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Is Islam, the new Nazi ?

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View Kermit8's Profile Kermit8 Flag Hevon 16 Jun 14 4.08pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Would this be the same US that invaded Iraq on the pretext to fight terrorists when, in fact, there weren't any yet now it seems to have tens of thousands within its borders?


Big chest and massive boobs


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View fareham eagle's Profile fareham eagle Flag fareham 16 Jun 14 4.14pm Send a Private Message to fareham eagle Add fareham eagle as a friend

Rather than liken Islam to Nazism, it is probably more accurate to draw parallels to the western past in general. It seems to me that Christianity, centuries ago, carried out much the same sort of atrocities, i.e. Catholic/Protestant & Christianity/Islam. As a race we seem to be incapable of learning the lessons of our own past.
Until human beings realise that all religion is nothing more than superstitious claptrap based, primarily, on the fear that death means ceasing to exist, "believers" will continue to forcibly inflict their views on others in total disregard to the teachings of their religions.


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aceedi Flag 16 Jun 14 4.17pm

Quote Kermit8 at 16 Jun 2014 4.08pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Would this be the same US that invaded Iraq on the pretext to fight terrorists when, in fact, there weren't any yet now it seems to have tens of thousands within its borders?

Would that be the same Iraq that started a war with Iran that cost around one million lives, invaded Kuwait, and generally ran one of the most totalitarian and repressive regimes of modern times?


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View Kermit8's Profile Kermit8 Flag Hevon 16 Jun 14 4.25pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 4.17pm

Quote Kermit8 at 16 Jun 2014 4.08pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Would this be the same US that invaded Iraq on the pretext to fight terrorists when, in fact, there weren't any yet now it seems to have tens of thousands within its borders?

Would that be the same Iraq that started a war with Iran that cost around one million lives, invaded Kuwait, and generally ran one of the most totalitarian and repressive regimes of modern times?

Yep. That's the one. They used weapons part supplied by us to help maintain that regime and they worked very well. British craftsmanship. You can't beat it.


Big chest and massive boobs


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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 16 Jun 14 4.26pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 4.04pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 3.57pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Well if you mean not blaming all muslims for the actions of fanatics, yeah you're right. Just like I don't hold all brits responsible for the invasion of Iraq in the first place. Think of it like this, some one breaks into your house and nicks your TV. Do you blame his cousin? No you blame the c**ts that did it.

Where as the US and Israel are actually poltical entities claiming to act as soverign nations. As a consequence they can be held accountable for their actions. Thats not to say its the fault of all Americans, just those representing the apparatus of state. When people blame Israel for something, they're blaming the state, the government and the apparatus of Israel.

I tend to call this common sense, where those responsible sholder the blame, rather than those who didn't actually do it.

I think you missed that I wrote "Islamic state and terrorist activities". The majority of Islamic states conduct themselves in a manner that you would think that the left would be critical of, lack of women's right (if not outright abuse), death penalty for gay people, religious intolerance, repressive laws, anti-semitism, anti-democracy. Yet the left is silent on these matters and continually down plays the problems inherent in Islam.

And you won't find many lefties defending those states either. You might see a bit of sympathy in terms of the PLO and PFLP, but they're not a terrorist organisation by the laws of the time (International law extends the right of those occupied to resistance).

Of course its not just Islamic states that have funded and harboured terrorists. The US protects an number of inividuals who've committed terrorist actions against Cuba, as well as funding anti-cubans. The CIA famously funded the Contras (resulting in the UN naming them as the first Terrorist State Sponsors) and ran very questionable groups in its 'South America' interests.

Most western nations hands aren't clean of terrorism either. The UK seems to have had a questionable relationship with Loyalist terrorists in Ireland, and certainly sponsored anti-Lybian groups, Anti-Iranian and Pro-Iraqi groups (prior to 1992). We sheltered Pinochet, who other threw a democratically elected government and was responsible for the murder of 80,000 citizens.

The reality is that all sides utilise proxy groups of convenience to do their dirty work. Some call them terrorists, other call them freedom fighters, it generally depends on which side of the equation they sit.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 16 Jun 14 4.34pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 4.17pm

Quote Kermit8 at 16 Jun 2014 4.08pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Would this be the same US that invaded Iraq on the pretext to fight terrorists when, in fact, there weren't any yet now it seems to have tens of thousands within its borders?

Would that be the same Iraq that started a war with Iran that cost around one million lives, invaded Kuwait, and generally ran one of the most totalitarian and repressive regimes of modern times?

You mean the one we as a nation sold components for poision gas to, and funded the sale of weapons to fight that war with Iran in the first place (which was largely encouraged and funded by the UK and USA).

In terms of a repressive regime, Iraq was arguably the least oppressive of middle eastern regimes, being secular. Arguably it was pretty brutal to dissenters, but it was a secular state with a progressive attitude towards women, class etc. Where as Kuwait... well hardly the picture of liberty.

A lot of Iraqi's, and Palestinians living in Kuwait, saw the invasion of Kuwait as a liberation, rather than an invasion. Kuwait is a country much like Saudi Arabia

The mistake is to think that any of the countries in the Middle east are decent.

Saddam's mistake was like Noriagas, deciding that he didn't want to be 'our b******' any more.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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aceedi Flag 16 Jun 14 4.44pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 4.34pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 4.17pm

Quote Kermit8 at 16 Jun 2014 4.08pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Would this be the same US that invaded Iraq on the pretext to fight terrorists when, in fact, there weren't any yet now it seems to have tens of thousands within its borders?

Would that be the same Iraq that started a war with Iran that cost around one million lives, invaded Kuwait, and generally ran one of the most totalitarian and repressive regimes of modern times?

