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NEW Palace Supporters Association CPISA

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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 08 Nov 23 10.16am Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Hi Pierre

Thank you for that, I only posted info as people were/are still in the dark about who is who. I knew Sue from when I was involved with PISA back in the 90's. How this is all going to go forward with the new FAB, is anyone's guess. Good luck tho.

Edited by eagleman13 (08 Nov 2023 10.17am)


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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ACL.Soccer Flag 08 Nov 23 1.15pm Send a Private Message to ACL.Soccer Add ACL.Soccer as a friend

Thank you for the update.

There has been a number of questions on this thread probably due to the closure/transition not being handled or communicated very clearly i.e. CPST posting current meeting minutes with the club and nothing on the website of a closure, yet a thread here saying they were closed.

Your post copled with a notice on the CPST website seems to have clarified.

Originally posted by Pierre

To help clarify some of suspicions over the forming of
CPISA Crystal Palace Independent Supporters Association and the Supporters Trust:-
The Supporters Trust has now closed down as the board were getting a bit long in the teeth and nobody else was willing/came forward/wanted to take it on, update it and move it into the future. Their members have been notified.

a) A few like-minded Palace fans have now got together to form another association (CPISA) to carry on their good works and further the cause on behalf of supporters.

b) The Supporters Trust meetings have continued partly due to Paul Mee who was on the board of the Supporters Trust who is also now on the committee and chair of CPISA and Sue Maisey who is secretary. Sue attends these monthly meetings with the club, raises issues on behalf of CPISA and publishes the minutes of the meetings as she used to for the Trust.

c)The Supporters Trust have given CPISA some funds to help us start up but we need all types and ranks of Palace supporters to join. Whether Gold, International, Adult or Junior members. Season, Away season or Junior season ticket holders, HF members, Premium dining package attendees, Facebook and X group members. We want everyone to sign up in order for us to grow, it's FREE to JOIN so at least give us a chance.

d) The CPISA committee comprise of 6 people at present. We hope to add to this and especially require the urgent assistance of someone with specialist website and social media skills


e) The CPISA website link is

f) We did ponder long and hard over an initialism/acronym whether to include PIS, Trust etc but in the end wanted to include Independent and Association so went for CPISA.
ICPSA was mooted YT, along with every other variation but in the end we settled for CPISA.

Firstly thanks for your support Spiderman.

I hope this answers some of the tiny amount of scrutiny/scepticism that seems to have crept in already from Hrolf, Rob1861, eaglesfans, and ACL.Soccer.

Nb. The Fan Forum is a Government run incentive and there are only 2 meetings per year planned with the club involving several sections of the club.


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Hazbaz Flag Merstham 19 Nov 23 2.02pm Send a Private Message to Hazbaz Add Hazbaz as a friend

Originally posted by eagleman13

Hi Pierre

Thank you for that, I only posted info as people were/are still in the dark about who is who. I knew Sue from when I was involved with PISA back in the 90's. How this is all going to go forward with the new FAB, is anyone's guess. Good luck tho.

Edited by eagleman13 (08 Nov 2023 10.17am)

Hi, you're not alone wondering how CPISA fits with FAB and this is how we explain it.

Supporters Trusts (or in our case CPISA) will run alongside the FABs. I would say that they fulfill a different function and both have an important place in getting fan views over to the club.

CPISA and other clubs’ Trusts are independent, democratically constituted groups that represent all their fans interests, both here and abroad. We have robust policies, processes and formalised structures/roles in place and we work with other groups to consult with and represent our fans not just to the clubs but also with wider football bodies and groups. CPISA also have resources and reach that extends beyond the FAB and this enables us to work independently of the club for the interests of all Palace fans and most importantly we exist regardless of FAB or other structures put in place by the club.

