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Bias against Trump

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Stirlingsays Flag 22 Jul 17 3.31pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by wordup

He'll be pardoning those around him before the year is out and something tells me he won't be doing so due to innocence.

People have been predicting Trump's downfall for as long as I can remember......It appears to be more wish fulfillment than anything else.

Trump isn't going anywhere over this Russian thing....If there had been a smoking gun it would have appeared by now.....All we have are 'meetings' with underlings.

The Clinton campaign was throwing sh1t left and centre at Trump....You had his tax stuff illegally in the papers.....who is pursuing that?

It's very very one sided.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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wordup Flag 22 Jul 17 3.47pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

People have been predicting Trump's downfall for as long as I can remember......It appears to be more wish fulfillment than anything else.

Trump isn't going anywhere over this Russian thing....If there had been a smoking gun it would have appeared by now.....All we have are 'meetings' with underlings.

The Clinton campaign was throwing sh1t left and centre at Trump....You had his tax stuff illegally in the papers.....who is pursuing that?

It's very very one sided.

It was one very old tax return that was boringly squeaky clean anyway. Both sides can use the media for propaganda purposes you know. We have no idea who, or which side even leaked that. I expect that the more recent tax returns are far more interesting.

The same with the Sessions leak. It's very unusual timing considering it's recess now and Trump's only opportunity to replace Sessions without coming up against significant obstacles. Expect an imminent firing or 'surprise resignation'.

The wheels of justice move slowly. The president is compromised. He will attempt to fire and pardon his way out of facing the music. This is by no means a small problem for him.

Edited by wordup (22 Jul 2017 3.50pm)


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wordup Flag 22 Jul 17 4.00pm

Will Trump make the 2018 midterms I wonder.

Edited by wordup (22 Jul 2017 4.02pm)


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Stirlingsays Flag 22 Jul 17 4.37pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by wordup

Will Trump make the 2018 midterms I wonder.

Edited by wordup (22 Jul 2017 4.02pm)

Wish fulfillment over substance.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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wordup Flag 22 Jul 17 4.44pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Wish fulfillment over substance.

Time will tell.


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Stirlingsays Flag 22 Jul 17 4.45pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by wordup

Time will tell.

It already has.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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wordup Flag 22 Jul 17 5.05pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It already has.

You must have this as part of a double with your general election prediction .

There is a serious investigation taking place. It's no good bemoaning 'bias' and then saying with certainty that this is going nowhere. Trump and those around him haven't been given a clean bill of health yet. They may well face charges, and fearing that, Trump may try to fire and possibly pardon his way out of this. Those aren't impossible or even unlikely outcomes by any stretch.

I cannot see him letting the investigation roll on, and typically people don't try to constantly hinder investigations where there is nothing to be found.

The blinkered and biased aside, fair minded individuals realise that investigations like this are not overnight jobs. They recognise too that attempts to disrupt investigations have consequences - see Watergate. How will this end? That's an unknown. However what is known is that time is a much better predictor of events than narcissism. So as I said, time will tell.

Edited by wordup (22 Jul 2017 5.41pm)


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DutchEagleJohan Flag Vlissingen, Netherlands 22 Jul 17 5.13pm Send a Private Message to DutchEagleJohan Add DutchEagleJohan as a friend

Yeah sure, a lack of evenness for the 99 percent who does not benefit from a single cent of "worth" and if it was up to the pussy grabbing , narcissistic, nepotist bigot may soon be without any sort of health care cover and yet less public spending as we need to cut taxes for the"haves"
All the media's fault of course.....

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I'm not what you would exactly call a Trump supporter, but six months in and the US stock market has added four trillion dollars of worth to the US. Yet does his pretty much totally negative media report report that? There's a lack of evenness.

A lot of what Trump tweets about is...well to put it politely BS but on the unreliability and bias of the mainstream news media he is definitely not wrong.

Edited by DutchEagleJohan (22 Jul 2017 5.14pm)


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Mapletree Flag Croydon 22 Jul 17 5.18pm Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

I would like to point out that Recep Erdogan also was elected through a democratic process. He is now setting about dismantling the process, closing the door behind him.

