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BlueJay Flag UK 22 Jan 21 11.39am

Originally posted by Matov

As to the pardons, then the more I look at the list, the more my disgust grows with them. Some sickening names on there and for what? That is what I struggle with.

Interestingly, some individuals appear to have parted with a decent chunk of change 'lobbying' those around Trump for pardons [Link] Others have claimed that Gulliani put an exact number on it (into the millions) [Link] True or not for rich individuals with decades of prison time ahead of them for instance, I can see the appeal from their perspective.

I have no knowledge of whether any such efforts were given the green light but it makes you wonder. Either that or returned favours.

One point of interest is that apparently the pardons , rather than being full and sweeping, were very specifically worded. It has been suggested in some quarters that this may have been an act of 'malicious compliance' by someone forced to write them and that it leaves plenty of room to charge many of these individuals with crimes other than those they were specifically charged with anyway [Link]


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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 22 Jan 21 11.41am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

Stirling rather admirably made all the right points in his response.

But Trump is finished. Over and done with. Bannon still has a massive role to play as I rate him as the greatest political thinker of the 21st century hence why his pardon was so welcome. But there were others that could have also had a massive impact but were ignored.

As to the pardons, then the more I look at the list, the more my disgust grows with them. Some sickening names on there and for what? That is what I struggle with.

The Right needs a figurehead to unite around or at least be able to front a wider campaign on the electoral battleground. Beginning to suspect we might be a decade or so away from that when it could be too late.

Need to see how things pan out when the dust settles. What really scares me at the moment is the fawning over Biden from the media. Not even a pretence being made about holding him to account for anything. But I am willing to concede this is early days. Lets see.

The media is very cynical they know that Biden and Harris have a few skeletons and probably know what they are. However they hate Trump so much they are willing to turn a blind eye.

Trump baiting will continue for now but eventually the media will get bored and Trump will disapear into well deserved political obscurity.

After that the media will suddenly discover all the dirt about Biden / Harris.

This reminds me of Robert Maxwell and the faux outrage after his death when the media suddenly discovered the fat git was a crook. Private Eye openly called him that every week for at least 10 years before his death.

When the editor of the Eye was asked where do you get your stories he said from main stream journalists whose newspapers are too scared to print them.

Sometimes the media likes to hang onto a story for maximum impact. I don't doubt that when the dirt appears about Biden all they will do is print the story that has been gathering dust in the office.

I worked with a guy whose best mate was a fleet street journalist he was always telling us that the paper had a story about a celebrity which they had been hanging onto for months, sure enough it would then be released for maximum impact.

He once told me they had a story about a gay PL footballer they were desperate to release it but as the chap was in a settled relationship with his boyfriend they couldn't justify it. I don't think that one ever came out.

Edited by Badger11 (22 Jan 2021 11.46am)


One more point

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Matov Flag 22 Jan 21 11.42am Send a Private Message to Matov Add Matov as a friend

The entire 'Pardon' culture strikes me as ripe for abuse across the board. Not convinced it has any place in a modern political system.

Edited by Matov (22 Jan 2021 11.43am)


"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." - 1984 - George Orwell.

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BlueJay Flag UK 22 Jan 21 11.48am

Originally posted by Matov

The entire system strikes me as ripe for abuse across the board. Not convinced it has any place in a modern political system.

Me neither, it's been abused by past Presidents also and no doubt will be again in future.

I did find the contract of optionally giving the thumbs up to executions, which commuting decades long sentences of others to be absurd. Clearly the crimes were not comparable in nature but as a principle, or rather lack of, it's a strange state of affairs.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 22 Jan 21 12.12pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Are you seriously suggesting that the vast majority of the mainstream media is not left/liberal?

All the big players, BBC, ITN, Channel 4 and 5, CNN Twitter, Facebook etc all fit that category.

You are clutching at straws man.

I most certainly am!

This persistent idea that the MSM has a left-leaning, or "liberal" stance which is held by those on the hard-right needs to be called out every time it's made. It just isn't true.

They are left of you, that's for sure but that's only because of your own position. For those on the left they take a rightist position. For those, like me, who stand either on the centre-right or centre-left they offer a balanced mix of opinion.

That you aren't going to understand that, let alone accept it, is a given. People like you are convinced the media in general, and the BBC, in particular, is a nest of socialists determined to push their own views on the rest of us when, for me, they are simply professional journalists employed to investigate and report as honestly as they can. The strongly politically motivated from both the left and the right get plenty of opportunities to put over their own viewpoints. When they do I rarely get much light thrown on issues. Usually, it's just a lot of heat. For light, I rely on professional experienced journalists.

