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Remy Injured ?

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BelfastEagle Flag 07 Sep 16 9.23pm Send a Private Message to BelfastEagle Add BelfastEagle as a friend

Some rumours on BBS that he has picked up a bad injury, out for 6 months. Likely going back to Chelsea.


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Bekken Flag 07 Sep 16 9.27pm Send a Private Message to Bekken Add Bekken as a friend


No way!!


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Murray's the man Flag round ear 07 Sep 16 9.34pm

Not enough Jacuzzi's at the training ground


Johnny will return

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CPFC/SCCC Flag Sutton 07 Sep 16 9.37pm Send a Private Message to CPFC/SCCC Add CPFC/SCCC as a friend

If he loses his place in the 25, can we then bring another player or not?


Andy Johnson Magic, He wears a Magic Hat
When he Sees the match ball, he says he having that
He scores one with left foot, he scores one with his right
And When his playing Brighton, He scores all f***ING Night!

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Sportyteacher Flag London 07 Sep 16 9.41pm Send a Private Message to Sportyteacher Add Sportyteacher as a friend

Did he trip over the table leg when finding a chair to sign loan agreement?


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WelshEagle Flag London 07 Sep 16 9.44pm Send a Private Message to WelshEagle Add WelshEagle as a friend

One person on bbs saying this. So far no confirmation


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glaziermart Flag 07 Sep 16 9.46pm

It is a wind up. Apparently the BBS is full of them. There is no source to it, apart from a comment on the Boro v Palace team prediction. I think Parish would have mentioned it in his interview, because he said he was looking forward to seeing Remy and Benteke together


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WelshEagle Flag London 07 Sep 16 9.48pm Send a Private Message to WelshEagle Add WelshEagle as a friend

Originally posted by glaziermart

It is a wind up. Apparently the BBS is full of them. There is no source to it, apart from a comment on the Boro v Palace team prediction. I think Parish would have mentioned it in his interview, because he said he was looking forward to seeing Remy and Benteke together

I hope it is but the poster is claiming the source is reliable and close to the club. I have no reason (sadly) to doubt the poster.


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Dan Theolmesdaleroad Flag Up north 07 Sep 16 10.16pm Send a Private Message to Dan Theolmesdaleroad Add Dan Theolmesdaleroad as a friend

Originally posted by CPFC/SCCC

If he loses his place in the 25, can we then bring another player or not?

I wouldn't have thought so. Even if he is on loan, if he has been named in the 25 man squad then as far as I'm aware that's it until January.

I know this might not necessarily mean much, but on the fantasy league website he is still recorded as being fit and available for selection. Fraizer Campbell however is listed as injured, but due back on Saturday.


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james03 Flag Bangkok 08 Sep 16 8.39am Send a Private Message to james03 Add james03 as a friend

The 'phsio room' web site is probably one of the best and most reliable sites for players injured and they have no mention of anything to do with Remy. This site was last updated last night/this morning - [Link]

In fact they show our injured players mainly being fit for this weekend - Cabaye, McArthur and Sako. Only Campbell is listed as having no return date.

Premier Injuries was updated today - [Link] - and it again does not mention Remy. It gives everyone injured a chance of 50% or higher to be available for Middlesbrough except Campbell who they also have with no return date.

Rotoworld - [Link] - has Cabaye facing a late fitness test this weekend and Sako back in full training. Again no return date for Campbell and no mention of Remy.

I use these sites for my Facebook sports page and they are all pretty accurate. Thus I would suggest that that the Remy injury is probably the figment of someone's imagination or warped sense of humour.


The secret of life is honesty and fair dealing. If you can fake that, you've got it made. Groucho Marx

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gambler Flag Kent 08 Sep 16 9.13am Send a Private Message to gambler Add gambler as a friend

Praise the Lord.


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bexleydave Flag Barnehurst 08 Sep 16 9.38am Send a Private Message to bexleydave Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add bexleydave as a friend

Originally posted by WelshEagle

I hope it is but the poster is claiming the source is reliable and close to the club. I have no reason (sadly) to doubt the poster.

Then I'll give you a reason. 99.99% of those claiming to be 'in the know' turn out to be talking out of their backside; if the claim is on the BBS, you can double that.

Edited by bexleydave (08 Sep 2016 9.39am)


Bexley Dave

Can you hear the Brighton sing? I can't hear a ******* thing!

"The most arrogant, obnoxious bunch of deluded little sun tanned, loafer wearing mummy's boys I've ever had the misfortune of having to listen to" (Burnley forum)

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