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Performance of the new government

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 05 Jul 24 6.27pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop


It was a perfect storm of an SNP collapse, the rise of Reform, poor election timing and campaign, and years of incompetent governance on a scale not seen since...???

The rise of ukip was dealt with very sensibly and gave them their 80 seat majority last time. Brexit being done effectively was the carrot for ukip to depart the polling booths and what a cluster f*** that’s been for most that wanted it. How many tory voters do you think defected to labour compared to reform. The Tories put very little effort into defending their positions so either they lost on purpose or weren’t bothered if they lost. There must be some big doo doo on its way for a party to put little to no effort in.
All Sunak had to do was get the RAF to get rid of a few thousand illegal migrants and he was a shoe in. Why he didn’t has to be questionable as other countries are doing it and the lords and legal aid mob would have no way to stop it. Think about that and realise that to get back in they need to turn right.

Edited by cryrst (05 Jul 2024 6.28pm)


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beak Flag croydon 05 Jul 24 6.41pm Send a Private Message to beak Add beak as a friend

Originally posted by YT

What's that got to do with the performance of the new government?

They are NOT in it.


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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 05 Jul 24 7.10pm Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Would be nice to try and occasionally post based on the thread title.

No historical references needed!!


Lammy as Foreign Secretary....


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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Runningman Flag Keston 05 Jul 24 7.53pm Send a Private Message to Runningman Add Runningman as a friend

Originally posted by HKOwen

Would be nice to try and occasionally post based on the thread title.

No historical references needed!!


Lammy as Foreign Secretary....

Milliband really is swivel eyed in this picture !


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Matov Flag 05 Jul 24 8.32pm Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

For me, I suspect not much at all until October/November. If I understand things correctly, Parliament effectively goes on its summer recess almost as soon as go back so I cannot imagine much legislation.

Key, is what happens at the Labour Party conference. That is when they pulled the second referendum stunt back in November 2018 and when I suspect they might try it again. Or at least sound it out.

If my hunch is correct, they will sound it out and then push for a second vote in 2026, possibly doing it on the basis of three options rather than two.


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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DANGERCLOSE Flag London 05 Jul 24 11.01pm Send a Private Message to DANGERCLOSE Add DANGERCLOSE as a friend

And so it begins



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orpingtoneagle Flag Orpington 05 Jul 24 11.14pm Send a Private Message to orpingtoneagle Add orpingtoneagle as a friend

Originally posted by DANGERCLOSE

And so it begins


What begins?.This is a non story riddled with supposition and inaccuracies.

Troup is not as described at one point 'an HMRC official,' he left that role many years ago. He is not even a civil servant any more he is retired.

He is also not an adviser to the Chancellor.

All he is saying is what everyone knows. Pensions as they stand are a huge cost and as such any government of any colour will always looks tbpe Sion reform.

As suspected yet again on here folks will always see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe.


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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 05 Jul 24 11.16pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by DANGERCLOSE

And so it begins


The electorate were warned.
All those who voted Labour are in for a very rude awakening.I have a sense of foreboding.


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Eaglehamster Flag Storrington 05 Jul 24 11.28pm Send a Private Message to Eaglehamster Add Eaglehamster as a friend

Originally posted by Willo

The electorate were warned.
All those who voted Labour are in for a very rude awakening.I have a sense of foreboding.

That’s rather standard for you Willo. &#128530;


I have now sufficient funds to last me the rest of my life. Provided I don't buy anything.

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 06 Jul 24 12.13am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by orpingtoneagle

What begins?.This is a non story riddled with supposition and inaccuracies.

Troup is not as described at one point 'an HMRC official,' he left that role many years ago. He is not even a civil servant any more he is retired.

He is also not an adviser to the Chancellor.

All he is saying is what everyone knows. Pensions as they stand are a huge cost and as such any government of any colour will always looks tbpe Sion reform.

As suspected yet again on here folks will always see what they want to see and believe what they want to believe.

If you have made your contributions you are entitled to your pension no matter how much you have. Many may well already donate theirs to charity so that could suffer.
No matter this is the thin end as what next, pay as you use hospitals and doctors, pay for state schooling if you earn over X, this is how they will finance their wet dream utopia and pay for the feckless and immigrants. 50k earnings will be a high earner so coming for more on them. It’s going to happen and anyone who voted Labour who isn’t a scrounger will get their karma.


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DANGERCLOSE Flag London 06 Jul 24 12.20am Send a Private Message to DANGERCLOSE Add DANGERCLOSE as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

If you have made your contributions you are entitled to your pension no matter how much you have. Many may well already donate theirs to charity so that could suffer.
No matter this is the thin end as what next, pay as you use hospitals and doctors, pay for state schooling if you earn over X, this is how they will finance their wet dream utopia and pay for the feckless and immigrants. 50k earnings will be a high earner so coming for more on them. It’s going to happen and anyone who voted Labour who isn’t a scrounger will get their karma.



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Dubai Eagle Flag 06 Jul 24 5.58am Send a Private Message to Dubai Eagle Add Dubai Eagle as a friend

With Labour having been in opposition for so long I would imagine that as they begin to consider whats possible & take decisions on how to fund the stuff that they are most interested in there will be a lot of suggestions being floated in cabinet meetings, some will of course be a lot more unpopular than others.

It remains to be seen which ones make it from ideas into actuality but I do have a strong sense of foreboding about what's to come.


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