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July 27 2024 2.50am


February 25 2017
rawpalace05 well this is a nice feeling! 6.18pm
rawpalace05 Terrible team selection, sort it out Sam! 2.53pm
February 02 2017
rawpalace05 bring on the Mackems 11.31pm
January 31 2017
rawpalace05 Get in! 11.58pm
January 25 2017
rawpalace05 Lovely weather for it Paul! 1.44pm
January 15 2017
rawpalace05 Missing Super Al. Resigned to poor football now, possibly relegation 10.07pm
May 24 2016
rawpalace05 Fickle Palace fans on the board. A few tweaks here n there needed, a couple of additions, NOT a complete overhaul of squad and a new manager! 6.00am
May 09 2016
rawpalace05 I agree, ALAN :) 3.31pm
April 25 2016
rawpalace05 what a day! 12.18pm
April 11 2016
rawpalace05 Well this feels a bit weird :) 6.06am
January 16 2016
rawpalace05 Off to the BBS, its been fun folks 4.34pm
October 24 2015
rawpalace05 cmon palace! 5.14pm
August 25 2015
rawpalace05 Guys, please check my thread in Palace Talk-thanks :) 7.11am
August 13 2015
rawpalace05 has updated his interests 10.44am
rawpalace05 has updated his location to Saltdean 10.44am
August 06 2015
rawpalace05 has predicted Palace 1 - 1 Manchester City (0 - 0 H/T) in the Prediction League 8.58am
rawpalace05 has predicted Chelsea 2 - 0 (1 - 0 H/T) Palace in the Prediction League 8.58am
rawpalace05 has predicted Palace 1 - 1 Aston Villa (0 - 0 H/T) in the Prediction League 8.57am
rawpalace05 has predicted Palace 3 - 1 Arsenal (1 - 1 H/T) in the Prediction League 8.57am
rawpalace05 has predicted Norwich City 2 - 1 (1 - 0 H/T) Palace in the Prediction League 8.56am
April 21 2015
rawpalace05 RIP staffie, you're going to be sorely missed my friend :( 12.46am
January 10 2015
rawpalace05 buzzing! come you palace!! 11.06am
January 04 2015
rawpalace05 Good result today..especially for the boys getting the bonus prize :D 11.14pm
December 26 2014
rawpalace05 C'mon Palace!! 2.48pm
November 27 2014
rawpalace05 In honour of our midfield duo! 5.15pm
rawpalace05 has updated his location to Buggers Hole (near the scum) 5.09pm
rawpalace05 has updated his profile photo 5.07pm
October 17 2014
rawpalace05 lets derail this Russians empire. EEEAAAAAAGLES! 11.59pm
September 30 2014
rawpalace05 I fancy causing some mischief but not sure how ;) 9.23pm
September 21 2014
rawpalace05 Is fan of the week in this weeks Croydon Advertiser. Go me! 8.38am
September 20 2014
rawpalace05 Whoops, been copying AlanEagle for 5 days, obviously he's a great role model ;) 12.58pm
September 14 2014
rawpalace05 Me too Al :) 5.53pm
September 06 2014
rawpalace05 Wow I'm a grumpy (er) b****** when there's no proper football on! 3.25pm
September 04 2014
rawpalace05 Just dipped my head in the lack of ambition thread, deary me some people are way off the mark. Perspective man! 9.56pm
August 30 2014
rawpalace05 EEEEEEAAAAAAAAGLES!!! 2.31pm
August 23 2014
rawpalace05 We play how we want, we play how we want, we've got no manager, we play how we want 9.42am
August 22 2014
rawpalace05 Alright Dave dont spit ya Drummy out ;) 9.44am
August 21 2014
rawpalace05 MI6, actually Al ;) 11.27am
rawpalace05 MI6, actually Al : 11.27am
August 14 2014
rawpalace05 Usually when things are going badly in my life Palace pick me up. Looks like today there has been an unfortunate coherence. Boooo 9.07pm
August 03 2014
rawpalace05 Indeed Homes, where has the Zaha thread gone? My first semi-meaningful contribution for months and it fooks off! 5.03pm
April 27 2014
rawpalace05 Nice day up at the Palace despite the result. Good seeing AlanEagle :) 9.11pm
April 22 2014
rawpalace05 very good DannyH :) 8.02pm
April 21 2014
rawpalace05 Mrs Robinson being sung during a few games this weekend, is it a Palace original? 8.37pm
April 18 2014
rawpalace05 Haven't had to change my positive Palace status for quite a few weeks :) 2.17pm
April 05 2014
rawpalace05 what a performance! say we are staying up say we are staying up! EEEEAAAAAAAAGLES!! 4.57pm
April 04 2014
rawpalace05 You can meet some rather decent chaps on the HOL don't ya know : D 1.10pm
April 03 2014
rawpalace05 Gutted. A change in ticketing Policy means I'm missing the remaining 3 home games of the season. How did this happen ffs!? 10.04pm
February 09 2014
rawpalace05 Good day yesterday. Upwards :) 2.37pm
February 01 2014
rawpalace05 Enjoy yourself Al and Co :) 3.03pm
January 19 2014
