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Grooming Gangs + Tommy Robinson Thread

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 27 Apr 24 10.52pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

If the CPS actually believed they had a watertight case TR would have gone down. Imo They believed that because it was TR the judge would find guilt in just that fact.
A bit like your opinion as well. I reckon this judge will now get cancelled and drop down the pecking order because he looked at this in a true neutral way. Alternatively I would like to think the worm is turning on the wokery but I won’t put money on it.

From what I read the Judge did not even get to consider the evidence, but dismissed the case because there were procedural errors. Why the CPS did not spot them is a mystery for that is their role. Saving Court time when weaknesses make it likely a prosecution is going to fail because of insufficient evidence or errors.

The Judge did not look at this in any way, neutral or not. I hope the Police will be more careful the next time because there is bound to be a next time. It’s what he does.


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 27 Apr 24 11.56pm Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

From what I read the Judge did not even get to consider the evidence, but dismissed the case because there were procedural errors. Why the CPS did not spot them is a mystery for that is their role. Saving Court time when weaknesses make it likely a prosecution is going to fail because of insufficient evidence or errors.

The Judge did not look at this in any way, neutral or not. I hope the Police will be more careful the next time because there is bound to be a next time. It’s what he does.

A bit more than the wrong date then. I read as I said that plod couldn’t write properly as they had dyslexia. Glad I wasn’t mugged and they wrote the report. I’m not mocking dyslexia I’m highlighting that it should have been proof read. Also you proved my point that he will never get a fair trial in your court so I don’t know why you bother commenting. You’ve been quiet about the 23 of 24 jailed today being Muslims.
Although when TR reported it was happening he was laughed out of town. This case actually was for the crimes committed around the time TR was highlighting it.


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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 28 Apr 24 7.24am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

If the CPS actually believed they had a watertight case TR would have gone down. Imo They believed that because it was TR the judge would find guilt in just that fact.
A bit like your opinion as well. I reckon this judge will now get cancelled and drop down the pecking order because he looked at this in a true neutral way. Alternatively I would like to think the worm is turning on the wokery but I won’t put money on it.

He was the right kind of defendant so the establishment were itching to get him. I have repeatedly said I can't stand TR but the CPS and the police failed completely in this case.

The CPS does tend to pursue cases where they think the public will be outraged if they don't. That is all well and good but you also need evidence.

I was on a jury regarding a sexual assault case I kept waiting for the evidence but over a 5 day trial we had lots of prosecution witnesses who actually made the case not for the prosecution but for the defence. That and the victim was obviously lying about all or certainly key parts of her statement.

The CPS should never have taken it to court but no doubt stung by the complaints about low prosecution rates they thought they would chance their arm.

Poor show by the CPS and the police, doesn't anybody read this stuff?


One more point

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 28 Apr 24 9.21am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

A bit more than the wrong date then. I read as I said that plod couldn’t write properly as they had dyslexia. Glad I wasn’t mugged and they wrote the report. I’m not mocking dyslexia I’m highlighting that it should have been proof read. Also you proved my point that he will never get a fair trial in your court so I don’t know why you bother commenting. You’ve been quiet about the 23 of 24 jailed today being Muslims.
Although when TR reported it was happening he was laughed out of town. This case actually was for the crimes committed around the time TR was highlighting it.

It’s why the CPS failed to see the error that’s the real question. The police are stretched to breaking point so I am unsure whether everything is double checked line by line or whether one officer is responsible for preparing the case.

Y-L could be sure of a fair trial in any court of mine. My bias is to the law and it would be scrupulously applied. I am commenting as a layman on his general behaviour and attitudes. Not on the specifics of a particular case.

What the religious affiliations are of any criminal are not germane to their conduct. They are tried on their actions, not their beliefs.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 28 Apr 24 10.02am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

It’s why the CPS failed to see the error that’s the real question. The police are stretched to breaking point so I am unsure whether everything is double checked line by line or whether one officer is responsible for preparing the case.

Y-L could be sure of a fair trial in any court of mine. My bias is to the law and it would be scrupulously applied. I am commenting as a layman on his general behaviour and attitudes. Not on the specifics of a particular case.

What the religious affiliations are of any criminal are not germane to their conduct. They are tried on their actions, not their beliefs.

So their beliefs don’t affect their actions ? if you seriously don’t get the coincidence then you arnt that bright, i think you do but cannot bring yourself to admit you are wrong.


