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Is Islam, the new Nazi ?

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View Kermit8's Profile Kermit8 Flag Hevon 17 Jun 14 9.41pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 8.42pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 5.44pm

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 1.03pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 11.48am

I don't know how some of you lot would have coped in the 70's with IRA bombs going off in London every other month for years.

Muslim extremism is a hundred times the danger to other muslims in their own country than it is to us lot in Blighty.

pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan - pity those poor tens of millions of souls wanting a peaceful family life not conflict and stop wetting yer pants about something that is not going to happen to you.

Top 10 terrorists groups worldwide in 2012.

6 were Islamic fundamentalist types

4 were not (FARC,PKK, Indian Maoist, FLNC)

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 11.56am)

Do you remember your rant about UKIP where you said the problem would be in ten years time when millions of racists will be unleashed into the political hierarchy as a result of voting for Nigel Farage?

Do you not apply the same logic to Muslim extremism or does that not count for some reason?

How can I apply logic to that illogical paradigm?

When we have a muslim party threatening the political status quo then your post/question will have some weight. As it stands it is just inconsequential fluff.

UKIP, as I said, imo will have no option than to lurch further to the right the more power it gets. That, obviously, will attract BNP types.

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 5.53pm)

It is not about a party, it is about ideology. Surely, using your logic, should there be fanatical Muslims that young Muslims look up to, within ten years we could have 250,000 suicide bombers on our hands. Same as your prediction that we will be swamped with Nazis should we vote UKIP.

Or does 'Kermits Law' only work for political groupings he opposes?

Said nothing about being "Swamped with Nazis". Only about the extreme right getting some power and a proper voice down the line via UKIP once Farage and his wets have been ousted and some demagogue takes over to preach his paranoia to those that want to listen.

I've said that enough times now for you not to get it wrong yet still you do.

Jet lag?


Big chest and massive boobs


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View matt_himself's Profile matt_himself Flag Matataland 17 Jun 14 10.12pm Send a Private Message to matt_himself Add matt_himself as a friend

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 9.41pm

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 8.42pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 5.44pm

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 1.03pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 11.48am

I don't know how some of you lot would have coped in the 70's with IRA bombs going off in London every other month for years.

Muslim extremism is a hundred times the danger to other muslims in their own country than it is to us lot in Blighty.

pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan - pity those poor tens of millions of souls wanting a peaceful family life not conflict and stop wetting yer pants about something that is not going to happen to you.

Top 10 terrorists groups worldwide in 2012.

6 were Islamic fundamentalist types

4 were not (FARC,PKK, Indian Maoist, FLNC)

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 11.56am)

Do you remember your rant about UKIP where you said the problem would be in ten years time when millions of racists will be unleashed into the political hierarchy as a result of voting for Nigel Farage?

Do you not apply the same logic to Muslim extremism or does that not count for some reason?

How can I apply logic to that illogical paradigm?

When we have a muslim party threatening the political status quo then your post/question will have some weight. As it stands it is just inconsequential fluff.

UKIP, as I said, imo will have no option than to lurch further to the right the more power it gets. That, obviously, will attract BNP types.

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 5.53pm)

It is not about a party, it is about ideology. Surely, using your logic, should there be fanatical Muslims that young Muslims look up to, within ten years we could have 250,000 suicide bombers on our hands. Same as your prediction that we will be swamped with Nazis should we vote UKIP.

Or does 'Kermits Law' only work for political groupings he opposes?

Said nothing about being "Swamped with Nazis". Only about the extreme right getting some power and a proper voice down the line via UKIP once Farage and his wets have been ousted and some demagogue takes over to preach his paranoia to those that want to listen.

I've said that enough times now for you not to get it wrong yet still you do.

Jet lag?

I note that you do not respond about Muslim extremists but continue with your deluded UKIP bashing. Interesting.

Is this deliberate or the result of exhaustion induced by a heavy day of house husbanding?


"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02

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legaleagle Flag 17 Jun 14 10.38pm

Its too serious an issue to degenerate into the usual school playground (on all sides)right-left petty slagging.

