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steph_eagle Flag Thornton Heath 15 Mar 17 2.25pm Send a Private Message to steph_eagle Add steph_eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Willo

Indeed I have seen young ladies buy their partner a drink at a bar which is very alien to me.

In my day it was just the 'Done thing' that the male bought the drinks. If you took a girl to a cocktail bar this could work out quite expensive but then you went there knowing it would hit you in the pocket.

All very different these days generally - I have seen couples out and they are on their phones not even talking to one another ! Probably texting each other !!!!

Edited by Willo (15 Mar 2017 2.23pm)

My ex used to like paying for everything, used to annoy me so much but it's not a bad thing, just I like to pay my own way.


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steph_eagle Flag Thornton Heath 15 Mar 17 2.26pm Send a Private Message to steph_eagle Add steph_eagle as a friend

Originally posted by npn

Absolutely not just you - I'm afraid the fledgling relationship would not make it out of the nest for me if I caught someone doing that. Just a total lack of respect, and the "you shouldn't have left it lying around" argument doesn't wash - if I left my wallet lying around, would you have carte blanch to help yourself?

No, I'd be worried I'd wake up with my trousers missing!

Of course not, that's a little different to just leaving a bank statement on a table.


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steph_eagle Flag Thornton Heath 15 Mar 17 2.27pm Send a Private Message to steph_eagle Add steph_eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Part Time James

It's true, I am extremely sensitive to caffeine and have been known to take my clothes off.

Glass of milk for James


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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 15 Mar 17 2.27pm Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Originally posted by steph_eagle

Have to agree with this.

Michaela, was the bit in bold Del, he just likes it when anyone buys him a drink

How did you guess ?? Seriously


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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7mins Flag In the bush 15 Mar 17 2.31pm Send a Private Message to 7mins Add 7mins as a friend

Originally posted by npn

Absolutely not just you - I'm afraid the fledgling relationship would not make it out of the nest for me if I caught someone doing that. Just a total lack of respect, and the "you shouldn't have left it lying around" argument doesn't wash - if I left my wallet lying around, would you have carte blanch to help yourself?

No, I'd be worried I'd wake up with my trousers missing!

Yep. I would never read someones private mail... it just seems a massive invasion of privacy and abuse of trust.

The letter was opened, but in a envelope... not that, that makes a difference. If I was at a girls house, and her bank statement was on the table... even in full view, I wouldn't read it.


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steph_eagle Flag Thornton Heath 15 Mar 17 2.32pm Send a Private Message to steph_eagle Add steph_eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Michaelawt85

How did you guess ?? Seriously

How did I guess you meant him or how did I guess you know him?


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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 15 Mar 17 2.33pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by Part Time James

If your date asks for a beer you better do a quick check for a frontal bulge before showing her your bedroom ceiling.


It was me who drank the beer but never got the dreaded 'Brewers Droop'.

On a different tack, when a chap tries to 'Pull' a girl at a disco etc etc, is the old 'Chat up line' still used like in the old days ? Things like 'What is Brazil's most famous export' ? and when the girl answers "Coffee" the chap says "Your place or mine" ? Some awful ones in those days.


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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 15 Mar 17 2.33pm Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Originally posted by 7mins

Am I the only one who thinks reading someone else's mail is horrible thing to do?
I'm starting to think I'm in the minority... maybe I harshly judged the girl that read my mail.

Most women would take a look at Steph says.. snooping through draws is rude . Did say that lol


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 15 Mar 17 2.34pm Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

Originally posted by steph_eagle

How did I guess you meant him or how did I guess you know him?

Both... oo err
You weren't the lady Sat on the table behind us eating lunch were you?


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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Part Time James Flag 15 Mar 17 2.37pm Send a Private Message to Part Time James Add Part Time James as a friend

Originally posted by Willo


It was me who drank the beer but never got the dreaded 'Brewers Droop'.

On a different tack, when a chap tries to 'Pull' a girl at a disco etc etc, is the old 'Chat up line' still used like in the old days ? Things like 'What is Brazil's most famous export' ? and when the girl answers "Coffee" the chap says "Your place or mine" ? Some awful ones in those days.

"There are three ways you can tell a man is good in bed, 1) He is forgetful.....hang on.....I can't remember the other two". A classic and guaranteed to have a girl dripping like she's crushing a bath sponge with her thighs.

Actually, no idea really. I've only ever met women via the internet. I don't expect that's a particularly startling revelation given my somewhat autistic approach to real life social interaction.


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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 15 Mar 17 2.38pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by steph_eagle

My ex used to like paying for everything, used to annoy me so much but it's not a bad thing, just I like to pay my own way.

I used to have a male who certainly didn't like paying his own way and his girlfriend used to end up buying most of the drinks.When she was in his flat and wanted to use the landline (No mobiles in those days), he used to ask her to put 10p in the jar ! They ended up getting married but I heard a long while ago that they were no longer together.


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steph_eagle Flag Thornton Heath 15 Mar 17 2.38pm Send a Private Message to steph_eagle Add steph_eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Michaelawt85

Both... oo err
You weren't the lady Sat on the table behind us eating lunch were you?

Lol no I saw a photo on Dels Facebook


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