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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 05 Sep 18 11.52am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by bicycle repair man

Indeed that seat is precious.
But I am sure when the new stand is open there will be plenty more seats available in the Holmesdale.
Many lower Holmesdale dwellers,like myself, will be flocking to the modern new stand,with it's better facilities and more leg room.
Then ideally the lower Holmesdale will be made a legitimate standing area.

Or the club could make an effort now, the E club and 23 year club move 2 blocks to the side next season and we keep and create something really precious. More precious than someone’s view that’ll be very good anyway with the pick 5,000+ seats.



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steven_t92 Flag Orpington 05 Sep 18 11.59am Send a Private Message to steven_t92 Add steven_t92 as a friend

I don't really know why this lot are still floating about, you can't just ask people to give them your seats. End of.

If they really supported the club as much as they did, then they would still be waving the flags and singing for the whole 90 as the did before. It doesn't matter where you sit.


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Leftfield Flag Camberley 05 Sep 18 12.51pm Send a Private Message to Leftfield Add Leftfield as a friend

I very rarely post as I prefer to lurk & read others opinions but this is one subject I feel passionately enough about to bother to join in. I'm 57 and have been going to SP since I was a young lad living in Beulah Hill, so I've seen 50 years worth of ups & downs at Palace.

We've always had a mixed fan base with the middle classes from the Surrey suburbs complemented by the rougher tougher London lads & it seems the arguments pretty much are defined by which tribe you come from

I'm actually normally thought of as middle class, but when it comes to football, I don't want to sit there clapping politely, I want to get involved in the whole matchday atmosphere (like it was in the 70's for example). This isn't Rugby or cricket, this is football & that should mean showing some bloody passion !!

To use a musical analogy we have one group wanting it to be like Glyndbourne & the others wanting it to be like going to a Prodigy Gig........and I'm a big Prodigy fan so you can see which appeals to me

To my mind there's plenty of places to sit quietly and appreciate a good bit of play with a smattering of applause but traditionally behind the goal on the Holmesdale terrace (or at the back of the Arfur) were the places to make some noise

I just cannot see why people would want Palace to go back to the bad old days before the HF got involved. We have recently got a reputation for being the loudest home support in the PL & that made me bloody proud of my club & my fellow fans

Back in the seventies when we were all packed onto the terraces it was relatively easy to get a chant going as we just moved to the most vocal area behind the goal, but now with seating it's so much harder. I mainly stand at the back of the Arfur with the other older lads and at least there we can make some noise, but in more open Holmesdale it's much much harder to get the songs going without a singing section being organised.

I can see why the HF want it to be allocated centrally as that would get people joining in from both sides & hopefully from the upper tier too.

Is it really that big a deal for some people to shuffle along a bit if they really just want to sit and "support" their club silently ?

Surely even those that don't want to sing and chant miss the passion that that engenders ?

God help us if we end up like most of the other London clubs with their sterile stadia & lack of noise

I for one am embarrassed at how bad the atmosphere has been this season & how others now see us as a set of supporters who without the HF are as quiet as the rest

It's not just the HF that want to inject some passion to supporting our beloved club, there's thousands of others like me I'm sure but until safe standing is introduced we've got to do something to make it easier for those of us who want to make plenty of noise & getting a central singing section has to be the answer


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Username Flag Horsham 05 Sep 18 1.06pm Send a Private Message to Username Add Username as a friend

Originally posted by Leftfield

I very rarely post as I prefer to lurk & read others opinions but this is one subject I feel passionately enough about to bother to join in. I'm 57 and have been going to SP since I was a young lad living in Beulah Hill, so I've seen 50 years worth of ups & downs at Palace.

We've always had a mixed fan base with the middle classes from the Surrey suburbs complemented by the rougher tougher London lads & it seems the arguments pretty much are defined by which tribe you come from

I'm actually normally thought of as middle class, but when it comes to football, I don't want to sit there clapping politely, I want to get involved in the whole matchday atmosphere (like it was in the 70's for example). This isn't Rugby or cricket, this is football & that should mean showing some bloody passion !!

To use a musical analogy we have one group wanting it to be like Glyndbourne & the others wanting it to be like going to a Prodigy Gig........and I'm a big Prodigy fan so you can see which appeals to me

To my mind there's plenty of places to sit quietly and appreciate a good bit of play with a smattering of applause but traditionally behind the goal on the Holmesdale terrace (or at the back of the Arfur) were the places to make some noise

I just cannot see why people would want Palace to go back to the bad old days before the HF got involved. We have recently got a reputation for being the loudest home support in the PL & that made me bloody proud of my club & my fellow fans

Back in the seventies when we were all packed onto the terraces it was relatively easy to get a chant going as we just moved to the most vocal area behind the goal, but now with seating it's so much harder. I mainly stand at the back of the Arfur with the other older lads and at least there we can make some noise, but in more open Holmesdale it's much much harder to get the songs going without a singing section being organised.

I can see why the HF want it to be allocated centrally as that would get people joining in from both sides & hopefully from the upper tier too.

