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Bias against Trump

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View Mapletree's Profile Mapletree Flag Croydon 23 Jul 17 11.41pm Send a Private Message to Mapletree Add Mapletree as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It's the level I have a problem with. I find nothing wrong with having a side.

The problem I have is with people and institutions who really should know better in terms of behaviour and open hostility rather than reason. It's the tea party from the other side and it's stated one of life's lessons very clearly to me.....People will demonise their opponents very easily and that emotion always trumps reason in all but the most mature of us. I think I have been guilty of this as well but I'm always surprised when I see people held in exalted positions doing's not good.

As for Trump....He received almost constant negative press....there is no way that he received a fair shake in that regard.....You appear to think the FBI had a dog in the game? I honestly wouldn't know....I think perhaps that the FBI had doubts about their earlier verdict on Clinton's emails...her position was dubious and so they wanted to cover their arse....the timing was bad.....Was it deliberately siding with Trump? I don't know...I doubt it but perhaps.

Edited by Stirlingsays (23 Jul 2017 1.04am)

Nope. I didn't say the FBI had a dog in the game. I just said the fight was perverted at an absolutely critical time. Frustrating as later they said ah no, their mistake, nothing to see here.


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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Flag 24 Jul 17 12.51am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Mapletree

Nope. I didn't say the FBI had a dog in the game. I just said the fight was perverted at an absolutely critical time. Frustrating as later they said ah no, their mistake, nothing to see here.

It wasn't good timing...though her calling Trump voters 'deplorable' was probably far worse.....however in a sense who the FBI actions favour politically shouldn't concern the director's thinking if he thinks something needs doing.

I suspect it's was a case of the FBI director covering himself. I suspect that he, like many, thought that Clinton had the race won....though like I say....I like to think the ideals of the agency mean that blah blah blah...but who knows how true that is....It's probably BS.

It might of swayed a few votes but again I suspect that most people's minds were made up long before.... in all honestly who you look at the race in terms of the electoral college she's pretty screwed....the swing states went with the 'anti establishment' who wasn't really anti establishment....She wasn't offering them any sugar and he was.

Sanders had far more sway with them than Clinton....The democrats lost to a republican that even the republican party couldn't stand....As he isn't really a republican... They essentially screwed themselves.

If you take out the massive votes from just two states California and New York she really wasn't doing enough with the 'non' progressive demographic.

Edited by Stirlingsays (24 Jul 2017 12.55am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 24 Jul 17 12.45pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It wasn't good timing...though her calling Trump voters 'deplorable' was probably far worse.....however in a sense who the FBI actions favour politically shouldn't concern the director's thinking if he thinks something needs doing.

I suspect it's was a case of the FBI director covering himself. I suspect that he, like many, thought that Clinton had the race won....though like I say....I like to think the ideals of the agency mean that blah blah blah...but who knows how true that is....It's probably BS.

It might of swayed a few votes but again I suspect that most people's minds were made up long before.... in all honestly who you look at the race in terms of the electoral college she's pretty screwed....the swing states went with the 'anti establishment' who wasn't really anti establishment....She wasn't offering them any sugar and he was.

Sanders had far more sway with them than Clinton....The democrats lost to a republican that even the republican party couldn't stand....As he isn't really a republican... They essentially screwed themselves.

If you take out the massive votes from just two states California and New York she really wasn't doing enough with the 'non' progressive demographic.

Edited by Stirlingsays (24 Jul 2017 12.55am)

Pretty much. Although in fairness, those voters would probably have been personally better off with Clinton, as would the US. But that's democracy for you, everyone gets a say, and about 75% of the countries mind is probably made up before the candidates names are even announced at the primaries.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Flag 24 Jul 17 1.00pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by jamiemartin721

Pretty much. Although in fairness, those voters would probably have been personally better off with Clinton, as would the US. But that's democracy for you, everyone gets a say, and about 75% of the countries mind is probably made up before the candidates names are even announced at the primaries.

In the US it's really hard for a party to win three terms. Especially if they have had the same face for two of them.

I don't see Trump being impeached but I don't see him winning a second term either.....It's a question if he will see it out....Once he gets bored with it I see him stepping down.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Ray in Houston's Profile Ray in Houston Flag Houston 24 Jul 17 3.34pm Send a Private Message to Ray in Houston Add Ray in Houston as a friend

A few points of order:

Trump's win the electoral college wasn't big; by margin of victory it ranks 46th out of 58. [Link]

That Russia interfered in the election to help get Trump elected is not in question by anyone other than the beneficiary of such interference. All 17 US intelligence agencies agree on this. Don Jr's emails confirm this too, and they are not in dispute (except with about 50% of Trump supporters) because he released them himself.

