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Coronavirus and the impact of Lockdown policy

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footythoughts Flag Beckenham 21 Dec 22 11.15pm

Originally posted by ASCPFC

Yes, I was vaccinated. I was ill from the vaccine - got the Pfizer/Moderna double jab. My tongue swelled and could hardly talk. Obviously allergic to the vaccine. I still got the second jab. However, got no boosters due to the issues. I will say my GP listened and understood but those at the vaccine centre had absolutely no interest.
To tell the truth my missus is anti-vax (her son/my step son has issues ever since childhood vaccinations). She's not vaccinated, we both work in similar jobs. I must have had Covid at least three times. One wasn't too bad, this one has left me with loads of post Covid things but I reckon I'll be alright. Been off work for around a month now. Will go back in the New Year. She has had mild Covid once. My own opinion is that the vaccine cannot be described as a vaccine. My own experience seems to demonstrate that it made no difference, even possibly worsened Covid. It also made me quite sick.
This is only my own experience - others maybe not as unlucky. I won't be rushing for any further 'vaccines' or boosters or whatever, after all this. Funnily enough, I'm in a very conservative, conformist workplace (similar to your profession), and normally government line colleagues all pretty much whisper similar things. They won't get boosted. No one sees the point. There are just as much risks in the injections as there are with Covid for normal people. Plus the vaccine or booster seems to do nothing it's supposed to do.

Edited by ASCPFC (20 Dec 2022 1.15pm)

I'd say a combination of a reasoned view of the science and how your body reacts to it is a good rule of thumb. The vaccine was always going to get a bad rap as tumbling death rates isn't news, and any significant remaining health impact of the virus is easily shoved onto the vaccine by those without anything better to do looking for their soap opera style fix.

That said with with anything new, in time we learn more. From that I'd say that really there is no point, or even a negataive, to the young being vaccinated.. and also in cases like yours it's hard to fault you not taking it after such a negative reaction. Maybe its hard to know how covid would've impacted you without the vaccine.. unless you got it prior? But in any case, in your shoes I'd do exactly as you'd done and hope for the best. Personally I've had vaccines and a booster but will play it by ear going forward. if things carry on as they are now, I doubt I'll get another. I do have the flu jab but that is more tried and tested realistically.


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footythoughts Flag Beckenham 21 Dec 22 11.18pm

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

My mum is 91 and was previously extremely pro-vaccine but had a reaction to the latest jab so bad that she's not having another one.

The vaccine and possibly exposure to covid may have given her some protection anyway. As you say people have different priorities in life and with covid we saw that if we're ultra focused on one problem, we inadvertantly create others elsewhere anyway.


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Stirlingsays Flag 22 Dec 22 12.36am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 22 Dec 22 8.43am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Awful piece of journalism on a right leaning channel by a presenter who asks questions, gets answers but then cannot shut up and imposes her own view on top of them. She so obviously has an agenda that it was embarrassing to watch.

The guy is making a simple point in arguing for transparency in decision making, which is a perfectly legitimate argument to have. In normal times, and for many subjects, one that I would agree with. Not though when facing something like Covid, when a strategy needed to be devised and followed quickly and not debated over, whilst Rome burned. We needed everyone at the pumps!

However she didn’t even allow that point to be discussed. She wanted to accuse the government of suppressing information. Which was not the case. They wanted to emphasise what the plan was and for the messaging not to get diluted by debates about alternatives. They had had those debates internally and the decisions had been made. This was positive leadership. When the pervasive capacity of social media to spread misinformation is well understood a decision to try to restrict the messaging at a time of crisis makes perfect sense.

That was nothing new or unusual. Making sure the messaging helps us all pull together, even if some disagree with the direction, is normal at a time of crisis.

The time for reflection and lesson learning comes later, when the crisis is over. Which is what will happen with the enquiry and the books about the experiences.

That won’t, of course, stop people like this journalist pushing their own conspiracy theories or people who agree with them jumping on their band wagon.

Nothing to see here, other than the usual froth from the right.


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Teddy Eagle Flag 22 Dec 22 9.04am Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by footythoughts

The vaccine and possibly exposure to covid may have given her some protection anyway. As you say people have different priorities in life and with covid we saw that if we're ultra focused on one problem, we inadvertantly create others elsewhere anyway.

Yes, you're right. After the first jab I was fine while my wife was ill for a few days (which in all honesty didn't go down too well) in other years I've had a reaction to the flu jab when she's been alright (which was a more popular result).
Regardless we'll have the jab because it ameliorates the effect of catching it and it will probably still be a requirement for going abroad.
At the mother's age going on holiday isn't a big worry and having survived the blitz, polio and Alan Mullery managing Palace she's going to take her chances.


