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Spiderman Flag Horsham 22 Sep 23 7.06pm Send a Private Message to Spiderman Add Spiderman as a friend

Originally posted by EverybodyDannsNow

Of course people would have sex below their own age, but 16 is a literal child - personally I'd set my bar somewhere in the early 20s. One of my friends recently slept with a 19 year old and even that was seen as a bit rogue by most of the group.

I don't know why people keep reminding me of the law, I'm very aware of it, I just disagree with it - I think 16-18 should be it's own category and my view would be broadly not to allow people over 18 to engage with people under it.

That obviously would mean a couple who were 17 and 19, for example, would not legally be allowed to have sex, which feels harsh, but I think it's a better solution than our current laws.

I am 8 years older than my wife, we have been married for 33 years. When she was 17 I was 25 ( we didn’t meet until she was 21) but had we, in your world we shouldn’t have started a relationship?


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PalazioVecchio Flag south pole 22 Sep 23 7.21pm Send a Private Message to PalazioVecchio Add PalazioVecchio as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

When does anybody speak in favour of these things? Speaking out about prejudice against them isn’t the same thing at all.

iIn short this is a load of bs

well Wisbech, when YOU accuse me of writing BS.....then i must bow to your superior expertise on such matters. Being the author of some of the most crashingly boring postings on HOL, you certainly are Kryptonite to some of our younger Eagles.

because HOL does not have an 'ignore' function, i scan all the threads for your name and never bother reading your boring drivel. I must conserve time to watch some paint-drying in my garage.


getting back to Russell Brand, on the one hand a victim of the WEF steamroller.....on the other hand a psychopath-randy druggy lefty egotistical cv.nt.


Kayla did Anfield & Old Trafford

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 22 Sep 23 8.20pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by PalazioVecchio

well Wisbech, when YOU accuse me of writing BS.....then i must bow to your superior expertise on such matters. Being the author of some of the most crashingly boring postings on HOL, you certainly are Kryptonite to some of our younger Eagles.

because HOL does not have an 'ignore' function, i scan all the threads for your name and never bother reading your boring drivel. I must conserve time to watch some paint-drying in my garage.


getting back to Russell Brand, on the one hand a victim of the WEF steamroller.....on the other hand a psychopath-randy druggy lefty egotistical cv.nt.

I am delighted that you ignore my posts, for whatever reason, as it saves me the need to read more bs. Unfortunately you replied this time, so I did. I cannot recall a post of yours which has any relationship with reality, so most get a smile and are disregarded.

As is this one. What connection Brand has to the WEF is a mystery only the fairies could solve.


For the avoidance of doubt any comments in response to a previous post are directed to its ideas and not at any, or all, posters personally.

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards SW19 CPFC Flag Addiscombe West 22 Sep 23 11.02pm Send a Private Message to SW19 CPFC Add SW19 CPFC as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Further speaking to the opinion that Brand just isn't important enough for any political action to be taken against him....that committee letter pretty much knocks that out of the park....but there's more that illustrates that it's not all just about ethics but far more than that.

There are several situations like this but to speak of one on Youtube there is a rapper called Tory Lanez. This guy shot a woman in the feet all while telling her to 'dance, bitch'.

It isn't an allegation, no it was proven in court and he was convicted to ten years in jail.

He has a Youtube channel and it's monetised.

Yet we are asked to believe that they aren't out to get Brand and that despite him being how he was for decades with nothing done, it's all just organic.

Edited by Stirlingsays (22 Sep 2023 4.18pm)

Not for the reasons you think, no. Certainly not for political reasons. No one cares about an old handsy guy with a Jesus complex. See what you want to see - if you think he’s more (or, frankly, anywhere near) of a threat than Robinson at his peak then you must be a few deep.

Overzealous MPs trying to score votes by looking like they have some shred of morality. For what it’s worth I agree its overreach, and pleasing to see Rumble and X refuse. They’re private entities and can do as they please.

Also Lanez is American, right? So not sure if the UK govt would be getting involved there.


Did you know? 98.0000001% of people are morons.

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Jimenez Flag SELHURSTPARKCHESTER,DA BRONX 22 Sep 23 11.52pm Send a Private Message to Jimenez Add Jimenez as a friend

Originally posted by SW19 CPFC

Not for the reasons you think, no. Certainly not for political reasons. No one cares about an old handsy guy with a Jesus complex. See what you want to see - if you think he’s more (or, frankly, anywhere near) of a threat than Robinson at his peak then you must be a few deep.

Overzealous MPs trying to score votes by looking like they have some shred of morality. For what it’s worth I agree its overreach, and pleasing to see Rumble and X refuse. They’re private entities and can do as they please.

Also Lanez is American, right? So not sure if the UK govt would be getting involved there.

