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Jimenez Flag SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 21 Jan 21 9.45pm Send a Private Message to Jimenez Add Jimenez as a friend

Originally posted by DanH

Christ. Didn’t realise that! He won’t succeed.

My politics are nowhere near as left as his. Far left is just as unpalatable as far right to me. Nothing extreme is ever the answer.

Agreed Dan. He was a strange one for sure. He had an unsettling habit of barging into a conversation on Twitter although It had nothing to do with him.
I had to Block the t*** in the end.


Pro USA & Israel

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 21 Jan 21 10.36pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

There are nutcases on all sides of politics. There is however no equivalence between left and right for censorship and misrepresentation. The media is a 24 hour leftist propaganda machine.

Trump did nothing except upset people who can't handle opposition. He dared to take on the globalist agenda.

The arrogance of Remainers was and is a shameful chapter in Britain's history. You can sling your mud and remain in denial as long as you like but the fact remains.

Your first line, for a refreshing change, is correct. As you repeatedly confirm in your frequent contributions here, especially in this thread.

Just consider your claim that "the media is a 24 hour leftist propaganda machine." Then explain how the Mail, Sun, Express and Telegraph promote leftish propaganda?

Just about everything Trump did upset people who are more than capable of handling opposition. They upset me and even you must accept I am capable of handling opposition!. They got upset because not only were his policies disastrous, divisive and cruel they were delivered without thought or care.

There is not a thing shameful in believing that Brexit was not just a mistake but a process that was not our way of democracy and was also corrupted by foreign interference and lies. There is nothing shameful if you truly believe those things and love your country, to continue making those arguments. I was a remainder. I am now a rejoiner.

As to the denials by you, and your "gang", that there isn't any "ganging up" happening here I can assure you as the frequent recipient of such treatment that it isn't true. Of course, you are in denial and perhaps even unaware, but seen from someone who receives it you need to know you aren't correct. Don't misunderstand me. I am not complaining. I have an immediate and simple remedy in my own hands. But whilst that would pour scorn on those who argue for unrestrained free speech it would also mean that another voice of reason would have been forced out by the shouting from the disproportionately large number of fringe right opinion who populate this place. So in the interests of trying to offer some support to the brave souls who put up, not just with the warped opinions but with the abuse which frequently accompanies them, I continue. That others don't like my style causes me some amusement, so there is always a smile to be found. You provide quite a few.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 21 Jan 21 10.46pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Your first line, for a refreshing change, is correct. As you repeatedly confirm in your frequent contributions here, especially in this thread.

Just consider your claim that "the media is a 24 hour leftist propaganda machine." Then explain how the Mail, Sun, Express and Telegraph promote leftish propaganda?

Just about everything Trump did upset people who are more than capable of handling opposition. They upset me and even you must accept I am capable of handling opposition!. They got upset because not only were his policies disastrous, divisive and cruel they were delivered without thought or care.

There is not a thing shameful in believing that Brexit was not just a mistake but a process that was not our way of democracy and was also corrupted by foreign interference and lies. There is nothing shameful if you truly believe those things and love your country, to continue making those arguments. I was a remainder. I am now a rejoiner.

As to the denials by you, and your "gang", that there isn't any "ganging up" happening here I can assure you as the frequent recipient of such treatment that it isn't true. Of course, you are in denial and perhaps even unaware, but seen from someone who receives it you need to know you aren't correct. Don't misunderstand me. I am not complaining. I have an immediate and simple remedy in my own hands. But whilst that would pour scorn on those who argue for unrestrained free speech it would also mean that another voice of reason would have been forced out by the shouting from the disproportionately large number of fringe right opinion who populate this place. So in the interests of trying to offer some support to the brave souls who put up, not just with the warped opinions but with the abuse which frequently accompanies them, I continue. That others don't like my style causes me some amusement, so there is always a smile to be found. You provide quite a few.

Do you know how many times I have heard that ridiculous argument? Almost no one buys newspapers any more Wisbech. The visual and internet media is dominant.

As for you other claims. This site allows debate. It is certainly no echo chamber. There is no fringe right opinion that I have seen. There is only an opportunity for people who represent a very large proportion of the population to speak their minds without being receiving personal abuse or being silenced with a ban. In this current loony world, that is refreshing. People like you would silence opposing views given the chance, and don't deny it.


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matthau Flag South Croydon 21 Jan 21 11.10pm Send a Private Message to matthau Add matthau as a friend

Glad this thread came about. I just wanted to offer an apology. I was so pssd off on Inauguration Day. The ol Jack Daniels came out! But I woke up the next day and, well, all I can say is that I still beleive in it all. So I appologise for wasting your time regarding the big day but I can say hand on heart I Still beleive it all still and my reasons are -

I have since realised trump needed to be fully out of power. Wasn’t on the day. Military had to have sole control. Also when things do happen people won’t be questioning trump. They’ll be questioning military or the Biden administration only Which is the entire point.

