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Sweden - just perfect !

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View Glazier#1's Profile Glazier#1 Flag 13 Sep 22 11.38am Send a Private Message to Glazier#1 Add Glazier#1 as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It's those that don't live their principles that irritate me.

Do you live in a highly diverse area or a majority white area? People should live what they proclaim and if you live in a diverse area, while I might disagree with your politics I will at least accept you live your words.

Personally, I grew up in a highly diverse area with high crime rates. I can say I lived my views and know the practical outcome of the left/neoliberal fetish for 'diversity'. I can also say I have no more in group preference than say Stormzy 'I'm not anti white, I'm just pro black'. Stormzy is highly rewarded within society and I see very little in the way of attacks from the left on his racial fact he is lauded and applauded.

For me that just shows that this ideological argument is really just a emperor who has no clothes.

In fact I think from my position, I can say that being white is less important than being socially conservative. I support those within the non white communities that agree with conservative ordered society values. Where I differ is in the recognition that there will never be enough of them for effective racial harmony to be a reality. Those people are minorities within the minorities but I will always break bread with those people. I think most people who agree with the dissident right would have that position.

Instead, what we will have is majority strong group preference from non white communities...As Mohammed Ali said, 'birds of a feather flock together'...the demographic map is the physical evidence of that...the majority of the non white community will always vote for the non white candidate and then claim that white people are the 'racists'...Only white people would majority vote for an Obama because they are actually the least 'racist' ethnic group, a fact that is leading to their own destruction both in power and in numbers. No other majority ethnic group in any nation has ever majority voted for someone from a different ethnic group to be their national leader

The classic 'minority against the majority' power structure is the default....tribalism, it will never change and only white people are criticised and punished for it.

Multculturalism was always a utopian pipe dream and it was inflicted upon societies without consent and many who objected have been demonised and persecuted.

The left say that 'racism' is a great evil for them, yet I'm a big one for not listening to words but observing actions. In truth they justify anti white 'racism' under the far left 'equity' and historical oppression banner. They started with the 'equality' argument, but that was a way in...they dropped that lie and now use whatever tactics justifies their own anti white...especially anti white working class male progression.

I view your take on the Swedish election as little more than leftish cope, but you are entitled to your views.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Sep 2022 11.07am)

So, these 'lefties': are they white? Black? What? Are they upper class, middle class, working class?

The idea of white, working class males wanting to extinguish white, working class, males seems odd to me.


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View Glazier#1's Profile Glazier#1 Flag 13 Sep 22 11.54am Send a Private Message to Glazier#1 Add Glazier#1 as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

It's those that don't live their principles that irritate me.

Do you live in a highly diverse area or a majority white area? People should live what they proclaim and if you live in a diverse area, while I might disagree with your politics I will at least accept you live your words.

Personally, I grew up in a highly diverse area with high crime rates. I can say I lived my views and know the practical outcome of the left/neoliberal fetish for 'diversity'. I can also say I have no more in group preference than say Stormzy 'I'm not anti white, I'm just pro black'. Stormzy is highly rewarded within society and I see very little in the way of attacks from the left on his racial fact he is lauded and applauded.

For me that just shows that this ideological argument is really just a emperor who has no clothes.

In fact I think from my position, I can say that being white is less important than being socially conservative. I support those within the non white communities that agree with conservative ordered society values. Where I differ is in the recognition that there will never be enough of them for effective racial harmony to be a reality. Those people are minorities within the minorities but I will always break bread with those people. I think most people who agree with the dissident right would have that position.

Instead, what we will have is majority strong group preference from non white communities...As Mohammed Ali said, 'birds of a feather flock together'...the demographic map is the physical evidence of that...the majority of the non white community will always vote for the non white candidate and then claim that white people are the 'racists'...Only white people would majority vote for an Obama because they are actually the least 'racist' ethnic group, a fact that is leading to their own destruction both in power and in numbers. No other majority ethnic group in any nation has ever majority voted for someone from a different ethnic group to be their national leader

The classic 'minority against the majority' power structure is the default....tribalism, it will never change and only white people are criticised and punished for it.

Multculturalism was always a utopian pipe dream and it was inflicted upon societies without consent and many who objected have been demonised and persecuted.

The left say that 'racism' is a great evil for them, yet I'm a big one for not listening to words but observing actions. In truth they justify anti white 'racism' under the far left 'equity' and historical oppression banner. They started with the 'equality' argument, but that was a way in...they dropped that lie and now use whatever tactics justifies their own anti white...especially anti white working class male progression.

I view your take on the Swedish election as little more than leftish cope, but you are entitled to your views.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Sep 2022 11.07am)

Just to be clear could you define what these are. Specifically, please. A list will do.


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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Online Flag 13 Sep 22 2.02pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Glazier#1

So, these 'lefties': are they white? Black? What? Are they upper class, middle class, working class?

The idea of white, working class males wanting to extinguish white, working class, males seems odd to me.

'Lefties' is the definition, though a good chuck of neo liberals would also fit...perhaps not as snugly but would still fall within the description.

Why would a political ideology have to fit a demographical stereotype? One does exist of course, that of the Corbynister...white liberal middle class (whether financially or mindset) set. However, there will be leftists of every stripe, just as there are different stripes in every social/political group.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Online Flag 13 Sep 22 2.11pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Glazier#1

Just to be clear could you define what these are. Specifically, please. A list will do.

I've done this before, this kind of deconstruction nonsense is often asked by leftists. Why should I continually pump out obvious generalities that you are going to deconstruct and demonise anyway? Anyway I try to be reasonably accommodating if people ask so I'll do a little.

