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NEW Palace Supporters Association CPISA

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YT Flag Oxford 23 Oct 23 10.02am Send a Private Message to YT Add YT as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

It's not an acronym. It's an initialism.
It does have PIS in the middle, which is a bit unfortunate.

Do we know the real names of the people running this thing and their online profiles outside of HOL?

Lol. Perhaps ICPSA would be better, although I'm not wishing to enter into 'People's Front of Judea' territory again.


Palace since 19 August 1972. Palace 1 (Tony Taylor) Liverpool 1 (Emlyn Hughes)

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eaglesfans Flag 23 Oct 23 10.08am Send a Private Message to eaglesfans Add eaglesfans as a friend

It would seem appropriate for the supporters trust to comment on this thread. I also see no reason to believe it has closed based upon the website and reorts on the website that they recently met with CP


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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards Hrolf The Ganger Flag 23 Oct 23 1.34pm Send a Private Message to Hrolf The Ganger Add Hrolf The Ganger as a friend

Originally posted by YT

Lol. Perhaps ICPSA would be better, although I'm not wishing to enter into 'People's Front of Judea' territory again.

The old PISA would have done. PISA 2023.

At least that would be a proper acronym.


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rob1861 Flag 23 Oct 23 1.34pm Send a Private Message to rob1861 Add rob1861 as a friend

Hi Eaglesfan,

I'm glad it's not just me whose suspicious, also we are being asked to go to the new CPISA website to learn more and use it to verify their validity. I requested the evidence of the open letter Hazbaz had found and Hazbaz (who only joined this site a few days ago) has not posted this but directed me to their website...

It may all be innocent but it seems weird given the other supporters trust appears to be active still.

Originally posted by eaglesfans

It would seem appropriate for the supporters trust to comment on this thread. I also see no reason to believe it has closed based upon the website and reorts on the website that they recently met with CP


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rob1861 Flag 23 Oct 23 1.44pm Send a Private Message to rob1861 Add rob1861 as a friend

An acronym is an initialism, just to be clear. Not that i care too much but thought given you'd pulled it out i would clarify the clarification

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

It's not an acronym. It's an initialism.
It does have PIS in the middle, which is a bit unfortunate.

Do we know the real names of the people running this thing and their online profiles outside of HOL?


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SnapperKain Flag SE25 6PU 23 Oct 23 5.55pm Send a Private Message to SnapperKain Add SnapperKain as a friend

First up, despite the formation of the club's new Fan Advisory Board (FAB), it's probably not a bad idea to have another independent group of supporters that can help hold the club to task and celebrate the things it does well. I'm always a bit skeptical of club-run, fan advisory groups in case they are just puppets, especially with using a line from Thunderbirds as their acronym/initialism (I'm not getting involved in that argument..)

Anyway, looking at CPISA v CPST, the link that is referred to earlier in the thread can be found at:
[Link] for those who are interested as it does seem that they were intent on shutting it down. Interestingly though I do see posts from Kevin Powell in that thread, who is now listed on the committee of the new CPISA [Link] There is also a Paul Mee list on the CPISA committee page as well as being listed as a member of the CPST trust board [Link] So some crossover already from CPST and CPISA, assuming it's genuine.

I think though if someone could clarify what the status of CPST is then that would be good as the minutes on the CPST site do look like the meeting was recent (Luton and Burnley are mentioned) despite the thread saying that the CPST would be shut down pretty soon after March. If it is the intention that the CPISA is taking over from the CPST, then perhaps CPST could clarify its position with a statement on its website? Is this just a case of the old being in place until the new is fully up and running?

I'm all for supporter groups, but too many just lead to dilution.

Edited by SnapperKain (23 Oct 2023 5.56pm)

Edited by SnapperKain (23 Oct 2023 5.56pm)


The trouble with computers, of course, is that they're very sophisticated idiots

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YT Flag Oxford 23 Oct 23 6.20pm Send a Private Message to YT Add YT as a friend

Originally posted by Hrolf The Ganger

The old PISA would have done. PISA 2023.

