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Is Islam, the new Nazi ?

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 16 Jun 14 11.29am

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 10.34am

Quote Kermit8 at 16 Jun 2014 10.07am

I suppose if Adolf were alive today with a bushy beard and having been brought up in Algeria his 1930's speeches about land and race and superiority could effortlessly be mirrored today with him shouting about the greatness of a Maghreb Union, killing Infidels and the one God Allah.

But, then again, if he'd been born an Ultra-Orthodox Jew or a fundamentalist Christian or militant Buddhist then he could also be talking about ideological/religious enemies, land grabs and other Gods in terms of acceptable violence against those who beg to differ.

An extreme nutter is an extreme nutter whatever their hue.

Worse case scenario is a massive fundamentalist Muslim link up from pakistan all the way to Morocco.

Is it a big problem for us if that did happen?

Could just leave them to it and forget about democratising them.

Only about 750million Muslims who aren't nutters would want to come here.

We would have to turn a blind eye to the opening of concentration camps for Jews (and probably Christians too)?

Not a chance, too many of those groups really hate each other too much. Before they started exterminating the Jews, they'd be start in on the Sunni/Shiite. Those two sects of Islam really have an issue.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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View The White Horse's Profile The White Horse Flag 16 Jun 14 12.18pm Send a Private Message to The White Horse Add The White Horse as a friend

The weather at the world cup has been like Muslims. Generally either Sunni or Shiite.


"The fox has his den. The bee has his hive. The stoat, has, uh... his stoat-hole... but only man chooses to make his nest in an investment opportunity.” Stewart Lee

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View The White Horse's Profile The White Horse Flag 16 Jun 14 12.23pm Send a Private Message to The White Horse Add The White Horse as a friend

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 7.28am

Quite a vivid question put by a presenter on BBC this weekend.

Are radical Muslims the new Nazi's ?

(Obviously, not ALL Muslims, just the few radical ones)

I watched the disturbing pictures this morning of around 200 Iraqi soldiers who were captured by ISIS whilst in their barracks. They were then all butchered.

The depravity of mankind seems to be bottoming-out with the atrocities committed in the name of religion, and in particular, Islam.

As Britain, (formerly, Great Britain), tiptoes around human rights, and swerves racism, and allows Muslims to wear full face-masks, not just in public, but in airport departure points, (something that wouldn't have been tolerated during the decades of IRA activity)
Isn't it time to marginalise the radical groups/individuals ?
In the IRA case, Britain even used internment. But how do you combat an enemy, who have largely blended into the population, whether on these shores, or in foreign lands, and only make themselves known once the suicide bomb has detonated, the kidnap has occurred, or the streets are running in blood.(tips a nod to Enoch)

Am I scare-mongering, or are these radicals a significant problem ? 9/11, 7/7, 'The Muslim Patrols' in London, and now the mobilisation of militia who are causing atrocities in the name of Islam in the power vacuum created by western military withdrawl.

Would I have a happier life if I stopped reading/watching The News, or would I be complicit in ignoring issues outside my own tiny sphere of influence ?

Edited by Forest Hillbilly (16 Jun 2014 8.08am)


"The fox has his den. The bee has his hive. The stoat, has, uh... his stoat-hole... but only man chooses to make his nest in an investment opportunity.” Stewart Lee

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aceedi Flag 16 Jun 14 1.33pm

A few interesting things here:


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View dannyh's Profile dannyh Flag wherever I lay my hat....... 16 Jun 14 1.57pm Send a Private Message to dannyh Add dannyh as a friend

Quote Kermit8 at 16 Jun 2014 10.07am

I suppose if Adolf were alive today with a bushy beard and having been brought up in Algeria his 1930's speeches about land and race and superiority could effortlessly be mirrored today with him shouting about the greatness of a Maghreb Union, killing Infidels and the one God Allah.

But, then again, if he'd been born an Ultra-Orthodox Jew or a fundamentalist Christian or militant Buddhist then he could also be talking about ideological/religious enemies, land grabs and other Gods in terms of acceptable violence against those who beg to differ.

An extreme nutter is an extreme nutter whatever their hue.

Worse case scenario is a massive fundamentalist Muslim link up from pakistan all the way to Morocco.

Is it a big problem for us if that did happen?

Could just leave them to it and forget about democratising them.

Only about 750million Muslims who aren't nutters would want to come here.

Just so happens they all (mostly) appear to be Muslim these days, so your previous paragraph is nonsense, to be blunt.


"It's not the bullet that's got my name on it that concerns me; it's all them other ones flyin' around marked 'To Whom It May Concern.'"