He's actually Canadian


Pro USA & Israel

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Stirlingsays Flag 23 Sep 23 12.55am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by SW19 CPFC

Not for the reasons you think, no. Certainly not for political reasons. No one cares about an old handsy guy with a Jesus complex. See what you want to see - if you think he’s more (or, frankly, anywhere near) of a threat than Robinson at his peak then you must be a few deep.

Overzealous MPs trying to score votes by looking like they have some shred of morality. For what it’s worth I agree its overreach, and pleasing to see Rumble and X refuse. They’re private entities and can do as they please.

Also Lanez is American, right? So not sure if the UK govt would be getting involved there.

Of course they don't take action because they don't care, that's the whole point. They do care about Brand when he gets attacked by an entity that they politically respect precisely because it's political.

You just need to look at who owns Youtube and who owns Rumble and X to see why there are different responses in regards to free speech.

If Vanguard and/or Blackrock own shares in it then you can pretty much guarantee that company will be woke and adhere to their ESG investment and bahavourial standards.....Extremely WEF and very woke.

As Carlin stated where interests align behaviour's not complicated.

Brand somewhat addresses this in his latest and maybe last YT upload. [Link]

Edited by Stirlingsays (23 Sep 2023 1.29am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 23 Sep 23 1.19am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

I think whatever someone thinks of Brand's personal behaviour down the years....and I have no problems with that criticism of his promiscuity as I'd probably agree with a fair amount of's a separate issue from his politics (obviously if he actually raped people that's different).

I think on the right and even the centre or libertarian left a certain acknowledgement that someone can have different politics from you without having to obsess over that is accepted. Friends exist who don't demand the same political vision of each other...less often today but still common.

Whereas I think on the progressive mainstream there exists a far number of mentally unbalanced people who just hate its opposition, use ridiculously hyperbolic language and will say and sometimes do whatever they can....because they think you're evil I think it frees them from any self reflection.

I can be called paranoid, that's ok. People can think that activism doesn't exist within organisations if they want to and that they don't conspire (god knows why when the evidence seems as plain as anything but hey)....but even an non entity like myself letting off steam on a football forum has had Police sent to my door and former employers contacted. When I myself investigated a little on who was doing it I saw they had links to all the far left organisations....activists do collude, especially on the left...but less about that....This forum itself has been attacked in various ways looking to harm it and close it down.

Edited by Stirlingsays (23 Sep 2023 1.26am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Nicholas91 Flag The Democratic Republic of Kent 23 Sep 23 2.04am Send a Private Message to Nicholas91 Add Nicholas91 as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

I think whatever someone thinks of Brand's personal behaviour down the years....and I have no problems with that criticism of his promiscuity as I'd probably agree with a fair amount of's a separate issue from his politics (obviously if he actually raped people that's different).

I think on the right and even the centre or libertarian left a certain acknowledgement that someone can have different politics from you without having to obsess over that is accepted. Friends exist who don't demand the same political vision of each other...less often today but still common.

Whereas I think on the progressive mainstream there exists a far number of mentally unbalanced people who just hate its opposition, use ridiculously hyperbolic language and will say and sometimes do whatever they can....because they think you're evil I think it frees them from any self reflection.

I can be called paranoid, that's ok. People can think that activism doesn't exist within organisations if they want to and that they don't conspire (god knows why when the evidence seems as plain as anything but hey)....but even an non entity like myself letting off steam on a football forum has had Police sent to my door and former employers contacted. When I myself investigated a little on who was doing it I saw they had links to all the far left organisations....activists do collude, especially on the left...but less about that....This forum itself has been attacked in various ways looking to harm it and close it down.

Edited by Stirlingsays (23 Sep 2023 1.26am)

Have to say Stirling I do often take umbrage at the usage of the phrases ‘left wing’ or ‘progressive’ as the group to which I think you are referring are anything but. Many operate under either the delusion or false guise of being left wing when they share more in common with fascists and also ‘progression’ can be made toward authoritarianism too, which is where they seem hellbent on heading.

I also find the claims of ‘conspiracy’ around the Brand commentary rather amusing, it is a very good way to try and demonise or negate anyone looking to expose you for conspiring as the word is so loaded these days. I felt it particularly amusing that one poster on here suggested everybody had been ‘groomed’ by Brand and the irony there! Cooking up conspiracies to suggest someone is promoting… conspiracies!

My personal feeling on Brand is that he is a weirdo who has been empowered to run riot, and almost certainly strayed into grey areas at best, by the media who are now hunting him down. It’s only common sense to question the timing of this and identify its correlation with him criticising the popular narrative which is promulgated by said media. I also think it’s very far from basement conspiracy to suggest Brand would not be the first or last person in history to have his past brought up to negate any threat he may pose through his channel (watched by millions btw which is not insignificant by any stretch of the imagination) and his very well known public persona. It’s been satirised through many a comedy sketch, cartoon and so forth given the obvious existence of such practice.

