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July 27 2024 3.06am


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Pukka Purley
Updated 4165 days ago

General Info

Location:Highton,Melbourne Australia (Australia)
Interests:life,reading Biographies,F1,
Occupation:Development & Engineering Manager


May 20 2013
waddy has updated his location to Highton,Melbourne 4.15pm
March 01 2013
waddy has changed his country to Australia 12.13pm
waddy Pukka Purley 12.13pm
November 30 2012
waddy Back in Oz 12.56pm
April 06 2012
waddy has updated his location to Beaumaris Melb 5.36am
September 12 2011
waddy Time to move back to Melb,expat role in China now over :{ 1.32pm
waddy im head back to melb to live 3 year expat deal over 1.32pm
April 11 2011
waddy now living in shanghai still working all over asia 3.22pm
December 16 2010
waddy now living in shanghai but holiday in australia 9.49am
August 30 2010
waddy has updated his profile photo 3.36pm
August 29 2010
waddy time,rebuild,maturity,results 8.59am
July 27 2010
waddy thailand red shirts at it again 6.43pm
June 27 2010
waddy well done england proud performance yet again 5.01pm
June 22 2010
waddy france play like schoolgirls 3.19pm

Contact Information

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Site Information

Member Since:January 23 2006

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You are here: Home > User Centre > Users' List > waddy