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Christian Benteke (SIGNED) (LOCKED)

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monkey Flag Sittingbourne,but made in Bromley 26 Jul 16 9.00pm Send a Private Message to monkey Add monkey as a friend

Originally posted by Flash

Boring? With the club said to be on the verge of making perhaps its most momentous decision to splash out £30m+ that could potentially propel us from bottom third of table to top third of table ... or ... cripple us if it all goes horribly wrong.
I'm not bored - I'm on tenterhooks. I'll be gutted if we don't sign him. I'll be worried sick if we do.
I'm glued to this site and several others trying to glean any news about how negotiations on this deal are going. This could make or break us. Sadly, Berahino at £25m is imho only likely to break us. Let him go to Stoke.

I consider myself bollocked :-)

I doubt it'll cripple us though, we're only spending some of the untold millions they're giving us every year for being in this league,it's not like we're spending money we haven't got!! So relax and don't be worrying yourself about it, whatever will be will


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Johnny Eagles Flag berlin 26 Jul 16 9.11pm Send a Private Message to Johnny Eagles Add Johnny Eagles as a friend

Originally posted by Vim Fuego

Only another 140 odd pages and he'll sign.

Keep going everyone.


...we must expand...get more that the knowledge will spread...

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Ali_Campbell Flag New Addington 26 Jul 16 9.45pm Send a Private Message to Ali_Campbell Add Ali_Campbell as a friend

What do we make of this. I'm with very one else, I just hope this dosen't mean the deal is dead.

Is this just cleaver play by SP setting expectations just incase we end up with Sam Vokes

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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 26 Jul 16 9.50pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Ali_Campbell

What do we make of this. I'm with very one else, I just hope this dosen't mean the deal is dead.

Is this just cleaver play by SP setting expectations just incase we end up with Sam Vokes

It's nothing. SP just telling a fan to pipe down whilst not giving anything away, whatever the thing is.

'very one else sounds' like a stripper or escort.



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bexleydave Flag Barnehurst 26 Jul 16 9.50pm Send a Private Message to bexleydave Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add bexleydave as a friend

Originally posted by Ali_Campbell

What do we make of this. I'm with very one else, I just hope this dosen't mean the deal is dead.

Is this just cleaver play by SP setting expectations just incase we end up with Sam Vokes

I'd say that's game over and move on, but there's a legion of the deluded that will keep clutching at ever thinner straws until 1 September.


Bexley Dave

Can you hear the Brighton sing? I can't hear a ******* thing!

"The most arrogant, obnoxious bunch of deluded little sun tanned, loafer wearing mummy's boys I've ever had the misfortune of having to listen to" (Burnley forum)

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Dan89 Flag Se25 26 Jul 16 10.09pm Send a Private Message to Dan89 Add Dan89 as a friend

I hope this is just a smokescreen, however as the season drags closer, can see us ending up with 2 average championship players. My money on guestede and Chris Martin , hope I wrong though.


Another Damien Diagonal - Total Football

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NICK THE EAGLE Flag Coulsdon 26 Jul 16 10.24pm Send a Private Message to NICK THE EAGLE Add NICK THE EAGLE as a friend

Prob a loads of bollocks but just seen this on t***ter

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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 26 Jul 16 10.30pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by NICK THE EAGLE

Prob a loads of bollocks but just seen this on t***ter

A BBS poster has asked some LFC fans if @thefirmBL is a good source for LFC transfer rumours and apparently they are not.



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madman0517 Flag 26 Jul 16 10.54pm Send a Private Message to madman0517 Add madman0517 as a friend

I saw another on Twitter that had stated we had bid 30m


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seltz85 Flag Sydney 27 Jul 16 1.52am Send a Private Message to seltz85 Add seltz85 as a friend

I am more than happy the way Palace do their transfer dealings. Just because we aren't being splashed about every back page with signings doesn't mean nothing is going on.
Look what happened with Wickham last year, no one heaerd cooey of that then next thing we know he is holding up a palace shirt. Considering the length of time we were linked with Tomkins, Townsend and Mandanda in the press and the time taken to get them to sign suggests to me that these deals were a fair way down the track before the press got wind of them.

We are an easy target. It is clear that we are in teh market for a striker and Pards is on record saying that he wants to add at least 2 more to the squad. We are cashed up so it isn't hard to use our name.

The Batshuyai offer, I am sure was one to help Marseille out. Loads of clubs linked with him, none bidding, we say we are happy to pay 30mil they release that, no one else comes in for him we have a quality striker or we do them a favour and get them a bit of much needed cash no worries.

The problem we are having is that the numbers being reported (30mil bids for both MB and CB) are now making it easy for agents to get their players in the shop window. All they have ot do is say Palace are in for their player and see what happens. The world knows we have the money, so it wouldn't be beyond the realm of possibility. I am sure it p!sses of Parish and co, they may well be in for a striker and trying to keep it on the DL but their agent wants to bump their payday. It also may help them with all these other names being banded about and then in a weeks time we are linked with a Slimani type and a few days later he signs.

There is obviously no smoke without fire when it comes to Benteke, I would love him at Palace but I am very confident that we will have at least one top drawer striker coming through the door.


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Canterbury Palace Flag Whitstable 27 Jul 16 1.58am Send a Private Message to Canterbury Palace Add Canterbury Palace as a friend

Originally posted by Flash

I'm split as to whether this is the best move for us. "Fairly low risk"? Certainly not. It's not about injury (there's insurance to cover this) but it's all about performance and results.
On balance I think I'd take the risk. But it's a huge risk. Imagine if we're in the Championship next season with a mega wage bill and a star striker who's flopped in the premier league for 2 successive seasons.
It's a HUGE risk - but I think I'd take it.

You are interpreting the risk level of the situation based on our exposure in the worst possible scenario, whereas I view it as the likelihood of such a scenario occurring.

For my money, the chances of us getting relegated and continuing to pay him his full wages are remote as;

A) We shouldn't go down.
B) If we do go down, he'll almost certainly leave.
C) There is no chance that Steve Parish would neglect to insert relegation clauses in a contract of that magnitude.

Furthermore given his age, fairly positive history of injuries and proven ability to be prolific in this league, I think it would take extreme circumstances for his transfer fee to drop significantly.

So I'm afraid, based on those reasons, I maintain my opinion that is a relatively low risk transfer.


We were somewhere around Barstow, on the edge of the desert, when the drugs began to take hold...

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Ginger Pubic Wig Flag Wickham de L'Ouest 27 Jul 16 6.43am Send a Private Message to Ginger Pubic Wig Add Ginger Pubic Wig as a friend

I'm not sure there is injury insurance that's worth buying.

We are unlikely to go down but a poor start could be fatal and a poor start feels possible after the 2H of last season.

I agree he'd probably leave if we did go down but if he failed to perform next season then the haircut on the transfer fee would be brutal.

Quite a few years ago, I saw a documentary on TV that said it was almost impossible to insert relegation clauses into top players' contracts. I remember they interviewed executives at Birmingham City so it must have been really long ago. But has that definitely changed (and how much wage premium do you pay for that?)

It's that achilles injury when he was at Villa that bothers me slightly.

Bottom line is that Benteke is the striker with by far the best CV who we could actually realistically buy. But he's anything but the best value and would surely restrict our future spending if 30m and 140k a week is true.


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