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Let’s celebrate the left

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Glazier#1 Flag 01 Sep 22 3.48pm Send a Private Message to Glazier#1 Add Glazier#1 as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It never really made much sense did it.

I mean half of the workforce had to carry on regardless....they bet the house on slowing infection down with the idea that respiratory vaccines, designed within a year, would be a silver bullet (when that type of vaccine never has been)

Like most policies in the modern day it was primarily driven by emotion and that feminine obsession with safety at all costs...even costs we can't afford.

Pretty much the only sensible thing Johnson said was at the start (which had been decades old pandemic policy)....but within a week they had got to him.

Edited by Stirlingsays (01 Sep 2022 3.24pm)

during the lockdown I was doing a prescription run and on the way back I met a bin man.

I shouted across and thanked him for all his work during the lockdown. He shouted back: "All this for a bit of flu!"

"Well", I said, "that's ok so long as you don't mind losing your grannie"

"Oh, that's ok", he replied, "I don't have a grannie".

Oh well.


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards grumpymort Flag US/Thailand/UK 01 Sep 22 4.06pm Send a Private Message to grumpymort Add grumpymort as a friend

Originally posted by Glazier#1

Yes, they did catch it, were asymptomatic and passed it on to each other and anyone else, young or old.

I certainly wasn't going to catch it during lock down when I wasn't mixing. when I was told I had to return to college, I had to go and could well have died as a result. Still, I suppose I should stop whining like a snowflake.

But I sense there will always be people who advocate that we should've just let it run riot and have done. I'm not one of them and would rather not get into that debate, if you'll excuse me.

Edited by Glazier#1 (01 Sep 2022 3.03pm)

Are you claiming the claimed "lockdowns" the UK had you could not catch it?

Did you not leave your home at any point the same with the people if you have anyone else living with you doing so as well?

No post or other deliveries came to your home?

The death rate is not even 1% and the numbers are for mostly groups which have health issues also are 65+ don't listen to media share numbers the death total was around 20 thousand not 160 thousand in UK this is govt own stats.

If you was so worried focus that on living healthy life and wear full PPE.

Not sure what you mean by run riot?

The first restrictions was correct and should have been more aggressive (It was unknown with limited data at the time) but the ones which followed a complete waste of time resulting in mess we are in now.


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Stirlingsays Flag 01 Sep 22 4.16pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Glazier#1

during the lockdown I was doing a prescription run and on the way back I met a bin man.

I shouted across and thanked him for all his work during the lockdown. He shouted back: "All this for a bit of flu!"

"Well", I said, "that's ok so long as you don't mind losing your grannie"

"Oh, that's ok", he replied, "I don't have a grannie".

Oh well.

Looks like none of it helped Granny much.

In two years we spent more than we did in WW2 and we have been at excess deaths for six months.

We just changed what she dies of....and besides, as I imply, I'm not for this 'safety at all costs' philosophy.

Anyway let's not waffle about covid all day....if you forgive the pun we are all sick of it.

Edited by Stirlingsays (01 Sep 2022 4.19pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Glazier#1 Flag 01 Sep 22 4.17pm Send a Private Message to Glazier#1 Add Glazier#1 as a friend

I was talking about the 1st lockdown, actually.

If you don't mind, with respect, it's not a subject I wish to get involved with at this time.

If I want to, I can join in the dedicated Covid thread and discuss it there.

Is that ok, Grumps?

Edited by Glazier#1 (01 Sep 2022 4.18pm)


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 01 Sep 22 4.20pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Glazier#1

Yeah. "Bloody teachers: start work at 9, leave at 3, all those effing holidays and all they do is moan."


Yet, during the pandemic, after the first lockdown, when it was announced that schools would re-open and kids go back, you could almost hear a cheer all around the country.
All those who had slagged teachers off had suddenly realised how skilled a job it is to teach the young mind.

When we did go back, I had to regularly run the gauntlet, walking down crowded corridors of students to get to my class room, many of them refusing to wear masks.

Came across one group of lads - brickies- none wearing masks. when I asked them to put them on: "Don't see the f***ing point" one said and all his mates nodded.

A week later (9th Dec) I was flat-packed in my bed and very seriously ill. Totally fuxcked. Couldn't return to work until Feb and even then just knocked out. Infected my wife and daughter, too.

I wish that effing student had seen me. Then he would've seen the point.

But hey. Bloody teachers, eh? Always whining. Lol

Don't deserve anything. Why can't they be happy with 1.5% to reward them and be happy. Always bloody whining.

Did you get full sick pay or statutory.


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The Dolphin Flag 01 Sep 22 4.24pm Send a Private Message to The Dolphin Add The Dolphin as a friend

We have managed to get this thread on to covid and lockdowns!


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The Dolphin Flag 01 Sep 22 4.27pm Send a Private Message to The Dolphin Add The Dolphin as a friend

Originally posted by Glazier#1

The trouble is that companies continually want to drive wages down further and further. Concerning the highlighted bit, Dolph, P&O Ferries just sacked their staff (by video, without any warning) in total and took on 'agency' staff, all working below the minimum working wage and were simply allowed to do so. It was found not to be illegal and they get away with it. What a message to send to other companies. That kind of practice ought to be against labour law, surely? P&O today, you and me tomorrow.

If this is 'getting real' well, I just don't know. I would say that it better to protect hard working people rather than just simply be jealous of public sector staff and support a 'race to the bottom' for all.

The P&O thing was disgraceful and I absolutely disapproved and I wish further action could be taken against them.


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Stirlingsays Flag 23 Oct 22 3.57am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 23 Oct 22 8.15am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

It's funny how a party / group of people who are so obsessed by tolerance are remarkably intolerant themselves.


One more point

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 23 Oct 22 8.05pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

It's funny how a party / group of people who are so obsessed by tolerance are remarkably intolerant themselves.

almost as funny as how all their lefty parties have names like.....Labour, Workers Party, Working class, etc......

meanwhile they want the whole nation to languish on the dole & eating Pizza


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 26 Oct 22 7.03pm Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Woman sentenced for defacing Captain Sir Tom Moore memorial [Link]

He you go. The latest in a long line of failures who operate under the banner of being ‘left-wing’. Must be nice to have an ideological identity which can mask over your bottom of the species status.


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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Stirlingsays Flag 26 Oct 22 7.14pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Nicholas91

Woman sentenced for defacing Captain Sir Tom Moore memorial [Link]

He you go. The latest in a long line of failures who operate under the banner of being ‘left-wing’. Must be nice to have an ideological identity which can mask over your bottom of the species status.


She got away with it.....the type of people in the justice system like these people because....when all is said and done they just consider them misguided but good.

I would sack the judge.

Edited by Stirlingsays (26 Oct 2022 7.15pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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