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 16 Jun 14 2.04pm

Quote dannyh at 16 Jun 2014 1.57pm

Quote Kermit8 at 16 Jun 2014 10.07am

I suppose if Adolf were alive today with a bushy beard and having been brought up in Algeria his 1930's speeches about land and race and superiority could effortlessly be mirrored today with him shouting about the greatness of a Maghreb Union, killing Infidels and the one God Allah.

But, then again, if he'd been born an Ultra-Orthodox Jew or a fundamentalist Christian or militant Buddhist then he could also be talking about ideological/religious enemies, land grabs and other Gods in terms of acceptable violence against those who beg to differ.

An extreme nutter is an extreme nutter whatever their hue.

Worse case scenario is a massive fundamentalist Muslim link up from pakistan all the way to Morocco.

Is it a big problem for us if that did happen?

Could just leave them to it and forget about democratising them.

Only about 750million Muslims who aren't nutters would want to come here.

Just so happens they all (mostly) appear to be Muslim these days, so your previous paragraph is nonsense, to be blunt.

Certainly the case in the UK, world wide its a bit different (Palestine has issues with Ultra Othodox Jewish groups, the US and Russia with Fundermentalist Christian movements).

Islamists >> They're much more the new 'Leftist Urban Guerilla' or Provos. Except they're not left wing, obviously.

I'd say that most of these groups have more in common with the PFLP and PLO, than say with the Nazis.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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View Kermit8's Profile Kermit8 Flag Hevon 16 Jun 14 2.17pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Quote dannyh at 16 Jun 2014 1.57pm

Quote Kermit8 at 16 Jun 2014 10.07am

I suppose if Adolf were alive today with a bushy beard and having been brought up in Algeria his 1930's speeches about land and race and superiority could effortlessly be mirrored today with him shouting about the greatness of a Maghreb Union, killing Infidels and the one God Allah.

But, then again, if he'd been born an Ultra-Orthodox Jew or a fundamentalist Christian or militant Buddhist then he could also be talking about ideological/religious enemies, land grabs and other Gods in terms of acceptable violence against those who beg to differ.

An extreme nutter is an extreme nutter whatever their hue.

Worse case scenario is a massive fundamentalist Muslim link up from pakistan all the way to Morocco.

Is it a big problem for us if that did happen?

Could just leave them to it and forget about democratising them.

Only about 750million Muslims who aren't nutters would want to come here.

Just so happens they all (mostly) appear to be Muslim these days, so your previous paragraph is nonsense, to be blunt.

Central African Rep - Christian extremists are killing others. Buddhists killing muslims in Burma and Sri Lanka. India kicks off from all angles once in a while as we know.

So whilst the vast majority of religious nutters threatening the west are of a wahabi influenced muslim persuasion there are other religious groups who are not muslim but are engaging in similar acts in Asia and Africa. Namely the killing of people who are not like them. They be religious nutters too and no point in pretending otherwise just because there are more Muslim ones.

Edited by Kermit8 (16 Jun 2014 2.18pm)


Big chest and massive boobs


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View Forest Hillbilly's Profile Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 16 Jun 14 2.36pm Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.


"The facts have changed", Rishi Sunak

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 16 Jun 14 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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aceedi Flag 16 Jun 14 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.


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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 16 Jun 14 3.57pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Well if you mean not blaming all muslims for the actions of fanatics, yeah you're right. Just like I don't hold all brits responsible for the invasion of Iraq in the first place. Think of it like this, some one breaks into your house and nicks your TV. Do you blame his cousin? No you blame the c**ts that did it.

Where as the US and Israel are actually poltical entities claiming to act as soverign nations. As a consequence they can be held accountable for their actions. Thats not to say its the fault of all Americans, just those representing the apparatus of state. When people blame Israel for something, they're blaming the state, the government and the apparatus of Israel.

I tend to call this common sense, where those responsible sholder the blame, rather than those who didn't actually do it.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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aceedi Flag 16 Jun 14 4.04pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 3.57pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Well if you mean not blaming all muslims for the actions of fanatics, yeah you're right. Just like I don't hold all brits responsible for the invasion of Iraq in the first place. Think of it like this, some one breaks into your house and nicks your TV. Do you blame his cousin? No you blame the c**ts that did it.

Where as the US and Israel are actually poltical entities claiming to act as soverign nations. As a consequence they can be held accountable for their actions. Thats not to say its the fault of all Americans, just those representing the apparatus of state. When people blame Israel for something, they're blaming the state, the government and the apparatus of Israel.

I tend to call this common sense, where those responsible sholder the blame, rather than those who didn't actually do it.

I think you missed that I wrote "Islamic state and terrorist activities". The majority of Islamic states conduct themselves in a manner that you would think that the left would be critical of, lack of women's right (if not outright abuse), death penalty for gay people, religious intolerance, repressive laws, anti-semitism, anti-democracy. Yet the left is silent on these matters and continually down plays the problems inherent in Islam.


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