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5 facts about me.. the sequel

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ex hibitionist Flag Hastings 15 Sep 16 11.53pm Send a Private Message to ex hibitionist Add ex hibitionist as a friend

Originally posted by Palacetinian

1) Roy Hodgson was my English and PE teacher and managed our school team...
2) My first job after Uni was working for Jeremy Corbyn at the House of Commons for two years...
3) I once shared an office at the House of Commons with Gordon Brown and he gave me his ticket for the FA Cup Final in 1990...
4) John Salako leaves near me and Alan Pardew and I've met him at the hot chicken counter at the Sainsbury in Warlingham!
5) On a flight to New York I read a three page interview with Jimmy Page from Led Zeppelin in the Weekend FT. When we landed I ended up in the immigration queue a few places behind him wearing exactly the same gear he was photographed in! As we passed each other I told him I had just read the FT interview and he said he thought it was one of the best he had done. He was a very nice man!

and point 6) you are a compulsive name-dropper


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RyWa Flag Beckenham 04 Jan 17 1.22am Send a Private Message to RyWa Add RyWa as a friend

Slightly old post so I apologise if digging up old posts is frowned upon but although I've been secretly reading on here for years, I've only recently become active so would like to get to know some of you, and I must say it seems like there's some characters on here..

1) I'm a royal marines commando specialising in combat intelligence and have served 2 tours of afghan in combat operations.

2) my recently late grandad landed on the beaches of Normandy and is my all time hero, teaching me I can only take from this great country once I have served her.
My step dad also served in the Falklands as a royal marine.

3) in 2012 i was on a lads holiday in greece and swam out to a diving platform in the sea naked at night and got stung on my gentleman sausage by a jellyfish.

4) 2 weeks after passing my driving test in 2009 I managed to write my £400 corsa off into the back of an aston Martin DB5.

5) possibly the most shocking - I have ginger hair.

Just a couple of things there that I'd like to put out there as I'm always up for a bit of banter ( I hate the word banter by the way) so please feel free to chuck some friendly abuse my way whenever you feel necessary.



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Part Time James Flag 04 Jan 17 7.20am Send a Private Message to Part Time James Add Part Time James as a friend

Originally posted by RyWa

Slightly old post so I apologise if digging up old posts is frowned upon but although I've been secretly reading on here for years, I've only recently become active so would like to get to know some of you, and I must say it seems like there's some characters on here..

1) I'm a royal marines commando specialising in combat intelligence and have served 2 tours of afghan in combat operations.

2) my recently late grandad landed on the beaches of Normandy and is my all time hero, teaching me I can only take from this great country once I have served her.
My step dad also served in the Falklands as a royal marine.

3) in 2012 i was on a lads holiday in greece and swam out to a diving platform in the sea naked at night and got stung on my gentleman sausage by a jellyfish.

4) 2 weeks after passing my driving test in 2009 I managed to write my £400 corsa off into the back of an aston Martin DB5.

5) possibly the most shocking - I have ginger hair.

Just a couple of things there that I'd like to put out there as I'm always up for a bit of banter ( I hate the word banter by the way) so please feel free to chuck some friendly abuse my way whenever you feel necessary.


It was all going so well!


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Midlands Eagle Flag 04 Jan 17 10.30am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by RyWa

5) possibly the most shocking - I have ginger hair.

Cricket fans will tell you that one third of England's top six are gingers


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ex hibitionist Flag Hastings 04 Jan 17 6.59pm Send a Private Message to ex hibitionist Add ex hibitionist as a friend

Originally posted by Part Time James

It was all going so well!

that's your opinion ... I mean, I like ginger hair


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yournamehere Flag Earth 09 Jan 17 8.44pm Send a Private Message to yournamehere Add yournamehere as a friend

1. My favorite colour is blue, no red, no definitely blue.
2. I can quite comfortably fit in to a size 10 woman's knicker.
3. I'm not gay but my boyfriend is.
4. I can drink a vast amount of alcohol only to wake up the next day incredibly thirsty.
5. I don't know what I'm doing.


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NKEagle Flag Pyongyang 10 Jan 17 12.25am Send a Private Message to NKEagle Add NKEagle as a friend

Originally posted by RyWa

Slightly old post so I apologise if digging up old posts is frowned upon but although I've been secretly reading on here for years, I've only recently become active so would like to get to know some of you, and I must say it seems like there's some characters on here..