Don Jr's emails also provide evidence of at least a willingness on behalf of the Trump campaign to work with the Kremlin-connected Russians to beat Clinton. There is also a significant amount of circumstantial evidence that Don Sr. was at least aware of what was happening.

As for his effectiveness as president, there has been a climb in the stock market for sure. However, he has failed to achieve any goals he set for himself during the campaign despite his party having control of all three branches of government. He did get to nominate a Supreme Court Justice, but Senate Republicans had to blow up hundreds of years of precedent in order to get him confirmed. The Federal government has hundreds of vacancies, many in very key positions, and his administration has been in constant turmoil as Trump himself consistently derails the carefully crafted messages of his staff.

The border wall isn't getting built and Mexico isn't paying for it anyway.

ISIS still exists despite Trump's vow to defeat them within 30 days.

Obamacare is still in place.

There is no infrastructure spending bill.

Tax reform remains an aspirational set of bullet points that fit on one, widely spaced, page.

The jobs at Ford and Carrier that Trump claims he saved from being shipped to Mexico got shipped out of the country anyway (just not to Mexico in the case of Ford).

Edited by Ray in Houston (24 Jul 2017 3.52pm)


We don't do possession; we do defense and attack. Everything else is just wa**ing with a football.

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View Ray in Houston's Profile Ray in Houston Flag Houston 24 Jul 17 3.37pm Send a Private Message to Ray in Houston Add Ray in Houston as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Yep....though it's not just CEOs, and a percentage of those profits will be invested into growth. So that's obviously a good thing.

Trickle down economics has been tried many times over recent decades and each time failed to yield any of its core results. It doesn't increase growth and tax cuts to not generate increased tax revenues.

The simple truth is, if you give more money to people who have more money than they can spend already, they just sit on it.


We don't do possession; we do defense and attack. Everything else is just wa**ing with a football.

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View Ray in Houston's Profile Ray in Houston Flag Houston 24 Jul 17 3.50pm Send a Private Message to Ray in Houston Add Ray in Houston as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I suspect it's was a case of the FBI director covering himself. I suspect that he, like many, thought that Clinton had the race won....though like I say....I like to think the ideals of the agency mean that blah blah blah...but who knows how true that is....It's probably BS.

It might of swayed a few votes but again I suspect that most people's minds were made up long before.... in all honestly who you look at the race in terms of the electoral college she's pretty screwed....the swing states went with the 'anti establishment' who wasn't really anti establishment....She wasn't offering them any sugar and he was.

FBI Director Comey has stated that he came out with his initial report on the - at the time completed - investigation into Clinton's handling of emails specifically because she was cruising to victory and it would be damaging to the FBI if it was reported after the election that the investigation had happened. Comey later testified that the report that the initial investigation was closed meant that he had a duty to disclose to the public that it was reopened when they found that there were campaign emails on the laptop of Anthony Sex-Pest Weiner's wife's laptop. His wife being a Clinton campaign staffer.

That second report came just 10 days before the election; Clinton's polling tanked immediately and never recovered. Trump spent the balance of the campaign screaming "emails" as loudly and as often as possible. Comey announced that there was nothing wrong with anything they found on the laptop (to do with the Clinton campaign, at least) on the Sunday night before the election when no one was paying attention and by which time the damage was done.

In Michigan, Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton by 10,704 votes. In Wisconsin, Trump’s margin over Clinton was 22,177. In Pennsylvania, Trump’s of victory was 67,416 votes.

That's 100,000 votes out of 130,000,000 that swung the result Trump's way.


We don't do possession; we do defense and attack. Everything else is just wa**ing with a football.

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View Ray in Houston's Profile Ray in Houston Flag Houston 24 Jul 17 4.01pm Send a Private Message to Ray in Houston Add Ray in Houston as a friend

The US House and Senate agree that Russia interfered in the US election, and have passed sweeping sanctions against Russia as punishment. It's not really in dispute; the Senate vote, for example, was 97-2. [Link]

The Trump administration had been actively trying to derail or water down these sanctions. The response by Congress was to put provisions in the bill that severely limited the President's ability to soften or eliminate such sanctions. It's almost as if they don't trust Trump when it comes to matters involving Russia...

