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Grooming Gangs + Tommy Robinson Thread

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 12 Mar 24 8.44am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Teddy Eagle

Are there any other members of the Eagle family with the first name Wisbech?

I have no idea if there are any. We all use non de plumes here for perfectly good reasons.


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becky Flag over the moon 12 Mar 24 9.14am Send a Private Message to becky Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add becky as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

It doesn’t really matter at all but as for me he is entirely a fraud I choose not to use his fraudulent name. That others do amuses me, as does the fact that me not doing so seems to irritate some irrationally.

Good for you.... I feel exactly the same about people with XY chromosomes, a prostate gland and a p**** who put on a frock and lipstick and insist on being called Julia....... they will always be Gary to me.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 12 Mar 24 9.23am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Nicholas91

Because you consistently put your primary focus upon the protection of those who may be disaffected in acknowledging the objective reality of the one characteristic that links the perpetrators. You are also primarily focussed upon an individual highlighting this fact, not because of the reasons you should be but because he poses a threat to the acknowledgement of the objective reality you so desperately want to dismiss as it clashes with your beliefs. You are part of the problem in focussing upon him.

That there, in a nutshell, also reflects an allegiance to the protection of the shared characteristics of child rapists over the victims themselves.

I do not share this stance. I don’t wish to see people suffer from being tarred with a brush they do not deserve but they’re of far less concern to me than victims of rape, especially when they are children.

I’d suggest an egocentric, dogmatic clinging to ideology here is superseding the desire to see the rape of children end. It’s not something I can even remotely identify with. If there is a shared characteristic between these p***phile rapists then that needs to be acknowledged and addressed within any attempt to stop them, it may well even be the first port of call. Any attempt to ignore, downplay or refuse this is a hindrance to ending this horror and again demonstrates a desire to egotistically defend ideals above saving children from unthinkable suffering.

Well I am sorry that you see things like that but I think you are completely wrong. The only thing that genuinely links the perpetrators is that they are criminals. They don’t even all come from the same cultural background. There may well be common threads in their experiences and education that need to be investigated and addressed to ensure that the following generations don’t repeat a pattern, but that is for the authorities to determine.

I want these criminals to be treated as the evil, viscous criminals they are and not given any kind of excuse or protection as a consequence of a racial or religious background. Nor do I want to see divisions built because of a perception of guilt by association.

The problem with Yaxley-Lennon and his apologists is that they have another, over-riding agenda as a consequence of their opposition to Islam. They are more concerned with labelling the perpetrators than helping the victims.

I want to focus on what is real. These children were not abused by pakistanis or Muslims. They were abused by paedophiles. We must concentrate on that. If there is anything in their personal upbringing which links them then learn from it.

In actual fact you reach much the same conclusion. The difference is that I think we must separate out what has motivated these criminals from all the others who happen to also hold the same faith, but are decent, law abiding responsible citizens.

The concentration needs to be on the victims, making sure they are found, helped and protected. Discovering, restraining, punishing and re-educating the perpetrators is an important part of that and we need the help of all decent members of society to do that effectively. That in turn means not labelling the perpetrators in ways which deters others from helping.

We need to divide these criminals from the societies in which they hide. Which is easier said than done, but must still be done.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 12 Mar 24 9.39am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by becky

Good for you.... I feel exactly the same about people with XY chromosomes, a prostate gland and a p**** who put on a frock and lipstick and insist on being called Julia....... they will always be Gary to me.

Good for you too.

There is though a difference. Y-L has chosen to use another name, but has no biological justification for it and legally is still Y-L.

Those experiencing gender dysphoria do have some legal protections. So calling Julia Gary to her face might prove problematic.


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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 12 Mar 24 10.26am Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Originally posted by becky

Good for you.... I feel exactly the same about people with XY chromosomes, a prostate gland and a p**** who put on a frock and lipstick and insist on being called Julia....... they will always be Gary to me.

Early next month I am going to a family wedding. One of the guests is a biological young man who flips flops between being a girl and a boy.

Apparently on the day they will be a girl. I don't understand this but if they want to be called by their girl's name so be it, I have no reason not to respect their wishes.

Plenty of people choose to be known by a different name Cassius Clay hitting another boxer who refused to use his Ali name was a sight. "What's my name, thump"

I don't like or respect TR but if he wants to use that moniker so be it. People who refuse to call him that are just showing their prejudice.


One more point

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becky Flag over the moon 12 Mar 24 10.27am Send a Private Message to becky Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add becky as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Good for you too.

There is though a difference. Y-L has chosen to use another name, but has no biological justification for it and legally is still Y-L.