Islam is a "legitimate" religion, as "legitimate" (or not) as Christianity or Judaism. That doesn't mean that I don't personally find some aspects of sharia law worrying (especially the unequal treatment for non Muslims).

I also find the idea of anyone wanting to go around mindlessly killing people for no good reason, but purportedly for the greater glory of a religion, seriously bad news (whether it be Muslims ,Catholics against Orthodox Christians and Jews in Croatia 1941-45, Orthadox Christians against Muslims in Bosnia a decade ago, or good old Richard the Lionheart and his crusader buddies centuries ago).

Manipulative people abusing religion to spread hatred (as per some parts of Muslim community today)and mischannel young people's sense of alientation at the feeling of lacking any stake in the system is as old as the hills and not confined to followers of any one religion. Just like extreme politicians in Europe sometimes try to channel such feelings into general anti-immigrant sentiment in some other sectors of the community..

So, maybe just maybe, some young Muslims do feel outraged at what they see as hypocritical western foreign policy to some Muslim countries, and maybe just maybe, the schools scare in Birmingham was hyped up for political reasons based on a forged "conspiracy" letter re a school that, for whatever reason, OFSTED gave a decent rating to when they first went in this year.

So, lets not throw the baby out with the bathwater by demonising every Muslim as a potential bomber sympathiser(or "Nazi". Doesn't mean there aren't some issues to worry about, but they are too serious to let balance and proportionality fly out of the window.


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View Kermit8's Profile Kermit8 Flag Hevon 17 Jun 14 11.05pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 10.12pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 9.41pm

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 8.42pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 5.44pm

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 1.03pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 11.48am

I don't know how some of you lot would have coped in the 70's with IRA bombs going off in London every other month for years.

Muslim extremism is a hundred times the danger to other muslims in their own country than it is to us lot in Blighty.

pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan - pity those poor tens of millions of souls wanting a peaceful family life not conflict and stop wetting yer pants about something that is not going to happen to you.

Top 10 terrorists groups worldwide in 2012.

6 were Islamic fundamentalist types

4 were not (FARC,PKK, Indian Maoist, FLNC)

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 11.56am)

Do you remember your rant about UKIP where you said the problem would be in ten years time when millions of racists will be unleashed into the political hierarchy as a result of voting for Nigel Farage?

Do you not apply the same logic to Muslim extremism or does that not count for some reason?

How can I apply logic to that illogical paradigm?

When we have a muslim party threatening the political status quo then your post/question will have some weight. As it stands it is just inconsequential fluff.

UKIP, as I said, imo will have no option than to lurch further to the right the more power it gets. That, obviously, will attract BNP types.

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 5.53pm)

It is not about a party, it is about ideology. Surely, using your logic, should there be fanatical Muslims that young Muslims look up to, within ten years we could have 250,000 suicide bombers on our hands. Same as your prediction that we will be swamped with Nazis should we vote UKIP.

Or does 'Kermits Law' only work for political groupings he opposes?

Said nothing about being "Swamped with Nazis". Only about the extreme right getting some power and a proper voice down the line via UKIP once Farage and his wets have been ousted and some demagogue takes over to preach his paranoia to those that want to listen.

I've said that enough times now for you not to get it wrong yet still you do.

Jet lag?

I note that you do not respond about Muslim extremists but continue with your deluded UKIP bashing. Interesting.

Is this deliberate or the result of exhaustion induced by a heavy day of house husbanding?

Because you made such an arse of it in your attempt to compare my thoughts about UKIP. Exaggerating them to a point whereby your words, which come across as warped and ridiculous, do not deserve any kind of serious reply with regard to other matters.

Oh yeah, is this new obsession about house husbands a replacement for the fishing about my time as a teacher?

Shucks - I really must set up a Twitter account so you can follow me 24/7.

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 11.12pm)


Big chest and massive boobs


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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Flag 17 Jun 14 11.17pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Quote legaleagle at 17 Jun 2014 10.38pm

So, maybe just maybe, some young Muslims do feel outraged at what they see as hypocritical western foreign policy to some Muslim countries, and maybe just maybe, the schools scare in Birmingham was hyped up for political reasons based on a forged "conspiracy" letter re a school that, for whatever reason, OFSTED gave a decent rating to when they first went in this year.

