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Crystals spotlight: Stacey

December 28 2016



Stacey is the last in our series of profiles on the girls! Find out more about the group's captain.

Name: Stacey.

Nickname: Stace.

Age: 25.

Occupation: Professional dancer.

Hometown: Carshalton.

Years on the team: This is my 4th season as a Crystal.

What have you enjoyed most about being a Crystal so far? My favourite thing about being a Crystal is getting the opportunity to choreograph the routines, as well as being able to perform next to the girls.

What's the funniest thing that's happened? Doing a walk around in my second season at HT and I walked into a pole that the groundsman left sticking out of the ground at the side of the pitch! Was right in front of the away fans, was so embarrassing!

What is something that you can't help but spend money on? Food!!

What do you keep in the boot of your car? I have an umbrella and a huge bag of poms.

Something you can't live without? My phone! We are inseparable!

What do you do for fun outside of cheerleading? I like to go out with the girls, and in the summer head down the beach and go Jetskiing with my family.

What is a habit that you wish to break? Binge eating! Me and Georgia are the worst!

What three items would you take with you on a deserted island? My phone, food and someone to keep my company!

If the zombie apocalypse happened tomorrow, which three Crystals would you want fight next to you and why? Would have to be Grace, Claire and Gemma as I know they would all have my back and if we lost at least I know we would go down fighting, lol.

What is the last thing you do before you go to bed? Set my alarms.

What actress would play you in your life story? Would have to be either Cameron Diaz or Kaley Cuoco as they are both crazy, quirky and funny!


Emoji: The red and blue love hearts obvs.

Word: Seriouslyyyyy?!?! or I say…”Are you joking?!?! ALOT!! lol.

Smell: Victoria Secrets coconut spray!! SOOO Addicted!

Dance style: I like all dance styles but my fave is Hip Hop/Commercial.

Music: Depends on what mood I’m in! Can vary from Pop music to Musical Theatre songs!

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Photos © copyright Ramzi Musallam/Holmesdale Online. Assistant Alex Taliadoros.

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