FAB reps will provide valuable and important fan representation through the new Board, however, should the club dissolve the board, their remit would end. Reps will undoubtedly consult via their personal networks and bring this back to FAB. However, it is unlikely that reps will have the time or resources to formally, widely consult and report in the way that CPISA and other clubs’ Trusts are able to do. That formalisation brings additional weight and evidence to the feedback.

CPISA will be circulating our first survey to fans at the end of next week and we encourage all Palace fans to subscribe to our mailing list so that their views can be harnessed. The results of the survey will be collated and published and will inform the agenda for our meetings with the club, including FAB, where we will also be represented.

Membership of CPISA is free and simply done via subscription to our mailing list at [Link]

Edited by Hazbaz (19 Nov 2023 2.02pm)


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Pierre Flag Purley 20 Dec 23 3.19pm Send a Private Message to Pierre Add Pierre as a friend

CPISA held it's first meeting with the club yesterday. We discussed in detail answers, reply's, queries and questions that were forthcoming from the CPISA recent survey that was circulated to our members a few weeks ago, together with other current supporter lead issues.
Both parties found the meeting extremely beneficial and the minutes will be issued shortly and posted on the CPISA website.
If you wish to view them.
Crystal Palace Independent Supporters Association is free to join.



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eagleman13 Flag On The Road To Hell & Alicante 20 Dec 23 3.25pm Send a Private Message to eagleman13 Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add eagleman13 as a friend

Originally posted by Pierre

CPISA held it's first meeting with the club yesterday. We discussed in detail answers, reply's, queries and questions that were forthcoming from the CPISA recent survey that was circulated to our members a few weeks ago, together with other current supporter lead issues.
Both parties found the meeting extremely beneficial and the minutes will be issued shortly and posted on the CPISA website.
If you wish to view them.
Crystal Palace Independent Supporters Association is free to join.


I never recieved any survey.


This operation, will make the 'Charge Of The Light Brigade' seem like a simple military exercise.

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Hazbaz Flag Merstham 21 Dec 23 11.18pm Send a Private Message to Hazbaz Add Hazbaz as a friend

I’m really sorry if you didn’t get the chance to complete the survey, it was sent out on
25th November to all subscribers and I had confirmation that it had been delivered to everyone with no bounces. I then also sent it to everyone who subscribed between then and 3rd December If you have subscribed, it may have gone into your junk mail so might be worth looking and if so make us a safe sender so you don’t miss out on future emails.

As we’ve presented the findings it’s a bit late for this one. We’ll do other surveys in the future and there’ll be other opportunities for engagement, including the AGM and quarterly meetings. I’ll arrange to send a report on the first survey to members on the mailing list in due course as well as posting results on the website.

I’m also going to be in touch with some of the survey respondents whose comments we discussed in the club meeting either with feedback or to ask permission to forward their details to individuals at the club who have agreed to help them.

All in all it was a very positive meeting with the club, we’d planned for and a hour and half but in the end it went on for 3 hours and we met with 6 people all of whom were really helpful. We have agreed to meet monthly so if there are issues you want us to raise, you can always email us Hope that helps

Edited by Hazbaz (21 Dec 2023 11.19pm)


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Pierre Flag Purley 05 Jan 24 10.57pm Send a Private Message to Pierre Add Pierre as a friend

The overview of the first member survey is now live on the CPISA website


We used the survey to drive the agenda of our first meeting with the club and, if you completed the survey and see your comment/s in the overview you will have been emailed by CPISA to give you feedback on the issue you raised.
Please check your email and get in touch where requested as the club would like to us to put some of you in touch with them but we need your consent to share your info.

Edited by Pierre (05 Jan 2024 10.59pm)


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Dubai Eagle Flag 06 Jan 24 8.23am Send a Private Message to Dubai Eagle Add Dubai Eagle as a friend

Really enjoyed the read - well done guys, can certainly relate to a lot of the comments on the report -

One additional pet hate of mine is that if you frequent the bar during the game (I often nip down a few minutes early at half time to avoid the worst of the queue) the live game that is being shown on the TV in the bar gets interrupted by adverts - why cant the adverts be scheduled at half time ?


