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If Brexit responsible for HGV driver shortage.....

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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 10 Oct 21 2.52am

Originally posted by cryrst

And your bothered because?????
I doubt you are affected swampy.
It's more anti boris rhetoric CP.
Why not just vote Labour next time and get it out of your system.
How can you constantly find negatives when your ivory tower is not affected? Houses, money, retirement at 50 and you still post like these issues affect you. I think you need to find a hobby mate, you will end up at 10 DS getting arrested at this rate!
Tbh it's not affected me at all apart from going out early to get fuel. Got bread, got bog roll, got beer, got baccy. Maybe if these employers paid a bit more they would get staff.
British jobs for British workers; now who said that again?

Just looking out for my fellow citizens mate, don"t shoot the messenger,it"s just journalism after all!


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Stirlingsays Flag 10 Oct 21 3.16am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

Just looking out for my fellow citizens mate, don"t shoot the messenger,it"s just journalism after all!

You have the Irish flag, you shouldn't even vote here Croydon.

You should be waffling on about Irish politics really but we never hear a peep.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 10 Oct 21 3.33am

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

You have the Irish flag, you shouldn't even vote here Croydon.

You should be waffling on about Irish politics really but we never hear a peep.

Sorry stirling, I didn"t realise I couldnt vote in my country of birth, when did they change the rules? I have no need to waffle about anything, i"m just a journalist, some like it, some don"t, a bit like your views. As for Ireland, i"m quite happy the way things are going !


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 10 Oct 21 5.54am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

Sorry stirling, I didn"t realise I couldnt vote in my country of birth, when did they change the rules? I have no need to waffle about anything, i"m just a journalist, some like it, some don"t, a bit like your views. As for Ireland, i"m quite happy the way things are going !

You probably wouldn't if you actually live there.
One poster does and he certainly doesn't paint a good picture of the politics.


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 10 Oct 21 6.02am

Originally posted by cryrst

You probably wouldn't if you actually live there.
One poster does and he certainly doesn't paint a good picture of the politics.

Dont always listen to posters mate, they mnoan whe ever they live, it"s life, and taxes! Nobody likes paying tax, and if he doesn"t like it, he can always come home to blighty! I"m sure the Irish gov haven"t got him in handcuffs!


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 10 Oct 21 6.15am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

Dont always listen to posters mate, they mnoan whe ever they live, it"s life, and taxes! Nobody likes paying tax, and if he doesn"t like it, he can always come home to blighty! I"m sure the Irish gov haven"t got him in handcuffs!

He's Irish and we all moan. You do quite a lot about boris tbh!
I'm going to ref your life and taxes bit though next time you rant about what is happening to the subjects


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croydon proud Flag Any european country i fancy! 10 Oct 21 6.29am

Originally posted by cryrst

He's Irish and we all moan. You do quite a lot about boris tbh!
I'm going to ref your life and taxes bit though next time you rant about what is happening to the subjects

No idea who you are on about mate, theres about 8 or more Irish flags on here! I only hold the gov to account, but would love to see your tax bills to be honest! Most plumbers I have met quoted two prices, I always insisted in the plus vat option , much to the disdain of the plumber!Nothing against ANY of our EU members, but I do always think, if you don"t like it , come home to gb, nobody will hold it against you.


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cryrst Flag The garden of England 10 Oct 21 6.49am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

No idea who you are on about mate, theres about 8 or more Irish flags on here! I only hold the gov to account, but would love to see your tax bills to be honest! Most plumbers I have met quoted two prices, I always insisted in the plus vat option , much to the disdain of the plumber!Nothing against ANY of our EU members, but I do always think, if you don"t like it , come home to gb, nobody will hold it against you.

I'm PAYE mate. Was only self employed 30 odd years ago for about 2 years after the firm I was on folded. Even then I was on SC60 so no tax fiddles for me. I pay every cent I legally have to unless I do a private job which is rare nowadays tbh. I am hopefully in the twilight of my working life CP as its catching up now. Been a hard slog though as Mrs never really had a high paying job and none at all for 15 years after my first kid was born. Done the 7 day 12 hour stretches like you to feed us. If you have seen some early posts I've been down there but now hoping my efforts can be rewarded with a livable older life. I Wouldn't mind a browse at your tax but I wouldn't understand it anyway; which is probably why I'm a plumber
Oh I got 20p in the pound back about a year later after that firm folded so it was crap back then. Nothing changes mate, it's just we have massive media now!

Edited by cryrst (10 Oct 2021 6.50am)


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Rudi Hedman Flag Caterham 10 Oct 21 10.28am Send a Private Message to Rudi Hedman Add Rudi Hedman as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

You have the Irish flag, you shouldn't even vote here Croydon.

You should be waffling on about Irish politics really but we never hear a peep.

Laugh emoji



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Stirlingsays Flag 10 Oct 21 12.50pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by croydon proud

Sorry stirling, I didn"t realise I couldnt vote in my country of birth, when did they change the rules? I have no need to waffle about anything, i"m just a journalist, some like it, some don"t, a bit like your views. As for Ireland, i"m quite happy the way things are going !

Seems weird that you can get another country's passport and nationality and yet still vote in your previous country's election.

So you can reject the nationality and yet still be allowed to vote?

Seems nuts.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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jeeagles Flag 10 Oct 21 12.54pm

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

You have the Irish flag, you shouldn't even vote here Croydon.

You should be waffling on about Irish politics really but we never hear a peep.

By that logic, neither should Zaha.
Perhaps you should go onto twitter and tell him.


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Stirlingsays Flag 10 Oct 21 1.17pm Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by jeeagles

By that logic, neither should Zaha.
Perhaps you should go onto twitter and tell him.

That's right.

Why would I do that?....typical dim comment from you.

Besides this I've no desire to continually post replies to someone who looks for and then puts my name on this forum and then tells me to delete my social media.

Take a run and jump..... you're lucky to still be on here....that whole thread had to be deleted.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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