Are you referring to British Muslims.....Because last time I checked they are themselves meant to be western......As to be British is to be western.

Every country acts in its own perceived best interests. There is no hypocrisy, there is only self interest.

What exactly are you saying about Ofsted's report into those Birmingham schools. For what possible political gain could this situation be to a government that is being blamed for the situation itself?

Where is the evidence that this letter is forged? Are the two hundred complaints from teachers and parents also forged?....Or are they also hyped up?


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 17 Jun 14 11.31pm

Quote Stirlingsays at 17 Jun 2014 11.17pm

Quote legaleagle at 17 Jun 2014 10.38pm

So, maybe just maybe, some young Muslims do feel outraged at what they see as hypocritical western foreign policy to some Muslim countries, and maybe just maybe, the schools scare in Birmingham was hyped up for political reasons based on a forged "conspiracy" letter re a school that, for whatever reason, OFSTED gave a decent rating to when they first went in this year.

Are you referring to British Muslims.....Because last time I checked they are themselves meant to be western......As to be British is to be western.

Every country acts in its own perceived best interests. There is no hypocrisy, there is only self interest.

What exactly are you saying about Ofsted's report into those Birmingham schools. For what possible political gain could this situation be to a government that is being blamed for the situation itself?

Where is the evidence that this letter is forged? Are the two hundred complaints from teachers and parents also forged?....Or are they also hyped up?

It does seem strange that OFSTED went into one of the schools, passed it, then went in the next week and put the school into special measures.

What the trojan horse affair did highlight (to be fair I don't know the whole story and have heard many conflicting reports) is that a lot of the problems were down to the fact that the schools are out of L.A control and therefore under the remit of the DFE (what happened to the tories pledge of a degree of localism during the election run up.
What is also clear is the hypocrisy of those that say it's ok to have catholic and c of e schools where the faith of the majority is followed in daily worship (a loose term) but as soon as a school starts to push muslim values it is a problem. More creeping islamophobia in the media?
Personally I think ALL schools should be secular.

I know this is the grauniad, but Sir Tim Brighouse's assessment of the affair and the implication is by far the most balanced I've read on the subject so far.


Edited by nickgusset (17 Jun 2014 11.34pm)


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legaleagle Flag 18 Jun 14 12.09am

Quote Stirlingsays at 17 Jun 2014 11.17pm

Quote legaleagle at 17 Jun 2014 10.38pm

So, maybe just maybe, some young Muslims do feel outraged at what they see as hypocritical western foreign policy to some Muslim countries, and maybe just maybe, the schools scare in Birmingham was hyped up for political reasons based on a forged "conspiracy" letter re a school that, for whatever reason, OFSTED gave a decent rating to when they first went in this year.

Are you referring to British Muslims.....Because last time I checked they are themselves meant to be western......As to be British is to be western.

Every country acts in its own perceived best interests. There is no hypocrisy, there is only self interest.

What exactly are you saying about Ofsted's report into those Birmingham schools. For what possible political gain could this situation be to a government that is being blamed for the situation itself?

Where is the evidence that this letter is forged? Are the two hundred complaints from teachers and parents also forged?....Or are they also hyped up?

To be British is to have freedom of expression. Are Sikhs a problem for you because they are "non western" Brits,ie by not wearing crash helmets?

Since when is it unBritish for you (or a British Muslim) to have a critical view of British foreign policy?

I cannot agree with you there is no hypocrisy ever in a country's foreign policy just because it is self-interested. Our own history is littered with such hypocrisies (and, yes, self interest)..we have supported (and armed) dictators when it suited us and at other times tried to oust the same dictators...Saddam anyone? The Emperor of Japan (pre 1945).