1) I'm a royal marines commando specialising in combat intelligence and have served 2 tours of afghan in combat operations.

2) my recently late grandad landed on the beaches of Normandy and is my all time hero, teaching me I can only take from this great country once I have served her.
My step dad also served in the Falklands as a royal marine.

3) in 2012 i was on a lads holiday in greece and swam out to a diving platform in the sea naked at night and got stung on my gentleman sausage by a jellyfish.

4) 2 weeks after passing my driving test in 2009 I managed to write my £400 corsa off into the back of an aston Martin DB5.

5) possibly the most shocking - I have ginger hair.

Just a couple of things there that I'd like to put out there as I'm always up for a bit of banter ( I hate the word banter by the way) so please feel free to chuck some friendly abuse my way whenever you feel necessary.


I went on a lads holiday a few years back as well, and I also ended up with painful stinging on my gentleman sausage. But the cause turned out to be something very different.


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Blue'n'red Flag Field of Chels (Orpington) 10 Jan 17 5.54am Send a Private Message to Blue'n'red Add Blue'n'red as a friend

I'll bite

1) I'm profoundly deaf in both ears, I wear a hearing aid and a CI. these jokes about tinnitus are NOT funny.

2) I have represented England at disabled level football and denied John Fashnu a goal.

3) I've been spat over by John Nettles - was in 2nd row at RSC Anthony and Cleopatra.

4) I'm 6'3 and wear size 13 shoes

5) I keep and breed tropical fish


They say hard work never hurt anyone ... but why take a chance?

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Midlands Eagle Flag 10 Jan 17 6.47am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Blue'n'red

I'll bite

1) I'm profoundly deaf in both ears, I wear a hearing aid and a CI. these jokes about tinnitus are NOT funny.

You claim that jokes about your disability are not funny yet in your profile you describe yourself as a "window licker" which shows an amazing level of hypocrisy


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Blue'n'red Flag Field of Chels (Orpington) 10 Jan 17 4.16pm Send a Private Message to Blue'n'red Add Blue'n'red as a friend

I've played for England at disabled level ... yes I'm deaf but I ALSO have other disabilities (which I poke fun at)


They say hard work never hurt anyone ... but why take a chance?

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OldFella Flag London 10 Jan 17 4.30pm Send a Private Message to OldFella Add OldFella as a friend

Originally posted by monkey

1-i can't swim either
2-I'm Right handed but Left footed
3-I used to be Dave Swindlehurst's milkman
4-I had a donkey as a pet when I was a kid
5-I have Tinnitus

I get that as well. I tried phoning the Tinnitus helpline - but it just kept ringing and ringing...


Jackson.. Wan Bissaka.... Sansom.. Nicholas.. Cannon.. Guehi.... Zaha... Thomas.. Byrne... Holton.. Rogers.. that should do it..

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Lofty3rgj 10 Jan 17 8.51pm Send a Private Message to Lofty3rgj Add Lofty3rgj as a friend

Originally posted by RyWa

Slightly old post so I apologise if digging up old posts is frowned upon but although I've been secretly reading on here for years, I've only recently become active so would like to get to know some of you, and I must say it seems like there's some characters on here..

1) I'm a royal marines commando specialising in combat intelligence and have served 2 tours of afghan in combat operations.

2) my recently late grandad landed on the beaches of Normandy and is my all time hero, teaching me I can only take from this great country once I have served her.
My step dad also served in the Falklands as a royal marine.

3) in 2012 i was on a lads holiday in greece and swam out to a diving platform in the sea naked at night and got stung on my gentleman sausage by a jellyfish.

4) 2 weeks after passing my driving test in 2009 I managed to write my £400 corsa off into the back of an aston Martin DB5.

5) possibly the most shocking - I have ginger hair.

Just a couple of things there that I'd like to put out there as I'm always up for a bit of banter ( I hate the word banter by the way) so please feel free to chuck some friendly abuse my way whenever you feel necessary.


A cabbage head, with intelligence, no it doesn't sound right at all...


You're asking me what it's all about, and I can't tell you because I don't know what's going on myself.

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