As I have said many times when both the left and the right are complaining that the media treat them unfairly you can have some confidence that they aren't.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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Eaglecoops Flag CR3 22 Jan 21 1.22pm Send a Private Message to Eaglecoops Add Eaglecoops as a friend

Let’s all just ignore the fact that stories are cherry picked for a reason. Every single day you see it in the media. The journalist may well be presenting an honest appraisal, however it is the honest appraisal of a story that promotes the agenda that has been selected to be pushed.


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 22 Jan 21 1.24pm

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Are you seriously suggesting that the vast majority of the mainstream media is not left/liberal?

All the big players, BBC, ITN, Channel 4 and 5, CNN Twitter, Facebook etc all fit that category.

You are clutching at straws man.

I imagine he was, not to mention the right wing press in this country! (This post was the work of cp-but spoken by an actor)


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 22 Jan 21 1.33pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I most certainly am!

This persistent idea that the MSM has a left-leaning, or "liberal" stance which is held by those on the hard-right needs to be called out every time it's made. It just isn't true.

They are left of you, that's for sure but that's only because of your own position. For those on the left they take a rightist position. For those, like me, who stand either on the centre-right or centre-left they offer a balanced mix of opinion.

That you aren't going to understand that, let alone accept it, is a given. People like you are convinced the media in general, and the BBC, in particular, is a nest of socialists determined to push their own views on the rest of us when, for me, they are simply professional journalists employed to investigate and report as honestly as they can. The strongly politically motivated from both the left and the right get plenty of opportunities to put over their own viewpoints. When they do I rarely get much light thrown on issues. Usually, it's just a lot of heat. For light, I rely on professional experienced journalists.

As I have said many times when both the left and the right are complaining that the media treat them unfairly you can have some confidence that they aren't.

But I'm a moderate Wisbech. My opinions reflect a large proportion of the British population.
The mentality of the mainstream media is moving so rapidly toward 1984 la la land that average opinion now appears extreme to the increasingly blinkered eyes of the easily manipulated.

That includes you by the way.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 22 Jan 21 1.34pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

I imagine he was, not to mention the right wing press in this country! (This post was the work of cp-but spoken by an actor)

What ever drugs you have recently started taking are not working out.


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 22 Jan 21 2.25pm

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

What ever drugs you have recently started taking are not working out.

It"s just a play on thatch banning free speech back in the day hrolf, right wing censorship- i think you already knew that thou, unless the medication has cost you your memory, or you have the blinkers on, moderate? Do me a favour!


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silvertop Flag Portishead 22 Jan 21 2.42pm Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

But I'm a moderate Wisbech. My opinions reflect a large proportion of the British population.
The mentality of the mainstream media is moving so rapidly toward 1984 la la land that average opinion now appears extreme to the increasingly blinkered eyes of the easily manipulated.

That includes you by the way.

Now I've seen everything.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards SW19 CPFC Flag Addiscombe West 22 Jan 21 2.45pm Send a Private Message to SW19 CPFC Add SW19 CPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

But I'm a moderate Wisbech. My opinions reflect a large proportion of the British population.
The mentality of the mainstream media is moving so rapidly toward 1984 la la land that average opinion now appears extreme to the increasingly blinkered eyes of the easily manipulated.

That includes you by the way.

How can you even prove that? Also I'm not sure you'd be defined as a moderate in the modern age. And yes, interpretation of these things can and do change – a moderate in 1980 is not the same as a moderate now.

I've always found it interesting that those further 'right' whine about the 'MSM'

Ultimately if there were enough of you as you say, then the 'MSM' wouldn't exist as a centre left majority, we'd have a more right wing government and there would probably be some sort of Gab/Dissenter state TV station that would be the most popular in the UK. In other words, supply and demand.

I really feel that sometimes self-styled 'conservatives' over estimate the popularity of their positions. By the way this also applies to those on the far end of the left. Same deal.

I see groups that cling on to 'old school' conservatism as dwindling, not increasing. And that's mainly due to age. I haven't looked into it, but out of all the sub 30s in this country (Millenials, Gen Z) how many do you really think align with 70s era conservatism? I'd be amazed if it's any higher than 5%.


Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons.

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