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silvertop Flag Portishead 28 Apr 24 10.28am Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

A bit more than the wrong date then. I read as I said that plod couldn’t write properly as they had dyslexia. Glad I wasn’t mugged and they wrote the report. I’m not mocking dyslexia I’m highlighting that it should have been proof read. Also you proved my point that he will never get a fair trial in your court so I don’t know why you bother commenting. You’ve been quiet about the 23 of 24 jailed today being Muslims.
Although when TR reported it was happening he was laughed out of town. This case actually was for the crimes committed around the time TR was highlighting it.

The US. Catch a bloke red handed with bloody axe. Fail to read the Miranda and the fruits of the poison tree will invalidate all the evidence and he walks.

Here, techy issues like this will be taken in the round. Judges are unlikely to luzz out a good case against somebody who is a genuine danger to society.

TR is an awful person and the courts will not tolerate him doing what they have expressly directed him not to do hence the contept prosecution. However, they are not going to be used for crud like this.

Edited by silvertop (28 Apr 2024 10.29am)


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Stirlingsays Flag 28 Apr 24 11.32am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

The US. Catch a bloke red handed with bloody axe. Fail to read the Miranda and the fruits of the poison tree will invalidate all the evidence and he walks.

Here, techy issues like this will be taken in the round. Judges are unlikely to luzz out a good case against somebody who is a genuine danger to society.

TR is an awful person and the courts will not tolerate him doing what they have expressly directed him not to do hence the contept prosecution. However, they are not going to be used for crud like this.

Edited by silvertop (28 Apr 2024 10.29am)


There are things I don't like about Robinson but he is persecuted for doing what a lot of people are frightened of doing....which is challenging the state on what they have done.

So they go after him and make a special case to persecute him on anything they can.

The people who destroyed what existed before are awful people. He's just one reaction to it.

You expect people who have to eat societal sh1t sandwiches to smile about it? Do you live amongst what they have done? I doubt it.

Banning Robinson from areas of his own country is what is wrong. Many of us regard the awful people as those you obviously respect.

Edited by Stirlingsays (28 Apr 2024 11.46am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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silvertop Flag Portishead 28 Apr 24 11.35am Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays


There are things I don't like about Robinson but he is persecuted for doing what a lot of people are frightened of doing....which is challenging the state on what they have done.

The people who destroyed what existed before are awful people. He's just one reaction to it.

You expect people who eat sh1t sandwiches and smile about it?

Banning Robinson from areas of his own country are what is wrong. Many of us regard the awful people as those you obviously respect.

Edited by Stirlingsays (28 Apr 2024 11.32am)

I was addressing only judicial behavior. All you read was my personal view of TR. I'm used to myopic reading from some on here but not you.


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Stirlingsays Flag 28 Apr 24 11.43am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by silvertop

I was addressing only judicial behavior. All you read was my personal view of TR. I'm used to myopic reading from some on here but not you.

I was mostly addressing that personal view of Robinson wasn't I?

I also have issues against Robinson but again and again I hear this 'Robinson is awful'.....Well, actually I think he stands against a far larger evil when most prefer to close their door and hide.

He takes the slings and arrows from the powerful....the people who have the power and have generationally worsened just about everything.

Given what the disenfranchised future will be for the children of many native people in this country it's likely that someone like Robinson will be remembered and respected as someone who tried.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 28 Apr 24 2.46pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Given what the disenfranchised future will be for the children of many native people in this country it's likely that someone like Robinson will be remembered and respected as someone who tried.

...yes. And considering all the hostility ranged against him, i am surprised he has lasted this long. He literally has put a target sign on his own back.


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Stirlingsays Flag 28 Apr 24 2.55pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

...yes. And considering all the hostility ranged against him, i am surprised he has lasted this long. He literally has put a target sign on his own back.

I totally agree.

What he is trying to do is a lost cause at this time.

Tommy Robinson or that type of figure will be far more effective in about twenty years or if there is societal breakdown after economic collapse. with much....what you see at the surface isn't the whole story.

As with everything you follow the money. The reason Robinson hasn't given up and gone abroad because of threats to him and his family (which he will eventually) is that he's where his backers want him to be.

He's certainly playing a high risk game.

Edited by Stirlingsays (28 Apr 2024 2.56pm)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 28 Apr 24 3.06pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

'suicide by cop' is well documented and well understood.

'suicide by islamic jihadist' must surely get into the public domain as a slogan.

from the Charlie Hebdo cartoonists, to that Swedish burner of the Quran, to a load of other martyr types.

TR seems to be willing his own demise ? He is a hell of a bigger target than Drummer Lee Rigby ever was.

When Tommy does get it in the neck, as is highly likely, the Riot police will be earning a lot of overtime money.

Edited by PalazioVecchio (28 Apr 2024 3.15pm)


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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