Some weird happenings to back up my thoughts, - more troops are being brought in as we speak. Why?


Trump left with a big smile, 17 flags behind him - 17th letter is? All previous presidents looked absolutely knackered and depressed. They looked scared.

Harris put her purse between her hand before swearing on the bible. Very strange sight.

The Vatican is falling apart as I said, former Vatican account just been put away for 9 years for laundering. It’s all connected

YouTube has been up to no good:


If you find time, these eye opening:



^ both a good watch and fully explain my thinking.

On that note, I know you won’t even click on half the above, and after the inauguration spectacle,I don’t expect you too

Once again, appologies but I’ll still be punching from this angle as I know soon, I’ll be proved right. Not that it’s about that. I want it to be over too

But, a pandemic, track n trace apps able to be used, tek in place conveniently in same era, media hated trump ever since he ran as republican. Sorry. More to it all. Much more.

Military is in dc now and they are growing in numbers. Something is happening

I’ll leave it here. Lol

Edited by matthau (21 Jan 2021 11.11pm)


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Stirlingsays Flag 21 Jan 21 11.27pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Matov

I confess I struggle with almost all of them (apart from Bannon). In fact, the entire 'pardon frenzy' at the end of any Presidents term is sketchy across the board. Certainly left a sour taste in my mouth though. Will put my hands up to that.



'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 21 Jan 21 11.35pm

This site playing up? Im stuck on page 10. just saying .


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Mapletree Flag Croydon 21 Jan 21 11.35pm Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

Why did he leave?

Why do you keep repeating yourself yourself? I know this largely is an echo chamber but it’s getting ridiculous ridiculous.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 21 Jan 21 11.35pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

The guy who compared conservatives to Nazis then talks about unity, while his lackeys persecute them.

You just see what you wish to see.

You do indeed only see what you wish to see! As you conclusively prove with this post.

I don't think Biden did anything of the sort on Wednesday.

He called out white supremacists, racism and lies.

If in the past he has compared some of those who call themselves "conservatives", Nazis, then he had every right to do so because it's a pretty accurate way to describe some of the views that get pushed around on hard-right sites. The vast majority of people would, I believe, agree with him and only those who have some sympathy for such views could possibly disagree.

That the social media companies are, at last, tackling those who go too far by calling for violence in a democracy has nothing to do with Biden. That he likely supports them is only because it is overdue and common sense.

You frequently refer to "conservatives" and "real conservatives" as though you are the arbiter of what these words really mean.

Well, I for one, disagree. I regard myself as a real conservative. I believe in fiscal responsibility, in running a deficit only in times of emergency (such as now) but in normal times in balancing the books. I believe the state should only do what we can do better collectively than we can do separately. I believe in capitalism and entrepreneurship as the way to encourage enterprise and hard work. Some people are smarter than others and we must harness that smartness, to the benefit of all.

I also believe none of us should over-consume if others don't have enough of what they need to survive in decency, through no fault of their own. Conservatism doesn't exclude being socially responsible and is perfectly compatible with a modern welfare state. You don't become "leftish" or "socialist" when you believe such things. You remain a conservative. Just one who has realised you can no longer rely on charity as a means of protecting the vulnerable. The state has a role to play.

Here in the UK the Conservative Party has always been a "broad church" with views such as yours on the furthest right fringe and mine on the left. I have no authority to claim the soul of conservatism but for sure neither do you. Your frequent references in these pages to your opinion being that of a "real" conservative is nothing of the sort. It is just your opinion.

The same will, I believe, now be seen in the USA where the softer, non-Trumpian Republicans will start to exert their authority again, now the nightmare of the last 4 years is behind them. Of course, they will face opposition as Trump very obviously still has a lot of support, but the next few months will show us just how much damage he did to himself with his stupidity in the last few months. Trump never was a "real" conservative of any kind. Nor indeed, in my opinion, are many of those who follow him. They are not political thinkers in any real sense. They either like or dislike things, depending on how it affects them personally. The rest can go to hell. Much like Trump himself.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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Mapletree Flag Croydon 21 Jan 21 11.39pm Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by matthau

Glad this thread came about. I just wanted to offer an apology. I was so pssd off on Inauguration Day. The ol Jack Daniels came out! But I woke up the next day and, well, all I can say is that I still beleive in it all. So I appologise for wasting your time regarding the big day but I can say hand on heart I Still beleive it all still and my reasons are -

I have since realised trump needed to be fully out of power. Wasn’t on the day. Military had to have sole control. Also when things do happen people won’t be questioning trump. They’ll be questioning military or the Biden administration only Which is the entire point.

