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The Holmesdale Fanatics thread

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AERO Flag 05 Sep 18 1.48pm Send a Private Message to AERO Add AERO as a friend

My feelings on this are that if we drop out of the premiership with the Hf still onboard as long as atmosphere still good it will increase our chances of a quick return . My fear if no Hf it will be a return to the peter Taylor days .


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Leftfield Flag Camberley 05 Sep 18 1.49pm Send a Private Message to Leftfield Add Leftfield as a friend

Originally posted by charliehub

Leftfield - good post , fully agree. Same age roughly, 60 now, and I haven't supported Palace for 52 years purely to watch the beautiful football, delicate skills and tactical brilliance of CPFC through the ages.
Its that something else...when you meet another Palace fan miles away and jump up and down excitedly hugging each other! Passion. These guys should be respected for their enormous passion - who else will arrive hours before kick off to put out the red and blue?

Nice one Charlie, that made me laugh

And yes, we old buggers need a new generation to help inject passion into the club we've loved all our lives.


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Painter Flag Croydon 05 Sep 18 1.58pm Send a Private Message to Painter Add Painter as a friend

Originally posted by AERO

My feelings on this are that if we drop out of the premiership with the Hf still onboard as long as atmosphere still good it will increase our chances of a quick return . My fear if no Hf it will be a return to the peter Taylor days .

Can’t quite work out how having the HF around increases any chance of promotion? Leeds have a fantastic support despite being out of the Premier for about 13 years, a good support hasn’t helped them!
The bottom line is the HF are trying to bully the club and other supporters to get what they want.


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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 05 Sep 18 1.59pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

I have no probs with the HF moving to block E if they realise that according to the LAW, the will have to SIT!

Now, as n when SS is finally introduced, if/when the HF move to their desired block(E) under current law/rules/regs they will HAVE to remained seated.

Whilst they were in block B, the club & the authorities turned a blind eye, allowing them to gain a proud reputation as one of the best set of fans anywhere in the country.

A 'singing' section can be ANYWHERE in the ground, as long, by law, they are seated. NOW, having the HF at the front of block E is all well n good, BUT(there's always a but), as soon as they stand & bring the flags our, during games, not only does it contrivine ground regs & break the law, it then makes the rest of Block E stand, followed by ALL of blocks D & F, then Blocks C & G, then finally Blocks B/A & H/J.

It wont take long, under CURRENT rules n regs that 1) the club will have to take action, 2) failing that, the local authorities will step in & if that happens, we 'could' very find the whole of the LH closed for 1 game 2/3/4 games.

This is far too serious a thing to allow, no matter how much we want the HF back, IMO, a compromise can & WILL be reached(fingers x'd). NOW in the meantime, can we ALL get back to supporting the team/club we all love(& hate) PLEASE!

Phew, sorry bout that


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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chris123 Flag hove actually 05 Sep 18 2.10pm Send a Private Message to chris123 Add chris123 as a friend

I'm surprised that any promises have been broken - is this true?


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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 05 Sep 18 2.13pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by eagleman13

I have no probs with the HF moving to block E if they realise that according to the LAW, the will have to SIT!

Now, as n when SS is finally introduced, if/when the HF move to their desired block(E) under current law/rules/regs they will HAVE to remained seated.

Whilst they were in block B, the club & the authorities turned a blind eye, allowing them to gain a proud reputation as one of the best set of fans anywhere in the country.

A 'singing' section can be ANYWHERE in the ground, as long, by law, they are seated. NOW, having the HF at the front of block E is all well n good, BUT(there's always a but), as soon as they stand & bring the flags our, during games, not only does it contrivine ground regs & break the law, it then makes the rest of Block E stand, followed by ALL of blocks D & F, then Blocks C & G, then finally Blocks B/A & H/J.

It wont take long, under CURRENT rules n regs that 1) the club will have to take action, 2) failing that, the local authorities will step in & if that happens, we 'could' very find the whole of the LH closed for 1 game 2/3/4 games.

This is far too serious a thing to allow, no matter how much we want the HF back, IMO, a compromise can & WILL be reached(fingers x'd). NOW in the meantime, can we ALL get back to supporting the team/club we all love(& hate) PLEASE!

Phew, sorry bout that

My views on darned standing in all-seater football stadia have been well documented on HOL so I don't need to rake over old ground and stir up a hornet's nest.

You mentioned "Law" - It is widely believed that standing in such stadia is illegal, however this is not the actualite in that The law only states that these clubs should provide seats for all supporters, not that supporters must sit on them.

Standing in seated areas, is, however, contrary to ground regulations.The ground regulations of a club form a contract between the supporter and the club. Entering the stadium is a tacit agreement to accept the ground regulations.
By standing, supporters are in breach of that contract and this is a civil, and not a criminal matter.

Edited by Willo (05 Sep 2018 2.14pm)


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AERO Flag 05 Sep 18 2.15pm Send a Private Message to AERO Add AERO as a friend

Leeds would get 30,000 in any league,we would need as much help as possible if we got relegated. No it won’t guarantee promotion but would help and keep crowds onboard with decent atmosphere.


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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 05 Sep 18 2.23pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Originally posted by Willo

My views on darned standing in all-seater football stadia have been well documented on HOL so I don't need to rake over old ground and stir up a hornet's nest.

You mentioned "Law" - It is widely believed that standing in such stadia is illegal, however this is not the actualite in that The law only states that these clubs should provide seats for all supporters, not that supporters must sit on them.

Standing in seated areas, is, however, contrary to ground regulations.The ground regulations of a club form a contract between the supporter and the club. Entering the stadium is a tacit agreement to accept the ground regulations.
By standing, supporters are in breach of that contract and this is a civil, and not a criminal matter.

Edited by Willo (05 Sep 2018 2.14pm)

My apologies Willo, I stand corrected. I should have 'worded' it slightly better, which is why I added 'Rules n Regs' but, I hope you got my drift.

Edited by eagleman13 (05 Sep 2018 2.24pm)


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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bicycle repair man 05 Sep 18 2.24pm Send a Private Message to bicycle repair man Add bicycle repair man as a friend

This thread is getting very silly .
The bottom line is the so called Fanatics have shown themselves to be a selfish,arrogant and ageist bunch .Who expect the club to pander to their every wish,at the expense of fellow Palace fans.
I suggest they show some common sense.
Stay where they are untill the new stand is built .
They'll get a lot more respect by showing patience .They'll get what they want in the end without alienating fellow supporters.
This is my last post on the subject.


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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 05 Sep 18 2.32pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by eagleman13

My apologies Willo, I stand corrected. I should have 'worded' it slightly better, which is why I added 'Rules n Regs' but, I hope you got my drift.

Edited by eagleman13 (05 Sep 2018 2.24pm)

I stand corrected a lot of the time !
Yes I got your drift.


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Eagleder1 Flag 05 Sep 18 2.43pm Send a Private Message to Eagleder1 Add Eagleder1 as a friend

I would suggest a sensible resolution to this issue and the return to the crowd of the Homesdale Front would be a major contributory factor to the clubs success. The petition should have its own thread to be as successful as i think it must be.


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 05 Sep 18 3.03pm

I will be making a statementlater on today!


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