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Pierre Flag Purley 06 Jan 24 9.37am Send a Private Message to Pierre Add Pierre as a friend

Originally posted by Dubai Eagle

Really enjoyed the read - well done guys, can certainly relate to a lot of the comments on the report -

One additional pet hate of mine is that if you frequent the bar during the game (I often nip down a few minutes early at half time to avoid the worst of the queue) the live game that is being shown on the TV in the bar gets interrupted by adverts - why cant the adverts be scheduled at half time ?

Thanks Dubai Eagle-Might be something to look into going forwards. We had a really positive meeting with the club which lasted for about 3 hours. We went through all of the comments and they were open and willing to speak to individuals about their comments to help with issues so hope this bodes well for the future.


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Pierre Flag Purley 16 Jan 24 11.03pm Send a Private Message to Pierre Add Pierre as a friend

We have today published the notes of our recent meeting with CPFC on our website [Link]
We used our first member survey as a broad agenda for the meeting and were able to discuss many of the issues and comments raised.

You can find the survey overview here

We were pleased to say that we were able to resolve a number of issues for individuals and to put the club in touch with others for a further discussion and resolution and they should be hearing from the club shortly.
Our next meeting with the club will be held on 6th February. We have already been contacted with a number of issues that we have either been asked to raise for action or for more information but please do get in touch if there is anything that you would like us to take up on your behalf.
Our Annual General Meeting has been arranged, we are just waiting for confirmation of the keynote speaker and we will then let everyone know the details and how to attend.
We would love to see as many people there as possible as we have information to give you as well as some committee roles to fill. So if you’re interested in getting involved please look out for more info.


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Pierre Flag Purley 02 Feb 24 11.19am Send a Private Message to Pierre Add Pierre as a friend

We have our next meeting with the club on 6th February. We have already been contacted with a number of issues that we have either been asked to raise for action or for more information, but please do get in touch if there is anything that you would like us to take up on your behalf either as individuals or bigger picture.

Members survey results [Link]

Meeting held with the club in January [Link]

Our AGM has been arranged, we are just waiting for confirmation of the keynote speaker and will then let everyone know the details and how to attend.
We would love to see as many people there as possible as we have several committee roles to fill. So if you’re interested in getting involved please keep a look out for more information.

Brighton Away 3rd Feb-For info we’ve received a message from the police liaison officer advising that there will be a special train post Brighton match which will stop at Three Bridges, East Croydon and Victoria.

We’ve heard from another source this won’t leave till 5:55 so may be a holdback of Palace fans.


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Pierre Flag Purley 20 Feb 24 10.13am Send a Private Message to Pierre Add Pierre as a friend

Selhurst Station-Just wanted to let people know that after an email we received, we contacted the club relating to issues at Selhurst station post match, where only one of the front entrances has been open and there have been concerns about queue jumping and crushes, to ask them to take this up. The reply is posted below.

”The Club along with the Police and Council have been discussing this issue with Selhurst station at Safety Advisory Group meetings for some time.

Following a formal complaint made to the management team at the station and British Transport Police by a supporter, I was emailed by the station management team in January to say that they are reviewing how the station is managing the situation post-match and would feedback to me once they had observed some fixtures. I have not heard back from them, but I will contact them to say that we have had some more supporters raise their concerns and have they reviewed their operation and found a solution.

Once they have replied, I will let you know their response. We have another Safety Advisory Group meeting in March and I will make sure this issues is on the agenda once again”.

The CPISA team will continue to monitor and push for improvements. We also have a rep at the Safety Advisory Group so we can also ensure this stays on the agenda there.

If you have any concerns about any aspect of your matchday experience or safety please do get in touch at [Link] and we’ll ensure these are fedback to the right people at the club and we’ll stay with it to get improvements.


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