On the question of the letter, I do not know, any more than you do. But, I correct myself. I should have said "anonymous and allegedly forged". Is the opinion of the (non muslim) deputy head teacher of one of the schools who described it as a hatchet job any less valid? I wasn't coming down on any side. Rather, seeking to understand and be critical of knee jerkism on all sides. Those who rule out any possibility of a calculated hatchet job (albeit one that backfired spectacularly) are as blinkered as those who say the opposite. Its called having an open mind, another British "western" value, no?


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legaleagle Flag 18 Jun 14 12.19am

Quote nickgusset at 17 Jun 2014 11.31pm

Quote Stirlingsays at 17 Jun 2014 11.17pm

Quote legaleagle at 17 Jun 2014 10.38pm

So, maybe just maybe, some young Muslims do feel outraged at what they see as hypocritical western foreign policy to some Muslim countries, and maybe just maybe, the schools scare in Birmingham was hyped up for political reasons based on a forged "conspiracy" letter re a school that, for whatever reason, OFSTED gave a decent rating to when they first went in this year.

Are you referring to British Muslims.....Because last time I checked they are themselves meant to be western......As to be British is to be western.

Every country acts in its own perceived best interests. There is no hypocrisy, there is only self interest.

What exactly are you saying about Ofsted's report into those Birmingham schools. For what possible political gain could this situation be to a government that is being blamed for the situation itself?

Where is the evidence that this letter is forged? Are the two hundred complaints from teachers and parents also forged?....Or are they also hyped up?

It does seem strange that OFSTED went into one of the schools, passed it, then went in the next week and put the school into special measures.

What the trojan horse affair did highlight (to be fair I don't know the whole story and have heard many conflicting reports) is that a lot of the problems were down to the fact that the schools are out of L.A control and therefore under the remit of the DFE (what happened to the tories pledge of a degree of localism during the election run up.
What is also clear is the hypocrisy of those that say it's ok to have catholic and c of e schools where the faith of the majority is followed in daily worship (a loose term) but as soon as a school starts to push muslim values it is a problem. More creeping islamophobia in the media?
Personally I think ALL schools should be secular.

I know this is the grauniad, but Sir Tim Brighouse's assessment of the affair and the implication is by far the most balanced I've read on the subject so far.


Edited by nickgusset (17 Jun 2014 11.34pm)

Fair point, particularly re the perils of schools having been "liberated" from local authority controls in recent years..and the article by the school's (non muslim)deputy head in the Guardian last week to the effect the second OFSTED visit was a hatchet job, was interesting.His view being first hand and no less valid than anyone else's

My son went to St Olav's in Orpington, a state C of E school. Generally, a great education. But, there was a fair amount of shoving the virtues of one religion, Christianity, down the throats of the pupils, including the Jewish, Muslim, Hindu etc ones.

Its not a complete analogy with the Birmingham allegations by any means, but its an interesting thought: ban all religious state schools?


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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Flag 18 Jun 14 12.35am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Quote nickgusset at 17 Jun 2014 11.31pm

It does seem strange that OFSTED went into one of the schools, passed it, then went in the next week and put the school into special measures.

What the trojan horse affair did highlight (to be fair I don't know the whole story and have heard many conflicting reports) is that a lot of the problems were down to the fact that the schools are out of L.A control and therefore under the remit of the DFE (what happened to the tories pledge of a degree of localism during the election run up.
What is also clear is the hypocrisy of those that say it's ok to have catholic and c of e schools where the faith of the majority is followed in daily worship (a loose term) but as soon as a school starts to push muslim values it is a problem. More creeping islamophobia in the media?
Personally I think ALL schools should be secular.

I know this is the grauniad, but Sir Tim Brighouse's assessment of the affair and the implication is by far the most balanced I've read on the subject so far.


Edited by nickgusset (17 Jun 2014 11.34pm)

I agree with you that all schools should be secular.....However, the schools in question were not faith schools.....That's part of the point. If they had been then their intake and activities would have had to be regulated.

These schools didn't wish to be officially faith schools because they knew that the regime they created would never have been possible.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Flag 18 Jun 14 12.47am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Quote legaleagle at 18 Jun 2014 12.09am

To be British is to have freedom of expression. Are Sikhs a problem for you because they are "non western" Brits,ie by not wearing crash helmets?

