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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 04 Sep 18 10.43am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Willo

We will have to agree to disagree on this issue.

Certainly been divergent views on this subject but all part of the 'Rich tapestry' of discussion on such sites.

Edited by Willo (04 Sep 2018 9.52am)

That’s all you’re going to say because you can’t deny the club have a share in causing this problem due to them holding back season tickets and people panicking they might end up in block H or B in row 1.



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 04 Sep 18 10.46am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by palace_in_frogland

Some people on here are getting really bent out of shape over this. I worry how they will cope when something truly important happens in their lives...

Like us really falling down the table and into the championship partly because of this.

Yeah well done.



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rikz Flag Croydon 04 Sep 18 10.46am Send a Private Message to rikz Add rikz as a friend

Just to add even tho I've felt the situation has been handled poorly could you imagine someone like mike Ashley's response to a situation like this, most clubs wouldn't even bother responding to fans.

I do think parish wants the best for the club and wants to genuinely keep fans involved in the direction of the club, he's never made me feel like a customer and our club has a genuine community feel about it, still a great owner and lucky to have him running our club.


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 04 Sep 18 10.47am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by m/k mick

A few years ago, Steve Parish sent a letter to a group of season ticket holders in the Directors box, roughly 4 rows across the whole of that section, slightly in front of where he sits. The letter stated that all of those affected would need to move seats, "to accommodate the then four directors family and guests". there was no choice, no consultation other than help to find another suitable seat, and no discount for moving, other than maybe your new seat being cheaper, FACT I was one of them, one of the seats offered to me was in something like row z of the Homesdale, I am still in the Directors box, and to be honest in a better seat, Steve moved people when it suited him

This is the point Parish should be hearing and reading from fans and the press if people want to step up the message.



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PZ Eagle Flag Penzance 04 Sep 18 10.53am Send a Private Message to PZ Eagle Add PZ Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

Like us really falling down the table and into the championship partly because of this.

Yeah well done.

What just because 100 approx fans don't want to sing and wave banners anymore?? - A site for sore eyes.

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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 04 Sep 18 10.55am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by PZ Eagle

OK there was a difference of opinion between the HF and the club over moving the to a different area. So what do you do in a dispute? The sane and sensible way is to negotiate a solution whilst maintaining the status quo.

In this instance a group of supposedly Palace through and through supporters have thrown their teddies out of the pram because they did not get their own way immediately.

The club have been in far worse situations over the years and have survived and will this time too. If this thread were locked it might help take the heat out of the situation and give both parties time and space to reach a sensible compromise.

That’s how it looked at first but there’s the fact that nobody was contacted, the club made a mess of holding season tickets back with no communication and then Parish effectively threw his hands up in the air and walked off. The HF have effectively shown if you’re not bothered or take us for granted then we’ll see what you’re willing to do if we’re missed. Now all Parish or the PR fool does is state of 100 wish to move then maybe something can happen. Again, the club can’t be bothered.

Something needs to happen with a solution or negotiation because this is no good for anybody apart from anyone who’s happy to let the club and situation slide further into the ground as long as their seat is safe for life.



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bicycle repair man 04 Sep 18 11.00am Send a Private Message to bicycle repair man Add bicycle repair man as a friend

without Steve Parish we wouldn't have a club to support.
the HF should stop being so selfish, and pipe down.
they've caused their own problems,if they don't like it ,go away.
i'm sure Palace will struggle on without them.


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 04 Sep 18 11.00am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by PZ Eagle

What just because 100 approx fans don't want to sing and wave banners anymore??

100 fans start off about 1,000 to 2,000 or more. We currently have ‘Ole Eagles’ by 40 people 5 times and that’s it. The banners are an irrelevance. They go down at 2.59pm anyway.

Don’t underestimate how valuable the atmosphere is to CPFC and the younger generations coming through and becoming Palace fans. Unless you or we’re willing to take the risk, leave it how it is and see how it goes but once it’s gone it probably won’t come back again.



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 04 Sep 18 11.02am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by bicycle repair man

without Steve Parish we wouldn't have a club to support.
the HF should stop being so selfish, and pipe down.
they've caused their own problems,if they don't like it ,go away.
i'm sure Palace will struggle on without them.

Yes, may well do.



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 04 Sep 18 11.15am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I'm with the club on this one.

Oh hang on....I'm with the club on most stuff....because you know...I support Crystal Palace...the football club.

If a club annoys you that much, just stop supporting it..or just start caring less about it.....these are businesses at the end of the day and a bit of perspective is required.

Edited by Stirlingsays (04 Sep 2018 10.37am)

To begin with I had the same opinion. But gradually people are seeing how much of a loss this and they are.

And with regard to the business aspect, Parish uses the HF left, right and centre promoting the club. On season ticket literature the HF are all over it and there’s a season ticket promotion video which is 90% of the HF. Don’t underestimate the value of the atmosphere at Selhurst Park. It isn’t just the HF but what they start or stick with that means 1,000 to 2,000 and sometimes a lot more join in to create. If that goes part of the marketing pull and just pull as a fan into the club and Palace family goes. Parish knows this, or he wouldn’t bother using the HF constantly in promoting business or using the half &rsed solution of if 100 offered to move then they’ll see what they can do. How about actually doing something they intended in the first place by consulting people and handled so flaming poorly or let’s face it, by doing nothing apart from creating p&nt wetting.

And if this atmosphere and feeling in the club descends more from where we’ve been and into the prejudice chanting, barracking and booing that’s manifesting from the back of block B then we will have a situation you speak of, of people not supporting, turning up, caring less.



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Midlands Eagle Flag 04 Sep 18 11.23am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

If Parish gives in to their demands what will happen next? Will they demand a seat on the board or perhaps to be consulted on who will be in the team or even on transfers


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rikz Flag Croydon 04 Sep 18 11.24am Send a Private Message to rikz Add rikz as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I'm with the club on this one.

Oh hang on....I'm with the club on most stuff....because you know...I support Crystal Palace...the football club.

If a club annoys you that much, just stop supporting it..or just start caring less about it.....these are businesses at the end of the day and a bit of perspective is required.

Edited by Stirlingsays (04 Sep 2018 10.37am)

Not to me it's not, it's not just a football club, it represents the area I'm from and born, where my family are from, where I've been to school, I've grown up, people and the community I've grown up with to a certain extent our culture. We're tribal as a specie and going to another part of the country and taking 3 points couldn't be more satisfying and satisfies that tribal instinct in us.


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