Anti multiculturalism
Anti-immigration to differing levels.
Law and Order
Free speech
Pro family
Pro social cohesion

Everyone knows that this is social conservatism's basic tenets. To catergorise further is just digging into the weeds.

Aside from the first two topics neo liberals and leftists could claim that they are for the rest though they will ignore that their politics and policies have resulted in the erosion of all of them.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Sep 2022 2.19pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Nicholas91's Profile Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 13 Sep 22 2.11pm Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

I thought this thread was brought to a crushing end following the of course undebatable 'everyone's a racist' proclamation?

Isn't that the usual rallying call to end any cerebral process or exchange? Perhaps it's waning in it's effectiveness.


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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View Glazier#1's Profile Glazier#1 Flag 13 Sep 22 2.38pm Send a Private Message to Glazier#1 Add Glazier#1 as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I've done this before, this kind of deconstruction nonsense is often asked by leftists. Why should I continually pump out obvious generalities that you are going to deconstruct and demonise anyway? Anyway I try to be reasonably accommodating if people ask so I'll do a little.

Anti multiculturalism
Anti-immigration to differing levels.
Law and Order
Free speech
Pro family
Pro social cohesion

Everyone knows that this is social conservatism's basic tenets. To catergorise further is just digging into the weeds.

Aside from the first two topics neo liberals and leftists could claim that they are for the rest though they will ignore that their politics and policies have resulted in the erosion of all of them.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Sep 2022 2.19pm)

Is that what I'm going to do?

No. My main purpose in asking is so that other people reading this can make their own mind up.

I see so much NF/Mail/Sun echo chamber stuff on here, I realise that nothing I write will make any difference to these people. It's good, imo, however, for anyone reading these posts to be able to get either a different view, or be able to see the views explained so that they can make up their own mind, if they want.

For me to try to change your view?

I might as well whistle up my arse lol


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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Online Flag 13 Sep 22 2.40pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Glazier#1

Is that what I'm going to do?

No. My main purpose in asking is so that other people reading this can make their own mind up.

I see so much NF/Mail/Sun echo chamber stuff on here, I realise that nothing I write will make any difference to these people. It's good, imo, however, for anyone reading these posts to be able to get either a different view, or be able to see the views explained so that they can make up their own mind, if they want.

For me to try to change your view?

I might as well whistle up my arse lol

Fair enough.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View steeleye20's Profile steeleye20 Flag Croydon 13 Sep 22 3.04pm Send a Private Message to steeleye20 Add steeleye20 as a friend

The UK experience of the right over the last 12 years does not support the claims here:=

Increased immigration.
Increased crime.
Cost of Living crisis.
Energy crisis.
Failed privatisations.
Increased taxation.
Zero economic growth.
Britons cannot roam in 90% of their own country.
Increased authoritarianism.
Failing public services.
Low wages.
Chronic indebtedness.
Run for the a rich few and tory donors.
Endless scandals in public life.
Increased Corruption.
Increasingly undemocratic.

I could go on about how crap things are but you get my drift.

The previous labour years, even with the economic crisis, fare better on every measure.

Labour, compared to the tories, were paradise.


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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Online Flag 13 Sep 22 3.10pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by steeleye20

The UK experience of the right over the last 12 years does not support the claims here:=

Increased immigration.
Increased crime.
Cost of Living crisis.
Energy crisis.
Failed privatisations.
Increased taxation.
Zero economic growth.
Britons cannot roam in 90% of their own country.
Increased authoritarianism.
Failing public services.
Low wages.
Chronic indebtedness.
Run for the a rich few and tory donors.
Endless scandals in public life.
Increased Corruption.
Increasingly undemocratic.

I could go on about how crap things are but you get my drift.

The previous labour years, even with the economic crisis, fare better on every measure.

Labour, compared to the tories, were paradise.

I think there is some valid criticism there.

However to be fair to me I was describing socially conservative values and not the conservative party of the last twenty five years.

I think the conservative party admits to be socially liberal....I'm not sure how they couldn't....On social liberalism they accepted large planks of the left's social agenda back with Cameron.

There has never been a Tory party so far away from social fact they demonise social conservativism now as much as any lefty.

Edited by Stirlingsays (13 Sep 2022 3.11pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Stirlingsays's Profile Stirlingsays Online Flag 13 Sep 22 7.10pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

In fact with Blair basically ditching socialism for neo liberalism back in the nineties and the Tories ditching their remaining social conservatism back in 2010 with Cameron you essentially have a uni-party.

They essentially argue over tax and just who is more socially liberal.

You had a brief few years where Corbyn was took Labour away from neo liberalism but now they are back to trying to put a new spin on Blairism.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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View Glazier#1's Profile Glazier#1 Flag 13 Sep 22 7.53pm Send a Private Message to Glazier#1 Add Glazier#1 as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

In fact with Blair basically ditching socialism for neo liberalism back in the nineties and the Tories ditching their remaining social conservatism back in 2010 with Cameron you essentially have a uni-party.

They essentially argue over tax and just who is more socially liberal.

You had a brief few years where Corbyn was took Labour away from neo liberalism but now they are back to trying to put a new spin on Blairism.

What does that term mean?


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View cryrst's Profile cryrst Flag The garden of England 13 Sep 22 9.42pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Glazier#1

What does that term mean?

Here you are, I googled it for you.

Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more
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adjective: neo-liberal
favouring policies that promote free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending.
noun: neo-liberal
an advocate or supporter of free-market capitalism, deregulation, and reduction in government spending.

Edited by cryrst (13 Sep 2022 9.47pm)


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