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Stirlingsays Flag 08 Jan 23 3.05am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 08 Jan 23 6.56am Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Awful piece of journalism on a right leaning channel by a presenter who asks questions, gets answers but then cannot shut up and imposes her own view on top of them. She so obviously has an agenda that it was embarrassing to watch.

The guy is making a simple point in arguing for transparency in decision making, which is a perfectly legitimate argument to have. In normal times, and for many subjects, one that I would agree with. Not though when facing something like Covid, when a strategy needed to be devised and followed quickly and not debated over, whilst Rome burned. We needed everyone at the pumps!

However she didn’t even allow that point to be discussed. She wanted to accuse the government of suppressing information. Which was not the case. They wanted to emphasise what the plan was and for the messaging not to get diluted by debates about alternatives. They had had those debates internally and the decisions had been made. This was positive leadership. When the pervasive capacity of social media to spread misinformation is well understood a decision to try to restrict the messaging at a time of crisis makes perfect sense.

That was nothing new or unusual. Making sure the messaging helps us all pull together, even if some disagree with the direction, is normal at a time of crisis.

The time for reflection and lesson learning comes later, when the crisis is over. Which is what will happen with the enquiry and the books about the experiences.

That won’t, of course, stop people like this journalist pushing their own conspiracy theories or people who agree with them jumping on their band wagon.

Nothing to see here, other than the usual froth from the right.

That is a great description of your good self.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards grumpymort Flag US/Thailand/UK 08 Jan 23 9.43am Send a Private Message to grumpymort Add grumpymort as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

That is a great description of your good self.

100% true.

Remember the same person guaranteed another lockdown still hasn't come and un vaccinated mass spreading with high death count.

Still waiting.

I noticed this person is still using the false numbers of covid deaths being 200,000 as well.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 08 Jan 23 10.27am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by grumpymort

100% true.

Remember the same person guaranteed another lockdown still hasn't come and un vaccinated mass spreading with high death count.

Still waiting.

I noticed this person is still using the false numbers of covid deaths being 200,000 as well.

This comment puzzles me! Is it supposed to be me saying these things? I cannot recall guaranteeing anything! Indeed, which one of us is in a position to do such a thing. I might have forecasted a return to lockdown but genuinely cannot recall doing so. If I did, it would have been many months ago and would need to be considered in the context existing at that time.

All I do with "numbers" is defend the method used to calculate them, which is intended to enable a consistent trend to be demonstrated. The trend is much more important in the determination of policy than in semantics over the totals, unless you believe either that the pandemic hasn't caused deaths, or those deaths aren't that important.

The decisions taken to lockdown, at the time they were taken, were, and are, supported by me. They were sensible and gave us time to develop the vaccines and learn more about the virus. Once we had the vaccines offering protection against severe sickness, even if the emerging variants were evolving in ways which meant infection rates increased again, we were in a different situation. One which lockdowns were not the best way of managing. That's just common sense.


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Stirlingsays Flag 08 Jan 23 11.07am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Anyone remember WE calling for lockdowns to stop?

I certainly don't.

I do however distinctly remember him calling for severe restrictions to be put on the unvaccinated based upon the misinformation that they were dangerous while the vaccinated weren't.

He spent his time accusing others of misinformation when that was precisely what he himself was doing.


Whether someone took a vaccination or not was always a personal decision and the the behaviour, threats and pressure from some were quite disgraceful.

Edited by Stirlingsays (08 Jan 2023 11.33am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 08 Jan 23 11.47am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

With the benefit of hindsight the Swedes more or less got it right, the one error they made was not to protect their care homes early enough.

So if a similar pandemic occurs we should protect the vulnerable but for everybody else as you were.


One more point

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Stirlingsays Flag 08 Jan 23 12.01pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

With the benefit of hindsight the Swedes more or less got it right, the one error they made was not to protect their care homes early enough.

So if a similar pandemic occurs we should protect the vulnerable but for everybody else as you were.

Indeed, I still can't quite believe that our own government told people to 'stay home and save lives', when in reality they didn't know what they were talking about....they were punting....but because they are the authority figures everyone just took it at face value.....even though any examination of the policies made little sense as, in reality, most of the workforce carried on working because it had to.

As ever, because all the managerial class did the same groupthink there is a complete lack of self criticism and revisionism. They just don't talk about it, yet I can't see how any honest inquiry won't look at this rather severely.

Edited by Stirlingsays (08 Jan 2023 12.05pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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