially .and then only confusion reigns over all aspects of what should be a well used path to him ending up in a Palace Shirt. Unraveling the ownership of South American players can be very complicated, and maybe that is a problem not yet resolved., whatever something does not feel right.


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silvertop Flag Portishead 03 Aug 23 11.06am Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by Putitout

It’s hard to be positive on this one . This story has gone forward ,and backward far too often. Usually the selling club will clearly let it be known the player is going and where, that hasn’t happened officially .and then only confusion reigns over all aspects of what should be a well used path to him ending up in a Palace Shirt. Unraveling the ownership of South American players can be very complicated, and maybe that is a problem not yet resolved., whatever something does not feel right.

I suspect other clubs have more experience of buying players with complicated ownership. Perhaps we are exposing our lack of experience in this market?

If so, hopefully just means it takes longer. Which is a shame, as it would have been nice to see him play Lyon.


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Dan Theolmesdaleroad Flag Up north 03 Aug 23 11.07am Send a Private Message to Dan Theolmesdaleroad Add Dan Theolmesdaleroad as a friend

Apologies if this has been mentioned already, but I'm assuming a player like França is going to need a work permit.

Could that be a reason for the delay?


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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 03 Aug 23 11.17am Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Did a bit of searching that my limited aging will allow me & came across this from a Brazilian outlet called 'SambaFoot' . . . [Link]


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards grumpymort Flag US/Thailand/UK 03 Aug 23 11.21am Send a Private Message to grumpymort Add grumpymort as a friend

Originally posted by Dan Theolmesdaleroad

Apologies if this has been mentioned already, but I'm assuming a player like França is going to need a work permit.

Could that be a reason for the delay?

Yes he will require a work permit but you have to sort out the other parts of the deal first.

It's typical Palace take forever and wonder why we end up paying more in the end or missing out on people.


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 03 Aug 23 11.39am Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Jacey

All gone very quiet.
Apparently,in the UK and has undergone his medical.
Waiting patiently for his unveiling as a Palace and not West Ham player!!

He escaped the portacabin at Selhurst. Bloodhounds Derry and Dougie scouring Croydon looking for him. Last sighting The Whitgift M & S.


Red and Blue Army!

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taylors lovechild Flag 03 Aug 23 1.02pm Send a Private Message to taylors lovechild Add taylors lovechild as a friend


This probably explains the lack of clubs queueing up to pay a big fee for him. It is difficult for a club our size as if we pay more than £15m for a player we kind of need them to hit the ground running given the limited resources. Given Roy's reluctance to take risks I doubt we'll see more than the odd 10 or 15 minutes here and there, but who knows, maybe he'll take to the PL like a duck to water.


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Phil’s Barber Flag Crowborough 03 Aug 23 1.10pm Send a Private Message to Phil’s Barber Add Phil’s Barber as a friend

Originally posted by Nicholas91

I've just shut up shop mentally on this one Jacey until such time the/a picture of him in red n blue is posted (officially). Let's hope it's soon!

Likewise, I’m just waiting for the official announcement.

I’m optimistic this one will be confirmed but until such time…


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