Is it really that big a deal for some people to shuffle along a bit if they really just want to sit and "support" their club silently ?

Surely even those that don't want to sing and chant miss the passion that that engenders ?

God help us if we end up like most of the other London clubs with their sterile stadia & lack of noise

I for one am embarrassed at how bad the atmosphere has been this season & how others now see us as a set of supporters who without the HF are as quiet as the rest

It's not just the HF that want to inject some passion to supporting our beloved club, there's thousands of others like me I'm sure but until safe standing is introduced we've got to do something to make it easier for those of us who want to make plenty of noise & getting a central singing section has to be the answer

I haven't seen a single person suggest this.

Plenty have said they would, ultimately, support the singing section but that it should (as the club suggested) be done when the new stand is built as it will be MUCH easier.

There have also been plenty of comments about the HF's decision to leave as an overreaction, but that is completely separate to the issue of a standing section in general.

It's also nowhere near as simple as a few people 'shuffling along a little bit.'


Employee of the month is a good example of how someone can be both a winner and a loser at the same time.

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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 05 Sep 18 1.12pm Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

and i first went to Palace in the 1980's, as a schoolboy. I remember how scary it was when Palace scored in the Holmesdale, as the crowd surge swept you off your feet like a tsunami, and carried you over the advertising hoardings onto the playing area.

the fact is we have a mixed bag of supporters, and football is slightly different to the days of the 70's and 80's.

Safe standing is obviously not far off, according to Spurs. can't we all just take a step back and sort things properly for when SS is introduced ? It really would be a fck of a lot easier


I disengage, I turn the page.

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Bangell Flag Oxford 05 Sep 18 1.13pm Send a Private Message to Bangell Add Bangell as a friend

Originally posted by Forest Hillbilly

and i first went to Palace in the 1980's, as a schoolboy. I remember how scary it was when Palace scored in the Holmesdale, as the crowd surge swept you off your feet like a tsunami, and carried you over the advertising hoardings onto the playing area.

the fact is we have a mixed bag of supporters, and football is slightly different to the days of the 70's and 80's.

Safe standing is obviously not far off, according to Spurs. can't we all just take a step back and sort things properly for when SS is introduced ? It really would be a fck of a lot easier

This sounds like a bad excuse by a pitch invader


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 05 Sep 18 1.24pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Username

I haven't seen a single person suggest this.

Plenty have said they would, ultimately, support the singing section but that it should (as the club suggested) be done when the new stand is built as it will be MUCH easier.

There have also been plenty of comments about the HF's decision to leave as an overreaction, but that is completely separate to the issue of a standing section in general.

It's also nowhere near as simple as a few people 'shuffling along a little bit.'

Easier when the new stand is done, yes. When’s that? 5 years?

It is possible, next season, it’s just hard work.

Those long term season ticket holders will be able to just shuffle along or choose a great view because they’ll have 95% of the lower tier to choose from.



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Isley46 Flag Sanderstead 05 Sep 18 1.28pm Send a Private Message to Isley46 Add Isley46 as a friend

Originally posted by Leftfield

I can see why the HF want it to be allocated centrally as that would get people joining in from both sides & hopefully from the upper tier too.

Have followed this thread with great interest but part of me still thinks that moving to the centre of the Holmesdale still has something to do with credibility and exposure - Can't truly be seen as an 'ultra' supporters group if you are positioned out of the way by the corner flag....especially by other clubs 'ultra' factions who are mostly positioned behind the goal in a centre stage positions.


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 05 Sep 18 1.34pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend


1,900 signatures. You signature won’t be in a small irrelevant number.



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Tipp_Eagle Flag Tipperary 05 Sep 18 1.36pm

Originally posted by Bangell

This sounds like a bad excuse by a pitch invader

Nah mate , I was there that era also , had to be there to appreciate it, loved it !


oh yeah ,fcuk off brighton.

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charliehub Flag newforest 05 Sep 18 1.44pm Send a Private Message to charliehub Add charliehub as a friend

Leftfield - good post , fully agree. Same age roughly, 60 now, and I haven't supported Palace for 52 years purely to watch the beautiful football, delicate skills and tactical brilliance of CPFC through the ages.
Its that something else...when you meet another Palace fan miles away and jump up and down excitedly hugging each other! Passion. These guys should be respected for their enormous passion - who else will arrive hours before kick off to put out the red and blue?


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Leftfield Flag Camberley 05 Sep 18 1.45pm Send a Private Message to Leftfield Add Leftfield as a friend

I know things have changed since the 70s & 80s as all seaters have sucked the soul out of the game, but there must be a majority of fans who want to see the place rocking again like it used to be when it was the open terrace. We don't want to become like Chelsea who know inhabit a sterile library, when the used to have such an intimidating ground, surely ?

Waiting for Safe Standing could be frustratingly long wait as will getting the new Main Stand built.

In the meantime ,unless something's done, SP has turned into yet another morgue & that's depressing & embarrassing when we had something special going on


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