You mean the one we as a nation sold components for poision gas to, and funded the sale of weapons to fight that war with Iran in the first place (which was largely encouraged and funded by the UK and USA).

In terms of a repressive regime, Iraq was arguably the least oppressive of middle eastern regimes, being secular. Arguably it was pretty brutal to dissenters, but it was a secular state with a progressive attitude towards women, class etc. Where as Kuwait... well hardly the picture of liberty.

A lot of Iraqi's, and Palestinians living in Kuwait, saw the invasion of Kuwait as a liberation, rather than an invasion. Kuwait is a country much like Saudi Arabia

The mistake is to think that any of the countries in the Middle east are decent.

Saddam's mistake was like Noriagas, deciding that he didn't want to be 'our b******' any more.

We are in agreement then.

Although, "Arguably it [Iraq] was pretty brutal to dissenters" did make me laugh out loud.


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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 16 Jun 14 5.09pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 4.04pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 3.57pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Well if you mean not blaming all muslims for the actions of fanatics, yeah you're right. Just like I don't hold all brits responsible for the invasion of Iraq in the first place. Think of it like this, some one breaks into your house and nicks your TV. Do you blame his cousin? No you blame the c**ts that did it.

Where as the US and Israel are actually poltical entities claiming to act as soverign nations. As a consequence they can be held accountable for their actions. Thats not to say its the fault of all Americans, just those representing the apparatus of state. When people blame Israel for something, they're blaming the state, the government and the apparatus of Israel.

I tend to call this common sense, where those responsible sholder the blame, rather than those who didn't actually do it.

I think you missed that I wrote "Islamic state and terrorist activities". The majority of Islamic states conduct themselves in a manner that you would think that the left would be critical of, lack of women's right (if not outright abuse), death penalty for gay people, religious intolerance, repressive laws, anti-semitism, anti-democracy. Yet the left is silent on these matters and continually down plays the problems inherent in Islam.

Are the left silent on these matters or is it just not splashed in the papers because it would show 'the left' in a good light?


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View Cucking Funt's Profile Cucking Funt Flag Clapham on the Back 16 Jun 14 5.36pm Send a Private Message to Cucking Funt Add Cucking Funt as a friend

Quote Kermit8 at 16 Jun 2014 4.08pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Would this be the same US that invaded Iraq on the pretext to fight terrorists when, in fact, there weren't any yet now it seems to have tens of thousands within its borders?

The pretext was the belief that Iraq possessed WMDs. The UK and the US invaded with the sole intention of regime change.


Wife beating may be socially acceptable in Sheffield, but it is a different matter in Cheltenham

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View Kermit8's Profile Kermit8 Flag Hevon 16 Jun 14 5.44pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Quote Cucking Funt at 16 Jun 2014 5.36pm

Quote Kermit8 at 16 Jun 2014 4.08pm

Quote aceedi at 16 Jun 2014 3.07pm

Quote jamiemartin721 at 16 Jun 2014 2.53pm

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

Rigby, Bigley, kidnapped schoolgirls, villages in Nigeria having all their menfolk killed by Isis, and Muslim protesters as soldiers coffins are brought back to Britain.
So are the media over-egging this ?
Certainly, these events are happening.

Maybe, the Nazi's managed a much more 'haven't got time to know all the dead' kind of affair. Those Muslim protestors are c**ts, no mistaking, but thats the price of a democratic country. They maybe do have a point as well about the Iraq war (100,000 plus dead Muslims).

Quote Forest Hillbilly at 16 Jun 2014 2.36pm

So when I overhear my Muslim shopkeeper saying he will do a deal with a Muslim supplier at "Muslim prices" just a day after the Lee Rigby murder, should I be concerned ?
Should I 'turn the other cheek', and just accept that society is dynamic.

Yes, because he probably isn't doing it to insult the memory of Lee Rigby. Which a very large number of people seem to be very keen on reminding everyone about, even though they didn't know the man. Its almost as if they have an agenda they're pushing (BNP, Britain First, EDL - interchangable).

He was murdered, and it was terrible, and unforgivable. Those responsible are looking at spending their life in prison. What more do people want?

Lib/Lefties not continually down playing Islamic state and terrorist activities while, on the other hand, going into paroxysms of indignation over the actions of say the USA and Israel.

Would this be the same US that invaded Iraq on the pretext to fight terrorists when, in fact, there weren't any yet now it seems to have tens of thousands within its borders?

The pretext was the belief that Iraq possessed WMDs. The UK and the US invaded with the sole intention of regime change.

And did so under the 'war on terror' slogan which WMDs were linked to, albeit very tenuously.


Big chest and massive boobs


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View Forest Hillbilly's Profile Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 16 Jun 14 7.02pm Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

And the targeting of white female children by Islamics, for the purpose of sexually abusing.

And the targeting of Birmingham schools for becoming Islamic.

preaching terror on British streets

The Halal meat fiasco.

Don't get me wrong. I enjoy longer shopping hours, and Asian restaurants/takeaways, and Diwali (sp?) and all the cultural enhancements that has been bestowed on us.

It's the fundamentalist/extremeist fanatics who are not only threatening our peaceful existence, but are also turning Britain into a Big Brother State.


"The facts have changed", Rishi Sunak

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aceedi Flag 16 Jun 14 7.58pm

As unlikely as these things are - even if we had trains and buses bombed, soldiers hacked to death in the street in broad daylight, dozens of terrorist plots foiled and hundreds of UK-born Muslims fighting in terrorist wars, still the lib/left would use weasel-words and diversionary arguments to play down the extent of the problem with Islamic extremism. They will continue to ignore what is in front of their noses - bit like the left's attitude to the Moscow show trials in the 30s.

Edited by aceedi (16 Jun 2014 8.46pm)


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