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Bless me Father for I have sinned ...

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ex hibitionist Flag Hastings 16 Mar 24 12.24pm Send a Private Message to ex hibitionist Add ex hibitionist as a friend

I have a confession to make ... while watching the live updates on the beeb the other night I heard that Brighton had just gone one up at home to Roma and were applying pressure. In that moment a flash of Fulham's classic Roy-inspired 4-1 comeback flashed from my memory, and then in one unforgiveable and degenerate moment a most vile and disgusting sensation, or was it a thought, sprang into my consciousness. This is not easy for me, but some small part of my being seemed to acquire over-excitement and I believe I heard my inner mind express the words "go on Brighton". In over 50 years as a Palace fan who was present at many of the Mullery/Venables clashes this was a first and something I never expected. Was it old age or some misdirected patriotism that caused this I don't know. But I feel ashamed and dirty and I need to purge myself of this. So I come here hoping that with your love and care I can find redemption. Any advice would be welcome, but maybe suggestions of what types of penance I should undergo may help me find my way back to the peace of mind I enjoyed hitherto. Thank you.


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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 16 Mar 24 12.32pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

I applaud your frank admission of this despicable period of your life, i hope, given the intelligence of the HOL posters, to find you a suitable penance for you sin.

The only advice i can partake with you, is, for god's sake, do NOT let 'Cucking' know, as he will be willing to personally see to your redemption.

Good Luck.


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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The groover Flag Danbury 16 Mar 24 12.35pm Send a Private Message to The groover Add The groover as a friend

Say 32,000 hail Mary's and flagellate yourself for 24 hours.


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Teddy Eagle Flag 16 Mar 24 12.39pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Simeon Stylites spent 37 years living on top of a pillar. Obviously you'd need longer than that but it would be a start on the path to partial redemption.


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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 16 Mar 24 12.43pm Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Nah that is unforgivable lock him up and throw away the key


One more point

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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 16 Mar 24 1.04pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Sackcloth and ashes.
I am reminded of an Australian beer I once consumed on the Central Coast,it was called 'One Fifty Lashes'.


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ASCPFC Flag Pro-Cathedral/caravan park 16 Mar 24 1.52pm Send a Private Message to ASCPFC Add ASCPFC as a friend

You are now banned from all of South-East London for life. Count yourself lucky it wasn't worse.


Red and Blue Army!

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 16 Mar 24 2.04pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

six hail mary's, ten Our Fathers .....and you will be forgiven. Shrived, shriven and Shrove.


do it again ........and you will be conscripted into the All boys Choir at Brighton Parish Chapel and put under the tutelage of the notorious and infamous Father Murphy.


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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monkey Flag Sittingbourne,but made in Bromley 16 Mar 24 3.00pm Send a Private Message to monkey Add monkey as a friend

I now feel thoroughly ashamed of myself as well, I was pleased they went in front as well, I had them down to win as part of an acca.

Ex-hib…..I’ll meet you up the top of beach my head, there’s just no recovering from this


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Teddy Eagle Flag 16 Mar 24 3.14pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by monkey

I now feel thoroughly ashamed of myself as well, I was pleased they went in front as well, I had them down to win as part of an acca.

Ex-hib…..I’ll meet you up the top of beach my head, there’s just no recovering from this

This is beyond the pale. One such miscreant is deeply troubling but two? The event horizon is a dot in the rearview mirror and no Thelma & Louise style pact will atone for such wickedness.
As Billy Connolly observed, "hanging is too good for the likes of you. It's a good boot up the arse you're needing".


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monkey Flag Sittingbourne,but made in Bromley 16 Mar 24 3.19pm Send a Private Message to monkey Add monkey as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

This is beyond the pale. One such miscreant is deeply troubling but two? The event horizon is a dot in the rearview mirror and no Thelma & Louise style pact will atone for such wickedness.
As Billy Connolly observed, "hanging is too good for the likes of you. It's a good boot up the arse you're needing".

Please don’t mention ‘arse’ when we’re talking about Brighton, because another fate worse than death springs to mind


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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 16 Mar 24 3.20pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

This is beyond the pale. One such miscreant is deeply troubling but two? The event horizon is a dot in the rearview mirror and no Thelma & Louise style pact will atone for such wickedness.
As Billy Connolly observed, "hanging is too good for the likes of you. It's a good boot up the arse you're needing".

Now we have two, just a thought, but, as punishment, how about they have to be 'Mods' for a week on the 'News & Politics' thread . . . ?


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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