Since when is it unBritish for you (or a British Muslim) to have a critical view of British foreign policy?

I cannot agree with you there is no hypocrisy ever in a country's foreign policy just because it is self-interested. Our own history is littered with such hypocrisies (and, yes, self interest)..we have supported (and armed) dictators when it suited us and at other times tried to oust the same dictators...Saddam anyone? The Emperor of Japan (pre 1945).

On the question of the letter, I do not know, any more than you do. But, I correct myself. I should have said "anonymous and allegedly forged". Is the opinion of the (non muslim) deputy head teacher of one of the schools who described it as a hatchet job any less valid? I wasn't coming down on any side. Rather, seeking to understand and be critical of knee jerkism on all sides. Those who rule out any possibility of a calculated hatchet job (albeit one that backfired spectacularly) are as blinkered as those who say the opposite. Its called having an open mind, another British "western" value, no?

It isn't un-British to be critical of foreign policy or indeed to hold most views.

However, I repeat, to be British is to be western. If someone is anti-western then they are by implication anti-British. I think this is perhaps a question of language.

Also, I repeat, there is no hypocrisy in foreign policy only self interest. If you feel that we have behaved somehow different to any other country please name me a country that acts behaved in the same way? I'd like to research this 'ethical' country.

Also, I have to make the point here that 'we' have never 'ousted' dictators or whoever on our own without the support of groups within the country itself.

Sure we have interfered and affected results but no country.....Unless it has gone to war....Overthrows a regime without considerable help from fractions within the country itself.

Edited by Stirlingsays (18 Jun 2014 12.48am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Jimenez's Profile Jimenez Flag SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 18 Jun 14 1.23am Send a Private Message to Jimenez Add Jimenez as a friend

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 10.12pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 9.41pm

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 8.42pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 5.44pm

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 1.03pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 11.48am

I don't know how some of you lot would have coped in the 70's with IRA bombs going off in London every other month for years.

Muslim extremism is a hundred times the danger to other muslims in their own country than it is to us lot in Blighty.

pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan - pity those poor tens of millions of souls wanting a peaceful family life not conflict and stop wetting yer pants about something that is not going to happen to you.

Top 10 terrorists groups worldwide in 2012.

6 were Islamic fundamentalist types

4 were not (FARC,PKK, Indian Maoist, FLNC)

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 11.56am)

Do you remember your rant about UKIP where you said the problem would be in ten years time when millions of racists will be unleashed into the political hierarchy as a result of voting for Nigel Farage?

Do you not apply the same logic to Muslim extremism or does that not count for some reason?

How can I apply logic to that illogical paradigm?

When we have a muslim party threatening the political status quo then your post/question will have some weight. As it stands it is just inconsequential fluff.

UKIP, as I said, imo will have no option than to lurch further to the right the more power it gets. That, obviously, will attract BNP types.

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 5.53pm)

It is not about a party, it is about ideology. Surely, using your logic, should there be fanatical Muslims that young Muslims look up to, within ten years we could have 250,000 suicide bombers on our hands. Same as your prediction that we will be swamped with Nazis should we vote UKIP.

Or does 'Kermits Law' only work for political groupings he opposes?

Said nothing about being "Swamped with Nazis". Only about the extreme right getting some power and a proper voice down the line via UKIP once Farage and his wets have been ousted and some demagogue takes over to preach his paranoia to those that want to listen.

I've said that enough times now for you not to get it wrong yet still you do.

Jet lag?

I note that you do not respond about Muslim extremists but continue with your deluded UKIP bashing. Interesting.

Is this deliberate or the result of exhaustion induced by a heavy day of house husbanding?


Pro USA & Israel

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View matt_himself's Profile matt_himself Flag Matataland 18 Jun 14 7.25am Send a Private Message to matt_himself Add matt_himself as a friend

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 11.05pm

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 10.12pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 9.41pm

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 8.42pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 5.44pm

Quote matt_himself at 17 Jun 2014 1.03pm

Quote Kermit8 at 17 Jun 2014 11.48am

I don't know how some of you lot would have coped in the 70's with IRA bombs going off in London every other month for years.