I would also like to point out that Clinton probably would have been elected were it not for the interference of the FBI which claimed to be investigating her just at the time the postal votes were made. Yet strangely the FBI failed to mention contemporaneous investigations into Trump's links to Russia.

Is it possible that the US economy is booming short-term due to the total disregard for longer term issues? Beyond everything else, Trump will focus on allowing US big business to make money, I don't see much else mattering to him.


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Kermit8 Flag Hevon 22 Jul 17 5.41pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I don't see how any of what you typed as anything to do with my post.

Trump's affect upon the US economy in just six months has been very impressive. Yet, there is a complete lack of even handed analysis.

This isn't to say Trump can't and shouldn't be criticised. It is saying that there is a lack of rational balance.

Edited by Stirlingsays (22 Jul 2017 8.57am)

Because you seem to believe reporting on politicians should be 50/50 - the good and the bad - which is fine if they are competent overall but what if the person they are having to report on over the year has had more negative aspects to their leadership than positive so far? The reporting will obviously and correctly be scrutinising the decision-making.

May is rounded upon regularly as well as Trump. Because they have both found themselves in positions which overreach their abilities perhaps?


Big chest and massive boobs


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Stirlingsays Flag 22 Jul 17 6.23pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by wordup

You must have this as part of a double with your general election prediction .

There is a serious investigation taking place. It's no good bemoaning 'bias' and then saying with certainty that this is going nowhere. Trump and those around him haven't been given a clean bill of health yet. They may well face charges, and fearing that, Trump may try to fire and possibly pardon his way out of this. Those aren't impossible or even unlikely outcomes by any stretch.

I cannot see him letting the investigation roll on, and typically people don't try to constantly hinder investigations where there is nothing to be found.

The blinkered and biased aside, fair minded individuals realise that investigations like this are not overnight jobs. They recognise too that attempts to disrupt investigations have consequences - see Watergate. How will this end? That's an unknown. However what is known is that time is a much better predictor of events than narcissism. So as I said, time will tell.

Edited by wordup (22 Jul 2017 5.41pm)

Well, I was right about Brexit and Trump...and I was only wrong about the scale of the Tory win not them actually being the largest party.....So I'm not doing that badly on predictions....I bet you thought Clinton would win.

There have been massive resources going into anything that could bring down Trump.....I was one of those who decryed the treatment of Clinton and Obama and now I'm doing it for Trump.

Sure...investigate, I see no issues with that....But have no agenda over and above the law.....Unfortunately I suspect there are a lot of people who don't really give a sh1t just as long as they bring Trump down.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 22 Jul 17 6.36pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

I would like to point out that Recep Erdogan also was elected through a democratic process. He is now setting about dismantling the process, closing the door behind him.

I would also like to point out that Clinton probably would have been elected were it not for the interference of the FBI which claimed to be investigating her just at the time the postal votes were made. Yet strangely the FBI failed to mention contemporaneous investigations into Trump's links to Russia.

Is it possible that the US economy is booming short-term due to the total disregard for longer term issues? Beyond everything else, Trump will focus on allowing US big business to make money, I don't see much else mattering to him.

Trump isn't Erdogan and the US constitution isn't Turkey's constitution.

Considering there still haven't been any firm links between Trump and Russia I'm not sure you can moan at the FBI about parity six months ago....whereas the actions of Clinton in respect to those emails was well known.

Clinton won the popular vote and it was a very close run thing...though not in the electoral college. I think attempts to subvert democracy without proper evidence would tip the balance in America to real violence.....I await proper evidence that Trump broke the law in any serious way......There was a lot of sh1t thrown at Trump during the campaign but I notice no anger directed at Clinton.....I think It's soreness that the guy they didn't like won and a tacid acceptance of 'by any means possible'....The mood music bothers me. ....If Clinton had won would you want investigations into the Clinton foundation over its middle eastern backing? I bet you would be angry with the tea party for senseless attacks on her....I think a charge of a lack of rational evenness is a fair one.

The US stock market is doing well because they believe Trump will cut regulation and they are confident that this will improve profits....They are probably correct about that.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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