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The rise of automation

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Ginger Pubic Wig Flag Wickham de L'Ouest 28 Jun 17 10.27pm Send a Private Message to Ginger Pubic Wig Add Ginger Pubic Wig as a friend

...steel mills that can produce 500k tons a year with 14 employees...machines that can diagnose cancer better than top doctors...machines that really can learn stuff.

Huge -- to the order of at least hundreds of millions of people -- swathes of humanity are about to be made redundant. And at many levels of work.

Then what? What is a good direction to send your kids in to have a prosperous working life??

I'm very interested in the topic, how people believe it will shape our futures, and what, if anything, the legislative response should/will be.


If you want to live in a world full of kindness, respect and love, try to show these qualities.

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Harpo Flag Oxfordshire 28 Jun 17 10.49pm Send a Private Message to Harpo Add Harpo as a friend


It's the way to go.


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 28 Jun 17 11.24pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Harpo


It's the way to go.

Beat me to it. The one profession a machine cannot do. A robot can even be PM. Oh and begging. A robot cannot beg well. Doesn't need a bed, food, Special Brew, Skag or Crack.



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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 28 Jun 17 11.27pm Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Comedian, jockey, product taster.



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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 28 Jun 17 11.40pm

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

Comedian, jockey, product taster.

This isn't grindr!


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Stirlingsays Flag 28 Jun 17 11.46pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Electronics Engineers.....Engineers and scientists....but don't go into computer engineering.

If you want to ensure your children have a well paid job, those are strong bets.

For those that can't stand or do maths at all....Well jobs directly managing people aren't going anyway.

Also Teaching......though I can't recommend this profession as a sensible career for any youngster other than the very driven who are obsessed with the idea.

Edited by Stirlingsays (28 Jun 2017 11.47pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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nickgusset Flag Shizzlehurst 28 Jun 17 11.54pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Electronics Engineers.....Engineers and scientists....but don't go into computer engineering.

If you want to ensure your children have a well paid job, those are strong bets.

For those that can't stand or do maths at all....Well jobs directly managing people aren't going anyway.

Also Teaching......though I can't recommend this profession as a sensible career for any youngster other than the very driven who are obsessed with the idea.

Edited by Stirlingsays (28 Jun 2017 11.47pm)

Bender.png Attachment: Bender.png (26.58Kb)


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twist Flag Miami, Florida 29 Jun 17 4.29am Send a Private Message to twist Add twist as a friend

Dont think you need to worry about it, come judgement day, it'll be the least of their worries.


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Harpo Flag Oxfordshire 29 Jun 17 6.59am Send a Private Message to Harpo Add Harpo as a friend

Originally posted by Rudi Hedman

Beat me to it. The one profession a machine cannot do. A robot can even be PM. Oh and begging. A robot cannot beg well. Doesn't need a bed, food, Special Brew, Skag or Crack.

If I was a robot I'd beg in order to fund treatment for 'metal breakdown'.


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Ginger Pubic Wig Flag Wickham de L'Ouest 29 Jun 17 7.00am Send a Private Message to Ginger Pubic Wig Add Ginger Pubic Wig as a friend

Originally posted by Harpo


It's the way to go.

Actually apparently there are -- apparently -- some incredible sex bots on the market. Storage is an issue. Apparently. And I'm not sure male prostitution has ever been that, erm, big.


If you want to live in a world full of kindness, respect and love, try to show these qualities.

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Sportyteacher Flag London 29 Jun 17 7.27am Send a Private Message to Sportyteacher Add Sportyteacher as a friend

We actually have a robot Prime Minister as evident within the Election given her seemingly automated chant of 'strong and stable...strong and stable'. Now to be heard reeling off in every sentence the following: 'Now let's get back to the job'.

The Daleks are seriously concerned that THEY might receive P45s with a new race of Mays taking over = May-hem!


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Brentmiester_General Flag Front line in the battle against t... 29 Jun 17 7.31am



"We love you Palace, we f@cking hate Man U, We love you Palace, we hate the brighton too, We love you Palace we play in red 'n' blue, so f@ck you, and you ...

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