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Let’s celebrate the left

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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 13 Jun 22 10.54pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

When was the last government that was competent Croydon? You just have it in for anything Tory....I prefer to comment on specific policy myself.

Anyway, I'm hardly going to cheerlead for Starmer and his going from the incompetent to the insane asylum.

It"s something we have in common, as i stated before, its not just the tories that annoy me but who ever is in government at the time, im no fan of starmer either, only rate him better than bungle, which isn"t saying much" If bungle is the worst pm ever, which he obviously is, and starmer cant topple him, starmer has to go!Just because someone sees how bad the CONservatives are, useless and corrupt, doesn"t mean they want starmer in - just anybody, anybody at all to get rid! We are the laughing stock of the world, we have sunk so low, and yet you still get the hat tippers, saying who else is there?Its laughable, anyway, we agree about the CONser vatives!


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 13 Jun 22 11.27pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

It"s something we have in common, as i stated before, its not just the tories that annoy me but who ever is in government at the time, im no fan of starmer either, only rate him better than bungle, which isn"t saying much" If bungle is the worst pm ever, which he obviously is, and starmer cant topple him, starmer has to go!Just because someone sees how bad the CONservatives are, useless and corrupt, doesn"t mean they want starmer in - just anybody, anybody at all to get rid! We are the laughing stock of the world, we have sunk so low, and yet you still get the hat tippers, saying who else is there?Its laughable, anyway, we agree about the CONser vatives!

What corruption is that then ?


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 14 Jun 22 12.00am

Originally posted by cryrst

What corruption is that then ?

Very good.


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 14 Jun 22 12.10am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

Very good.

And what corruption is there then. Labour would have been all over it and they are silent apart from about a party or two . I don’t actually think you believe there is any and under the tories you are more comfortable than ever. Maybe a touch of flagellation could be your penance for doing very nicely thank you under this government. It must be so painful not being in the half of the country on its knees. Hang on are blm in town again or is this your starting point for your penance!


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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 14 Jun 22 9.13am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

One of the things the rail unions will be striking over is the loss of staff at booking offices. TFL have said this will be natural wastage and not redundancy.

With the move to a cashless society and ticket apps it is inevitable that this will happen and not just in the rail industry.

I think we are nearly at a turning point for our economy, we are not yet a cashless society but my guess is that it will be here sooner rather than later.

We have an employment shortage at the moment especially in the entry level jobs market but how long will that last before companies replace people with technology. My local Sainsbury's now only has 2 people on the tills most day.

Change is inevitable how that change is managed is another matter. I doubt the unions have the foresight to mange that process with the bosses instead I expect they will continue to dig their heels until it is too late for their members.

Every time they strike they just motivate management and the government to look for alternatives.


One more point

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Teddy Eagle Flag 14 Jun 22 9.29am Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

One of the things the rail unions will be striking over is the loss of staff at booking offices. TFL have said this will be natural wastage and not redundancy.

With the move to a cashless society and ticket apps it is inevitable that this will happen and not just in the rail industry.

I think we are nearly at a turning point for our economy, we are not yet a cashless society but my guess is that it will be here sooner rather than later.

We have an employment shortage at the moment especially in the entry level jobs market but how long will that last before companies replace people with technology. My local Sainsbury's now only has 2 people on the tills most day.

Change is inevitable how that change is managed is another matter. I doubt the unions have the foresight to mange that process with the bosses instead I expect they will continue to dig their heels until it is too late for their members.

Every time they strike they just motivate management and the government to look for alternatives.

Yes, it's happened to the dockers, printers, miners, steelworkers, etc.
Without getting too science fiction it can only be a matter of time before robot technology becomes more affordable and replaces many service jobs and in time more skilled jobs will follow.


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 14 Jun 22 8.05pm

Originally posted by cryrst

And what corruption is there then. Labour would have been all over it and they are silent apart from about a party or two . I don’t actually think you believe there is any and under the tories you are more comfortable than ever. Maybe a touch of flagellation could be your penance for doing very nicely thank you under this government. It must be so painful not being in the half of the country on its knees. Hang on are blm in town again or is this your starting point for your penance!


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The Dolphin Flag 17 Jun 22 1.32pm Send a Private Message to The Dolphin Add The Dolphin as a friend

I note that to date not a single Labour "high up" has come out against the rail strikes!
They make a few noises but basically say that the Government should negotiate better and that in fact the Cons want it to create division.
I doubt that they want it but I hope that as next week causes chaos that they come out and say it how it is.
That is that workers on £44k a year plus some dreadful archaic working practises (that they don't want to lose) are holding the general public to ransom when the money could be spent better elsewhere.
Labour are utterly useless at the moment and that is from me who is a staunch Tory!
They even backed Geist yesterday without realising what he had resigned about - a pretty unfathomable resignation I might add - given that Boris wanted to keep import duty on steel to try and sell more British steel.
Utterly useless tw***s!


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 17 Jun 22 9.05pm

Originally posted by The Dolphin

I note that to date not a single Labour "high up" has come out against the rail strikes!
They make a few noises but basically say that the Government should negotiate better and that in fact the Cons want it to create division.
I doubt that they want it but I hope that as next week causes chaos that they come out and say it how it is.
That is that workers on £44k a year plus some dreadful archaic working practises (that they don't want to lose) are holding the general public to ransom when the money could be spent better elsewhere.
Labour are utterly useless at the moment and that is from me who is a staunch Tory!
They even backed Geist yesterday without realising what he had resigned about - a pretty unfathomable resignation I might add - given that Boris wanted to keep import duty on steel to try and sell more British steel.
Utterly useless tw***s!

Sir Keir said he didn"t want to see the rail strikes at pmq"s, and accused bungle of wanting them to cause division, which is probably true.


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Teddy Eagle Flag 18 Jun 22 10.53am Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

Sir Keir said he didn"t want to see the rail strikes at pmq"s, and accused bungle of wanting them to cause division, which is probably true.

Right. Same reason Jim Callaghan cunningly engineered the winter of discontent.


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 18 Jun 22 3.00pm

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Right. Same reason Jim Callaghan cunningly engineered the winter of discontent.

Thanks Teddy- tell Dolphin- he must have missed it!


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Teddy Eagle Flag 18 Jun 22 3.14pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

Thanks Teddy- tell Dolphin- he must have missed it!

Wish I'd missed it. A truly miserable time.


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