At least that would be a proper acronym.

It still has PIS in it though, but if that's the way you want to lean....


Palace since 19 August 1972. Palace 1 (Tony Taylor) Liverpool 1 (Emlyn Hughes)

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Pierre Flag Purley 23 Oct 23 6.47pm Send a Private Message to Pierre Add Pierre as a friend

To help clarify some of suspicions over the forming of
CPISA Crystal Palace Independent Supporters Association and the Supporters Trust:-
The Supporters Trust has now closed down as the board were getting a bit long in the teeth and nobody else was willing/came forward/wanted to take it on, update it and move it into the future. Their members have been notified.

a) A few like-minded Palace fans have now got together to form another association (CPISA) to carry on their good works and further the cause on behalf of supporters.

b) The Supporters Trust meetings have continued partly due to Paul Mee who was on the board of the Supporters Trust who is also now on the committee and chair of CPISA and Sue Maisey who is secretary. Sue attends these monthly meetings with the club, raises issues on behalf of CPISA and publishes the minutes of the meetings as she used to for the Trust.

c)The Supporters Trust have given CPISA some funds to help us start up but we need all types and ranks of Palace supporters to join. Whether Gold, International, Adult or Junior members. Season, Away season or Junior season ticket holders, HF members, Premium dining package attendees, Facebook and X group members. We want everyone to sign up in order for us to grow, it's FREE to JOIN so at least give us a chance.

d) The CPISA committee comprise of 6 people at present. We hope to add to this and especially require the urgent assistance of someone with specialist website and social media skills


e) The CPISA website link is

f) We did ponder long and hard over an initialism/acronym whether to include PIS, Trust etc but in the end wanted to include Independent and Association so went for CPISA.
ICPSA was mooted YT, along with every other variation but in the end we settled for CPISA.

Firstly thanks for your support Spiderman.

I hope this answers some of the tiny amount of scrutiny/scepticism that seems to have crept in already from Hrolf, Rob1861, eaglesfans, and ACL.Soccer.

Nb. The Fan Forum is a Government run incentive and there are only 2 meetings per year planned with the club involving several sections of the club.


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dorking Flag 23 Oct 23 7.01pm Send a Private Message to dorking Add dorking as a friend

I know or know of 4 of the 6 people on the initial commmittee and they are all proper Palace fans.

Sue Maisey was Secretary of Pisa from when it started (1991?) so over 30 years ago, and then when PISA merged with the Trust (about 5 years ago?) she continued with them.

The Trust board hadn't had any new blood for years and wasn't very tech savvy in communicating with Palace fans

It looks like a good start already for CPISA because I've already seen stuff from them on the BBS, twitter (sorry not calling it X) and on here

Keith was for many years the PISA police liason guy and did a good job getting two way communication with Dorans.

Ian Weller is absolutely Palace mad and has probably the biggest and best collection of Palace tat sorry memorabilia around.

Good luck to them, no harm in having a voice for supporters in regular contact with the club


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Hazbaz Flag Merstham 28 Oct 23 7.32pm Send a Private Message to Hazbaz Add Hazbaz as a friend

If you’re going to the U21 match on Monday, two of our committee members, Keith and Peter, will be there handing out leaflets about CPISA. If you have any questions flag them down and have a chat.


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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 06 Nov 23 10.45am Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

If anyone's interested, seeing as people were asking about the 'Trust', here are the minutes from their last meeting with the club 10th Oct.



This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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Pierre Flag Purley 08 Nov 23 9.34am Send a Private Message to Pierre Add Pierre as a friend

Originally posted by eagleman13

If anyone's interested, seeing as people were asking about the 'Trust', here are the minutes from their last meeting with the club 10th Oct.


Hi eagleman13
Although the minutes are showing as coming from the Trust they are in fact being attended by Sue Maisey who was with the Trust but is now on the committee of CPISA who have formed as the Trust have folded.
The monthly meetings will continue but with CPISA which is why we need fans to join us. The Trust have endorsed us in their closing statement which I have posted.


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