rawpalace05 :) 7.38pm
rawpalace05 Second week back on the weights, buff (but not as buff as Alan) 5.06pm
rawpalace05 Second week back on the weights, g 5.05pm
rawpalace05 Getting dizzy up here. Eeeaaaaggles! 10.02am
January 12 2014
rawpalace05 The boards on here are too cliquey, either full of arguing or full of people holding hands, not a lot of reasoned debate with people who don't post every day. Off to the Dark side me thinks 10.34am
January 11 2014
rawpalace05 Have fun all those going to WHU today. COYP! 10.13am
December 08 2013
rawpalace05 ya not wrong there Al, not wrong at all :) 4.26pm
November 10 2013
rawpalace05 Good game, again 10.04am
November 08 2013
rawpalace05 Bubbs, Leftfield did a great track with Faithless, who's lead man is a Palace fan-so he could be manager :D 3.48pm
September 15 2013
rawpalace05 Goodbye Manchester 7.38pm
September 14 2013
rawpalace05 Bugger all sleep, but completely buzzing for the game!!!COYP!!! 8.34am
September 13 2013
rawpalace05 En route to Manchester!!! 10.02pm
August 01 2013
rawpalace05 i've posted a gallery up from the Crawley game for those that are interested! (sorry Pablo, none of the mrs mate!) 7.07pm
rawpalace05 has added a new gallery called "Crawley Town 3 - Palace 0" 6.20pm
July 28 2013
rawpalace05 has added a new gallery called "Crawley 3 Palace 0" 12.24am
July 05 2013
rawpalace05 It's sunny 3.38pm
July 02 2013
rawpalace05 another day closer to my life being completely in tatters ;( 9.23pm
rawpalace05 if we aint signed a new starting 11 by lunchtime i'm off to support that massive club with the shiny ground ;) 11.42am
June 29 2013
rawpalace05 Sun 1.03pm
June 28 2013
rawpalace05 had enough of life 5.13pm
June 26 2013
rawpalace05 sun 11.18am
June 25 2013
rawpalace05 me too staff, thought it was something personal due to a sudden increase in me posting...I can have that effect sometimes :) 6.57pm
rawpalace05 Danny I stand corrected (ooo errr) 1.15pm
June 21 2013
rawpalace05 Danny the window ain't open mate! 4.38pm
June 20 2013
rawpalace05 Peh 10.28am
June 18 2013
rawpalace05 shhhh Kells I am meant to be busy tomorrow-I canny use this excuse with the Mrs as to why I havnt found a new job :) 11.08am
June 15 2013
rawpalace05 peh 8.18pm
June 11 2013
rawpalace05 4000, repeating myself for half of those, posts of any substance circa 25%, rants/fair weather posting a further 25%. I reckon about 20 in total is a fairer reflection 10.09pm
June 05 2013
rawpalace05 Has started divulging into Transfer Talk, uh oh... 8.03am
May 29 2013
rawpalace05 trying to get myself in order for finding a new career but cant think past the last few days! 5.06pm
May 28 2013
rawpalace05 Enjoy this rather much, will be wandering home through Brighton in my colours shortly. So proud!EEEEAAAAAAGGGGLLES!!! 10.25am
May 26 2013
rawpalace05 loving the views to reply ratio on the predictions thread-true Palace staying shtum!! 10.23pm
rawpalace05 been a reck all afternoon, having to have a drink tonight, starting early! 9.55pm
May 25 2013
rawpalace05 Loving the simplicity Al :D 1.11pm
May 23 2013
rawpalace05 Palace definitely due to win-rest of my life in tatters!always the way! 12.21am
May 20 2013
rawpalace05 Very happy for staffie :) 7.04pm
May 19 2013
rawpalace05 Very good Bubbs!!! 8.58pm
May 18 2013
rawpalace05 Got one-thanks to those who helped :) 10.15am
May 17 2013
rawpalace05 Looking better :) 12.00pm
May 16 2013
rawpalace05 Glad to hear staffie :) I'm doing my best but with limited Internet and phone in sunny Kenya-it's going to take a small miracle! 4.21pm
May 14 2013
rawpalace05 How can I have been to almost every game this season and still look likely to miss out on a final ticket!? 4.46pm
May 10 2013
rawpalace05 C'mon Palace!!!EEEEEAAAAAGLES!!! 7.20pm
April 04 2013
rawpalace05 Thinking about sex, holidays and no particular order.. 8.45pm
March 14 2013
rawpalace05 how'd you manage that Kells!? 1.29pm
January 25 2013
rawpalace05 Bit sad ;( good luck Wilf 6.57pm
November 10 2012
rawpalace05 unbelievable :) 5.08pm
November 04 2012
rawpalace05 Shoooooooosh Al this is Palace (que 4-0 loss to Ipswich) ;) 1.23pm
October 23 2012
rawpalace05 crazy day! 8.49pm
October 22 2012
rawpalace05 like your style staffie :) 1.49pm
October 20 2012
rawpalace05 Correction-what a ball from Garven.EEEEEAAAAGLES! 1.40pm
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