Those experiencing gender dysphoria do have some legal protections. So calling Julia Gary to her face might prove problematic.

Not according to the CPS - "misgendering" is not a criminal offense.



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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 12 Mar 24 10.28am Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Good for you too.

There is though a difference. Y-L has chosen to use another name, but has no biological justification for it and legally is still Y-L.

Those experiencing gender dysphoria do have some legal protections. So calling Julia Gary to her face might prove problematic.

He was registered at birth as Stephen Christopher Yaxley so you should drop the 'Lennon'.

Also, Gary has chosen to use the name Julia with no biological justification.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 12 Mar 24 1.58pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Badger11

Early next month I am going to a family wedding. One of the guests is a biological young man who flips flops between being a girl and a boy.

Apparently on the day they will be a girl. I don't understand this but if they want to be called by their girl's name so be it, I have no reason not to respect their wishes.

Plenty of people choose to be known by a different name Cassius Clay hitting another boxer who refused to use his Ali name was a sight. "What's my name, thump"

I don't like or respect TR but if he wants to use that moniker so be it. People who refuse to call him that are just showing their prejudice.

Cassius Clay changed his name for religious reasons. Yaxley-Lennon doesn’t appear to have one, other than vanity. I certainly don’t respect him or his vanity. If that’s prejudice so be it. I think there’s no need to pre judge him. Everything he does, says or stands for is odious.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 12 Mar 24 2.00pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by georgenorman

He was registered at birth as Stephen Christopher Yaxley so you should drop the 'Lennon'.

Also, Gary has chosen to use the name Julia with no biological justification.

You cannot possibly know that.


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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 12 Mar 24 2.37pm Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Well I am sorry that you see things like that but I think you are completely wrong. The only thing that genuinely links the perpetrators is that they are criminals. They don’t even all come from the same cultural background. There may well be common threads in their experiences and education that need to be investigated and addressed to ensure that the following generations don’t repeat a pattern, but that is for the authorities to determine.

I want these criminals to be treated as the evil, viscous criminals they are and not given any kind of excuse or protection as a consequence of a racial or religious background. Nor do I want to see divisions built because of a perception of guilt by association.

The problem with Yaxley-Lennon and his apologists is that they have another, over-riding agenda as a consequence of their opposition to Islam. They are more concerned with labelling the perpetrators than helping the victims.

I want to focus on what is real. These children were not abused by pakistanis or Muslims. They were abused by paedophiles. We must concentrate on that. If there is anything in their personal upbringing which links them then learn from it.

In actual fact you reach much the same conclusion. The difference is that I think we must separate out what has motivated these criminals from all the others who happen to also hold the same faith, but are decent, law abiding responsible citizens.

The concentration needs to be on the victims, making sure they are found, helped and protected. Discovering, restraining, punishing and re-educating the perpetrators is an important part of that and we need the help of all decent members of society to do that effectively. That in turn means not labelling the perpetrators in ways which deters others from helping.

We need to divide these criminals from the societies in which they hide. Which is easier said than done, but must still be done.

And there you go:

Firstly, "These children were not abused by pakistanis or Muslims" is a factually incorrect statement.

Secondly, being pakistani/Mulism and being a paedophile are not mutually exclusive states. You're attempt to suggest they are is another flat denial of reality.

You want to remove a common denominator amongst perpetrators for you own ideals, which is key to tackling the problem. It is an allegiance to your ideals above ending this issue and a stance that would hinder any solution. I find that reprehensible the same way I do anybody piggybacking upon these crimes for their own gain.

Tommy Robinson is the other side of the coin to you and anyone likeminded, such as the Police and politicians. Your ideals are obscuring the examination of the objective truth, hindering any solutions. Your own egos and therefore interests are being placed above a desire to eradicate this issue. That's what I find appalling with you both/all and that is why you express such hate toward one another.


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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Badger11 Flag Beckenham 12 Mar 24 2.49pm Send a Private Message to Badger11 Add Badger11 as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Cassius Clay changed his name for religious reasons. Yaxley-Lennon doesn’t appear to have one, other than vanity. I certainly don’t respect him or his vanity. If that’s prejudice so be it. I think there’s no need to pre judge him. Everything he does, says or stands for is odious.

Ah sorry I get it now. You decide whether a person's name change is justified according to some set of rules that you like.

Edited by Badger11 (12 Mar 2024 5.04pm)


One more point

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Teddy Eagle Flag 12 Mar 24 3.09pm Send a Private Message to Teddy Eagle Add Teddy Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

You cannot possibly know that.

You can if the person involved is in possession of a set of twig and berries. Unless biology is a made up science.


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