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Heroes give Kember big send-off

May 12 2004

Steve Kember

Steve Kember

A huge number of Palace legends paid tribute to Steve Kember at his much-deserved testimonial.

The night kicked off with Palace veterans' side drawing 3-3 with their Chelsea counterparts. Former England captain Alec Stewart scored twice for the Blues, while Stuart Massey was among the scorers for Palace.

Eric Young, Chris Coleman, John Jackson, Steve Coppell, Herman Hreidarsson, John Salako, Geoff Thomas, Nicky Chatterton, Alan Smith, Ray Lewington, Andy Linighan, Kenny Sansom, Simon Rodger, Gary O'Reily, Dave Madden and Chris Powell were a selection of former stars that made an appearance.

The main match of the evening was between the current Palace squad - missing first-team players due to play-off commitments - and a Palace All-stars, who won 3-1.

After Tyrone Berry gave Palace an early lead, goals from Bruce Dyer, Phil Barber and a 20-yarder from Dean Gordon gave the All-stars the victory. Iain Dowie was the pick of the current Palace side, having a top game alongside Kit Symons at centre-back.

Alan Birchenall did a great job as MC all night and it was good to hear John Henty on the PA. Even the classic chants came out: England's No 1; Bruce, Bruce Dyer; Super Matty Jansen; There's only one Deano; Ian Wright, Ian Wright etc.

Palace Vets: Bettelini, Suckling, Houghton, Cannon, Gilbert, Gray, Finnigan, Hilaire, Sparrow, Kember, Swindlehurst, Flanagan.

Palace All-stars: Martyn, Woodman, Humphrey, Gordon, Newman, Barber, Pardew, Pemberton, Dyer, Wright, Bright, Jansen, Morrison, Austin, Newman, Bowry, Osborn, Mullins.

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