Brand has been asking some serious questions and made some poignant and potentially destabilising observations from the little I’ve seen. As to the truth in these I’m not well versed on all his suggestions but as ignorant on anyone else as to the veracity of them. I also believe even if not falling into the horrific stereotypes of ‘rape’, it’s entirely plausible to assume he has committed plenty of wrongdoing over time for which he could be in serious hot water. I highly doubt however a reasonable explanation will be given as to ‘why now?’ and again, whilst perhaps not reflective of reality, it does throw up questions separate to that he’s accused of.

If he needs to be locked up with key discarded I wouldn’t lose any sleep but why hadn’t his media accusers done this whilst he was literally in their employment? His guilt, and the possibility of a deliberate attack from the powers that be, are still very much possibilities as far as I’m concerned. If I thought I had something on a rapist I’d go to the police. I’d go to the police immediately. If I wanted to affect public opinion and thought, I’d create a highly emotive TV show.

Edited by Nicholas91 (23 Sep 2023 2.10am)


Now Zaha's got a bit of green grass ahead of him here... and finds Ambrose... not a bad effort!!!!

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Stirlingsays Flag 23 Sep 23 4.52am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Nicholas91

Have to say Stirling I do often take umbrage at the usage of the phrases ‘left wing’ or ‘progressive’ as the group to which I think you are referring are anything but. Many operate under either the delusion or false guise of being left wing when they share more in common with fascists and also ‘progression’ can be made toward authoritarianism too, which is where they seem hellbent on heading.

I also find the claims of ‘conspiracy’ around the Brand commentary rather amusing, it is a very good way to try and demonise or negate anyone looking to expose you for conspiring as the word is so loaded these days. I felt it particularly amusing that one poster on here suggested everybody had been ‘groomed’ by Brand and the irony there! Cooking up conspiracies to suggest someone is promoting… conspiracies!

My personal feeling on Brand is that he is a weirdo who has been empowered to run riot, and almost certainly strayed into grey areas at best, by the media who are now hunting him down. It’s only common sense to question the timing of this and identify its correlation with him criticising the popular narrative which is promulgated by said media. I also think it’s very far from basement conspiracy to suggest Brand would not be the first or last person in history to have his past brought up to negate any threat he may pose through his channel (watched by millions btw which is not insignificant by any stretch of the imagination) and his very well known public persona. It’s been satirised through many a comedy sketch, cartoon and so forth given the obvious existence of such practice.

Brand has been asking some serious questions and made some poignant and potentially destabilising observations from the little I’ve seen. As to the truth in these I’m not well versed on all his suggestions but as ignorant on anyone else as to the veracity of them. I also believe even if not falling into the horrific stereotypes of ‘rape’, it’s entirely plausible to assume he has committed plenty of wrongdoing over time for which he could be in serious hot water. I highly doubt however a reasonable explanation will be given as to ‘why now?’ and again, whilst perhaps not reflective of reality, it does throw up questions separate to that he’s accused of.

If he needs to be locked up with key discarded I wouldn’t lose any sleep but why hadn’t his media accusers done this whilst he was literally in their employment? His guilt, and the possibility of a deliberate attack from the powers that be, are still very much possibilities as far as I’m concerned. If I thought I had something on a rapist I’d go to the police. I’d go to the police immediately. If I wanted to affect public opinion and thought, I’d create a highly emotive TV show.

Edited by Nicholas91 (23 Sep 2023 2.10am)

I'd say that's a well argued and reasoned view of it all.

We will view the oncoming events with interest and no doubt more debate over these coming months. Will the Police even charge him? Will it go to trial? Will Brand sue?

Will he shave his beard off.

The possibilities are....well they aren't endless but who is to say how this ends.


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Yellow Card - User has been warned of conduct on the messageboards georgenorman Flag 23 Sep 23 7.46am Send a Private Message to georgenorman Add georgenorman as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I am delighted that you ignore my posts, for whatever reason, as it saves me the need to read more bs. Unfortunately you replied this time, so I did. I cannot recall a post of yours which has any relationship with reality, so most get a smile and are disregarded.

As is this one. What connection Brand has to the WEF is a mystery only the fairies could solve.

I should think that anyone bothering to read all of Wisbelch's diarrhetic wafflings would be slowly rendered unconscious, in the way a faulty gas appliance could.


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Forest Hillbilly Flag in a hidey-hole 23 Sep 23 8.16am Send a Private Message to Forest Hillbilly Add Forest Hillbilly as a friend

Why would the police let the BBC continue their investigations into criminality, when there is some suggestion they had ignored previous complaints about Brands alleged behaviour ?
I would expect the production of the 'documentary' afforded implicated people ample opportunity to destroy/divert evidence.


I disengage, I turn the page.

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silvertop Flag Portishead 23 Sep 23 8.30am Send a Private Message to silvertop Add silvertop as a friend

Originally posted by Spiderman

I am 8 years older than my wife, we have been married for 33 years. When she was 17 I was 25 ( we didn’t meet until she was 21) but had we, in your world we shouldn’t have started a relationship?


(I'm even older than my wife )


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