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Online dating

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7mins Flag In the bush 11 Mar 17 10.28pm Send a Private Message to 7mins Add 7mins as a friend

Originally posted by Michaelawt85

Ok so you said you would be away and stuck to it but maybe in the future even having said that a short text might go a long way. Maybe also a cautionary tale about jumping into bed (even if she initiates it and is up for it) with someone you barely know.

What has made you turn to online dating. Do you not get much opportunity to meet women through hobbies or work ?

When I was younger, I worked the doors... getting females was no problem at all. I then stopped door work, did the career thing... no problem meeting women then either. Now I'm self employed it just seems easier to use online dating. I did meet a girl from my gym, but she lost her job and had to move in with her sister miles away.

I don't think there's a problem having sex with someone you barely know. I've always had a liberal attitude to sex, and if you both know the score... I think it's fine.

I am not the type glued to my phone, I think a date on Saturday with a follow up call on Wednesday is acceptable.


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Brentmiester_General Flag Front line in the battle against t... 11 Mar 17 10.38pm

I've always maintained that if a girl has to use online dating to pull then there is something mentally wrong with them. It's so f***ing easy for a girl to get picked up, why would they need internet dating unless they are totally and utterly radio rental?


"We love you Palace, we f@cking hate Man U, We love you Palace, we hate the brighton too, We love you Palace we play in red 'n' blue, so f@ck you, and you ...

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Cucking Funt Flag Clapham on the Back 11 Mar 17 10.44pm Send a Private Message to Cucking Funt Add Cucking Funt as a friend

Originally posted by Brentmiester_General

I've always maintained that if a girl has to use online dating to pull then there is something mentally wrong with them. It's so f***ing easy for a girl to get picked up, why would they need internet dating unless they are totally and utterly radio rental?

Online or offline, they're all f*cking barking.


Wife beating may be socially acceptable in Sheffield, but it is a different matter in Cheltenham

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Willo Flag South coast - west of Brighton. 11 Mar 17 10.57pm Send a Private Message to Willo Add Willo as a friend

Originally posted by Brentmiester_General

I've always maintained that if a girl has to use online dating to pull then there is something mentally wrong with them. It's so f***ing easy for a girl to get picked up, why would they need internet dating unless they are totally and utterly radio rental?

No I don't necessarily agree at all.

There are 'Single mums' who just cannot go out to social places on a regular basis to meet anyone, and once you get to a certain age it does limit the number of people one meets in bars,pubs etc etc.Besides there are many who just do not like going to pubs etc etc.Not easy for many depending on their circumstances.


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Kermit8 Flag Hevon 11 Mar 17 11.36pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Originally posted by Brentmiester_General

I've always maintained that if a girl has to use online dating to pull then there is something mentally wrong with them. It's so f***ing easy for a girl to get picked up, why would they need internet dating unless they are totally and utterly radio rental?

Just a guess but to meet someone they have things in common with, and a shared humour on top of the pheromones doing their thang, perhaps?

Oh yeah, and to try and avoid fellas like er..what's your real name?

Edited by Kermit8 (11 Mar 2017 11.38pm)


Big chest and massive boobs


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Kermit8 Flag Hevon 11 Mar 17 11.39pm Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Originally posted by matt_himself

Of course she was.

Did you introduce her to your 'evangelical chum' (I.e., another fragment of your imagination, like all your black friends)?

Edited by matt_himself (11 Mar 2017 10.26pm)

Bitchy bitch.


Big chest and massive boobs


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Jamesrichards8 Flag 11 Mar 17 11.55pm Send a Private Message to Jamesrichards8 Add Jamesrichards8 as a friend

Originally posted by elgrande

Read my post James....had horror stories...but with a lady I met online for the past 9 something must be right,I'm not one for hanging about if it's not...&#128513;

OK that's encouraging then. I will honestly probably try it in the next couple weeks, so fingers crossed.


When you’re knocked on your back and your life’s a flop...

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Jamesrichards8 Flag 11 Mar 17 11.56pm Send a Private Message to Jamesrichards8 Add Jamesrichards8 as a friend

Originally posted by Kermit8

8 online dates back in the day all of which were either ok, good and the last bloody fantastic. Nothing ventured, etc. Only advice I would give is just be yourself and just hope, at the very least, a laugh or two then whether you get together or not the time hasn't been wasted.

Apart from the one where she was an undercover reporter for the Standard or Express but let's leave that one there



When you’re knocked on your back and your life’s a flop...

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matt_himself Flag Matataland 12 Mar 17 1.36am Send a Private Message to matt_himself Add matt_himself as a friend

Originally posted by Kermit8

Bitchy bitch.

I still don't believe you.


"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02

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matt_himself Flag Matataland 12 Mar 17 1.38am Send a Private Message to matt_himself Add matt_himself as a friend

Originally posted by Kermit8

Bitchy bitch.

Comment withdrawn.

Edited by matt_himself (12 Mar 2017 1.46am)


"That was fun and to round off the day, I am off to steal a charity collection box and then desecrate a place of worship.” - Smokey, The Selhurst Arms, 26/02/02

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Kermit8 Flag Hevon 12 Mar 17 2.27am Send a Private Message to Kermit8 Add Kermit8 as a friend

Originally posted by matt_himself

Comment withdrawn.

Edited by matt_himself (12 Mar 2017 1.46am)

You supercilious bitchy bitch.


Big chest and massive boobs


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Michaelawt85 Flag Bexley 12 Mar 17 8.01am Send a Private Message to Michaelawt85 Add Michaelawt85 as a friend

One thing I did think.of. during this 3 days post nookie Visiting family and being busy before you made contact did you sign in and check your dating profile at all. Chances are if you did she clocked it and that's why she flipped.

What types do you generally go for and what does your profile say? Maybe it needs tweeking


When I was a young girl my Mother said to me.. You listen here kid you're CPFC

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