Some weird happenings to back up my thoughts, - more troops are being brought in as we speak. Why?


Trump left with a big smile, 17 flags behind him - 17th letter is? All previous presidents looked absolutely knackered and depressed. They looked scared.

Harris put her purse between her hand before swearing on the bible. Very strange sight.

The Vatican is falling apart as I said, former Vatican account just been put away for 9 years for laundering. It’s all connected

YouTube has been up to no good:


If you find time, these eye opening:



^ both a good watch and fully explain my thinking.

On that note, I know you won’t even click on half the above, and after the inauguration spectacle,I don’t expect you too

Once again, appologies but I’ll still be punching from this angle as I know soon, I’ll be proved right. Not that it’s about that. I want it to be over too

But, a pandemic, track n trace apps able to be used, tek in place conveniently in same era, media hated trump ever since he ran as republican. Sorry. More to it all. Much more.

Military is in dc now and they are growing in numbers. Something is happening

I’ll leave it here. Lol

Edited by matthau (21 Jan 2021 11.11pm)

Welcome back Matthau

We were concerned we’d heard nothing from you

And we all knew the rhetoric would find a way to move on. Cults aren’t killed by facts that overtake them as they aren’t actually based on science anyway.


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 21 Jan 21 11.44pm

Originally posted by Mapletree

Why do you keep repeating yourself yourself? I know this largely is an echo chamber but it’s getting ridiculous ridiculous.

Obviously my laptop is playing up maple, or i"m being censored by mods who said they know who i am-or rather was! Thats why i just posted stuck on page 10, i could see a couple of posters had posted but my page wouldnt let me get that far!so if you see the same post 2 or 3 times by me, its because i press send and nothing happens, so press again and hey presto, i have 2 posts!


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 21 Jan 21 11.50pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

Do you know how many times I have heard that ridiculous argument? Almost no one buys newspapers any more Wisbech. The visual and internet media is dominant.

As for you other claims. This site allows debate. It is certainly no echo chamber. There is no fringe right opinion that I have seen. There is only an opportunity for people who represent a very large proportion of the population to speak their minds without being receiving personal abuse or being silenced with a ban. In this current loony world, that is refreshing. People like you would silence opposing views given the chance, and don't deny it.

You fool only yourself.

How many read the Mail, Express and Telegraph online? How many turn to right-wing groups on FB (they are still there) and now Gab, Telegraph and Parler? Fox News, Breitbart and OANN are hardly left-wing broadcasters.

I no more wish to silence opposing views than start to support Brighton. What I do approve of is removing the access of those who seek to promote extreme views, including hatred and violence. What their political stance is is unimportant. In a democracy such views are unlawful and ought never to be given oxygen.

So long as anyone avoids such things and argues about a political approach then all is well.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 21 Jan 21 11.52pm

Originally posted by matthau

Glad this thread came about. I just wanted to offer an apology. I was so pssd off on Inauguration Day. The ol Jack Daniels came out! But I woke up the next day and, well, all I can say is that I still beleive in it all. So I appologise for wasting your time regarding the big day but I can say hand on heart I Still beleive it all still and my reasons are -

I have since realised trump needed to be fully out of power. Wasn’t on the day. Military had to have sole control. Also when things do happen people won’t be questioning trump. They’ll be questioning military or the Biden administration only Which is the entire point.

Some weird happenings to back up my thoughts, - more troops are being brought in as we speak. Why?


Trump left with a big smile, 17 flags behind him - 17th letter is? All previous presidents looked absolutely knackered and depressed. They looked scared.

Harris put her purse between her hand before swearing on the bible. Very strange sight.

The Vatican is falling apart as I said, former Vatican account just been put away for 9 years for laundering. It’s all connected

YouTube has been up to no good:


If you find time, these eye opening:



^ both a good watch and fully explain my thinking.

On that note, I know you won’t even click on half the above, and after the inauguration spectacle,I don’t expect you too

Once again, appologies but I’ll still be punching from this angle as I know soon, I’ll be proved right. Not that it’s about that. I want it to be over too

But, a pandemic, track n trace apps able to be used, tek in place conveniently in same era, media hated trump ever since he ran as republican. Sorry. More to it all. Much more.

Military is in dc now and they are growing in numbers. Something is happening

I’ll leave it here. Lol

Edited by matthau (21 Jan 2021 11.11pm)

I did try an click on a link the other night, only to see it was about 379 kb long -if thats the correct term-sounded like it would eat my data-so didn"t bother-although i did guess the number thing would happen-said so in my post, only i picked number 7!Anyway, as someone predicted, you have moved the goalposts, the revolution is still on, only the dates have changed-who knew?


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