Muslim extremism is a hundred times the danger to other muslims in their own country than it is to us lot in Blighty.

pakistan, Nigeria, Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan - pity those poor tens of millions of souls wanting a peaceful family life not conflict and stop wetting yer pants about something that is not going to happen to you.

Top 10 terrorists groups worldwide in 2012.

6 were Islamic fundamentalist types

4 were not (FARC,PKK, Indian Maoist, FLNC)

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 11.56am)

Do you remember your rant about UKIP where you said the problem would be in ten years time when millions of racists will be unleashed into the political hierarchy as a result of voting for Nigel Farage?

Do you not apply the same logic to Muslim extremism or does that not count for some reason?

How can I apply logic to that illogical paradigm?

When we have a muslim party threatening the political status quo then your post/question will have some weight. As it stands it is just inconsequential fluff.

UKIP, as I said, imo will have no option than to lurch further to the right the more power it gets. That, obviously, will attract BNP types.

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 5.53pm)

It is not about a party, it is about ideology. Surely, using your logic, should there be fanatical Muslims that young Muslims look up to, within ten years we could have 250,000 suicide bombers on our hands. Same as your prediction that we will be swamped with Nazis should we vote UKIP.

Or does 'Kermits Law' only work for political groupings he opposes?

Said nothing about being "Swamped with Nazis". Only about the extreme right getting some power and a proper voice down the line via UKIP once Farage and his wets have been ousted and some demagogue takes over to preach his paranoia to those that want to listen.

I've said that enough times now for you not to get it wrong yet still you do.

Jet lag?

I note that you do not respond about Muslim extremists but continue with your deluded UKIP bashing. Interesting.

Is this deliberate or the result of exhaustion induced by a heavy day of house husbanding?

Because you made such an arse of it in your attempt to compare my thoughts about UKIP. Exaggerating them to a point whereby your words, which come across as warped and ridiculous, do not deserve any kind of serious reply with regard to other matters.

Oh yeah, is this new obsession about house husbands a replacement for the fishing about my time as a teacher?

Shucks - I really must set up a Twitter account so you can follow me 24/7.

Edited by Kermit8 (17 Jun 2014 11.12pm)

Please do set up a Twitter account and cut & paste the below for an everyday description of your activities:

7.00 - up to make the wife her breakfast;
7.15 - told to get my arse back into bed by the wife 'if I know what's good for me';
7.18 - out of bed and dress the kids;
8.00 - post something self righteous on HoL;
8.30 - kids taken to school;
9.00 - post something self righteous in HoL;
10.00 - done the dusting;
10.15 - post something self righteous on HoL;
10.30 - wife rings to make sure I am not bashing the credit card by buying the Le Creuset Tagine I have been nagging her about;
11.30 - spoke to Pam next door about her bunions and her & hubby's attempts to have a third child;
12.00 - post something self righteous on HoL;
13.00 - Ryvita and Philly. I have got to get my Speedo body back for the holiday;
14.00 - post something self righteous on HoL;
15.00 - watch an 'Officer and a Gentleman'. Have a cry. All is ok now;
16.00 - post something self righteous on HoL;
16.15 - Kids back;
16.30 - post something self righteous on HoL;
17.00 - watch the news and feel sad about inner city street violence which is the fault of middle class white people and austerity. I can see this from being a middle class White house husband in Devon, why can't people living in the inner cities understand this?;
17.15 - post something self righteous on HoL about his;
17.45 - made dinner. It was gulped down in minutes without so much as thank you. Wonder why I bother;
18.30 - finished the clear up and made sure the kids were doing their homework;
18.45 - post something self righteous on HoL;
19.00 - got told off by the wife for buying a new Moroccan rug for the dining room. I don't care, it's gorgeous;
19.15 - post something self righteous on HoL;
19.30 - watched Eastenders. When will Sharon find love?;
20.15 - post something self righteous on HoL;
21.00 - went to bed and read the latest Danielle Steel;
22.00 - post something self righteous on HoL;
22.15 - looking forward to another day in Paradise.


"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02

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