Edited by Ray in Houston (24 Jul 2017 4.02pm)


We don't do possession; we do defense and attack. Everything else is just wa**ing with a football.

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 24 Jul 17 5.20pm

Originally posted by Ray in Houston

Trickle down economics has been tried many times over recent decades and each time failed to yield any of its core results. It doesn't increase growth and tax cuts to not generate increased tax revenues.

The simple truth is, if you give more money to people who have more money than they can spend already, they just sit on it.

The problem for the US is that neither party really seem to give too much of a s**t about the poor, and for an even more bizarre reason, the poor also seem to not give too much of a s**t about the poor.

The truth is that you need regulation of all systems in order to achieve their functional goal. You can't just expect systems to deliver an end result, you have to tailor it to do so.

Trickle down economics has just been an excuse utilised to protect the interests of the wealthy and corporate entities from taking on their role in the production of a society.

And a society is only really as functional as its public services.

The US is the only country I can think of where people would actually vote against themselves having health care, because they always vote republican.

Which isn't to say there aren't things wrong with the affordable health care act. But it being a product of the democrats isn't one of those things.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 24 Jul 17 5.24pm

Originally posted by Ray in Houston

The US House and Senate agree that Russia interfered in the US election, and have passed sweeping sanctions against Russia as punishment. It's not really in dispute; the Senate vote, for example, was 97-2. [Link]

The Trump administration had been actively trying to derail or water down these sanctions. The response by Congress was to put provisions in the bill that severely limited the President's ability to soften or eliminate such sanctions. It's almost as if they don't trust Trump when it comes to matters involving Russia...

Edited by Ray in Houston (24 Jul 2017 4.02pm)

I think its really now a question of who is going to take the fall, who the scape goats will be.

A bit like Irangate - which really should have seen the impeachment and imprisonment of Regan, but ultimately saw Oliver North take the blame.

It might be another Nixon scenario, where in he'll quit before it gets to that, and then be quickly pardoned.

But the only way it will go to impeachment is if the President fights it all the way to the bitter end, and leaves the Republican Party and the GOP no real other choice.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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jamiemartin721 Flag Reading 24 Jul 17 5.30pm

Originally posted by Ray in Houston

FBI Director Comey has stated that he came out with his initial report on the - at the time completed - investigation into Clinton's handling of emails specifically because she was cruising to victory and it would be damaging to the FBI if it was reported after the election that the investigation had happened. Comey later testified that the report that the initial investigation was closed meant that he had a duty to disclose to the public that it was reopened when they found that there were campaign emails on the laptop of Anthony Sex-Pest Weiner's wife's laptop. His wife being a Clinton campaign staffer.

That second report came just 10 days before the election; Clinton's polling tanked immediately and never recovered. Trump spent the balance of the campaign screaming "emails" as loudly and as often as possible. Comey announced that there was nothing wrong with anything they found on the laptop (to do with the Clinton campaign, at least) on the Sunday night before the election when no one was paying attention and by which time the damage was done.

In Michigan, Trump defeated Democrat Hillary Clinton by 10,704 votes. In Wisconsin, Trump’s margin over Clinton was 22,177. In Pennsylvania, Trump’s of victory was 67,416 votes.

That's 100,000 votes out of 130,000,000 that swung the result Trump's way.

This is what concerns me most about Trump, is how its OK for the FBI to be open about Investigating Clinton during the election, and then cry bias when the same thing is happening to him.

He milked that for all it was worth, but can't stand the heat when its applied to him (on issues that are far more significant and potentially damning than an email server).

I think its just a case of what they can prove about links with Russia, who they can prove them against and how far the FBI are willing to go up the 'chain'.

I don't think its really about whether Russians hacked the election, that's the false flag really - The question really is the extent of links between the Trump election campaign and Russian intelligence - and how deceptive they've proven to be time and time again.

Bear in mind that the Republicans were pushing to impeach Clinton (and rightly so) for lying under oath about getting a blow job.


"One Nation Under God, has turned into One Nation Under the Influence of One Drug"

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View Ray in Houston's Profile Ray in Houston Flag Houston 24 Jul 17 5.35pm Send a Private Message to Ray in Houston Add Ray in Houston as a friend

Originally posted by jamiemartin721

The problem for the US is that neither party really seem to give too much of a s**t about the poor, and for an even more bizarre reason, the poor also seem to not give too much of a s**t about the poor.

"You can always hire one half of the poor to kill the other half."


We don't do possession; we do defense and attack. Everything else is just wa**ing with a football.

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