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CONservative government incompetence.

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 09 Dec 22 10.29pm Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

My knowledge of the Philippines is pretty basic at best. However, we can observe that you yourself are seeming pretty attracted to very conservative places while being quite subversive politically to that conservativism....A nicer description of that would be saying it's having your cake and eating it too. You should be living in progressive places that are in line with your social politics.

The type of conservatism we are considering there would be better described as modesty and humility. It's becoming less so in the cities but in the rural areas is still deeply engrained.

It's quite charming because it's accompanied by openness and natural friendliness. Smiling into a stranger's face is very usual there, because it doesn't convey anything sinister.

It has no political connections at all. Without only the thinnest level of welfare support, the family is the key to survival. Many generations live under the same roof. The elderly are cared for by the young. Aunties look after children every bit as much as mothers. Having your own bedroom is a rarity. People sleep on sleeping mats everywhere, often outside. It's very different, there is a lot of violence, sometimes no food at all in the house and health care expensive, which why I now stay in the UK, but there are things to be admired and learned from. Many people are very poor but generally much happier than we all are. People share. If you don't have food, the neighbours will share theirs. Tomorrow you may do the reverse.

Edited by Wisbech Eagle (09 Dec 2022 10.32pm)


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HKOwen Flag Hong Kong 10 Dec 22 1.24am Send a Private Message to HKOwen Add HKOwen as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

Your first paragraph is true.

It's also true that I have spent some time in the Philippines. I haven't though ever set foot in the Philipinnes, nor met anyone who has. I have though met many ex pats who think they are supersmart, but cannot spell.

I was never an ex pat. I spent some winters there a few years ago, when I owned a business run under management and could handle what I needed to do remotely.

Most of the ex pats I got to know in the Philippines were from the USA, some from Europe and others from Australia and New Zealand. As mixed a bunch as you will find anywhere, generally quite hard drinking (which I am not), kind and polite, but the Americans in particular were especially prone to a belief in conspiracy theories. I guess because they got so much of their "news" on the web. It was there that I first realised how pernicious these things can be. I had many quite challenging conversations over them.

So no, I am not a typical ex pat, and nor are my opinions or behaviour remotely typical.

Typo does not change anything, you fit the stereotype of many UK expats in PI, your patronising comment on the Americans is typical of you. I am sure when the other expats you mixed with talked about you it was always complimentary.

I always found it funny when British people would claim they owned land in the PI and it was always the same, " you don't own anything, your wife / partner does though "

Some even waved a piece of paper from a " lawyer " stating they had " special title ".

Anyway, that is digression.


Responsibility Deficit Disorder is a medical condition. Symptoms include inability to be corrected when wrong, false sense of superiority, desire to share personal info no else cares about, general hubris. It's a medical issue rather than pure arrogance.

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cryrst Flag The garden of England 10 Dec 22 5.54am Send a Private Message to cryrst Add cryrst as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

As I have said several times it did exist, because I saw it. Whether it still does, I don't know, but I would expect it does somewhere, but I cannot find it, and I have searched.

It took a while but look at my post at 6.52 pm on 16th November. You said you would be here in January. The 30th is pretty late in the month! I said in my response I would be happy to meet so long as I didn't have a prior commitment, but I have. I am off on holiday the next day for a week, need to get organised and my dog in kennels and my wife would not regard going out for a beer a sensible use of my time! So sorry. Next time?

Let me get this right, you are a pensioner with time on your hands, have got a bad medical condition, are in the dusk of your life and your wife won’t let you go for a beer or two to meet someone with a passion for the same football team as you. I’m sure the man genuinely doesn’t want a fight. Now either; you need to get the trousers back and tell her to get back in the kitchen and do ladies stuff, ( sorry bec )your afraid or you’re lying.


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the silurian Flag The garden of England.(not really) 10 Dec 22 7.32am Send a Private Message to the silurian Add the silurian as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

As I have said several times it did exist, because I saw it. Whether it still does, I don't know, but I would expect it does somewhere, but I cannot find it, and I have searched.

It took a while but look at my post at 6.52 pm on 16th November. You said you would be here in January. The 30th is pretty late in the month! I said in my response I would be happy to meet so long as I didn't have a prior commitment, but I have. I am off on holiday the next day for a week, need to get organised and my dog in kennels and my wife would not regard going out for a beer a sensible use of my time! So sorry. Next time?

Ill be there 30 th Jan, late Jan but still January....
How convenient, maybe next time

Edited by the silurian (10 Dec 2022 7.32am)


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Stirlingsays Flag 10 Dec 22 7.40am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

The type of conservatism we are considering there would be better described as modesty and humility. It's becoming less so in the cities but in the rural areas is still deeply engrained.

It's quite charming because it's accompanied by openness and natural friendliness. Smiling into a stranger's face is very usual there, because it doesn't convey anything sinister.

It has no political connections at all. Without only the thinnest level of welfare support, the family is the key to survival. Many generations live under the same roof. The elderly are cared for by the young. Aunties look after children every bit as much as mothers. Having your own bedroom is a rarity. People sleep on sleeping mats everywhere, often outside. It's very different, there is a lot of violence, sometimes no food at all in the house and health care expensive, which why I now stay in the UK, but there are things to be admired and learned from. Many people are very poor but generally much happier than we all are. People share. If you don't have food, the neighbours will share theirs. Tomorrow you may do the reverse.

Edited by Wisbech Eagle (09 Dec 2022 10.32pm)

Perhaps, though I do my bit.

What I can say is that the economic situation Europe is suffering isn't down to any decisions I supported, I don't think that you can quite say the same.

I share no responsibility in the very real suffering that people are undertaking in this country and across Europe. I argued against lockdowns, furloughs and the continuation and escalation of this absurd war. Just as I also share no responsibility for the suffering that the socially conservative people of the Philippines undergo.

You have spent years on here supporting the establishment line: they might as well employ you on the BBC.

It's nice that you speak in respectful tones in regards to the poor people of the Philippines and their strong family culture. However, the majority of them wouldn't support your politics, which would impact the cohesion of their societies and families and their society would look vastly different.

Edited by Stirlingsays (10 Dec 2022 8.02am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 10 Dec 22 9.05am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by HKOwen

Typo does not change anything, you fit the stereotype of many UK expats in PI, your patronising comment on the Americans is typical of you. I am sure when the other expats you mixed with talked about you it was always complimentary.

I always found it funny when British people would claim they owned land in the PI and it was always the same, " you don't own anything, your wife / partner does though "

Some even waved a piece of paper from a " lawyer " stating they had " special title ".

Anyway, that is digression.

I don’t fit any stereotype, ex pat or elsewhere, other than that in the fevered imagination of someone prepared to make judgements on comments in a forum. The supersmart know no limit to their superior abilities.

The Americans I referred to do fit a stereotype. Many are ex military, some first coming to the Philippines on R & R during the Vietnam war. Not all are like that. I had many friends from the US who are lovely people and agreed with me about my assessment of their countrymen. Even then the wide gulf between two realities was obvious.

The restrictions on. land ownership in the Phil is well understood by me and would require a long explanation. There are ways around it. I bought, and sold again, property there without my wife having to have legal title and repatriated the proceeds. Many others have though lost everything through foolishness.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 10 Dec 22 9.29am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

Perhaps, though I do my bit.

What I can say is that the economic situation Europe is suffering isn't down to any decisions I supported, I don't think that you can quite say the same.

I share no responsibility in the very real suffering that people are undertaking in this country and across Europe. I argued against lockdowns, furloughs and the continuation and escalation of this absurd war. Just as I also share no responsibility for the suffering that the socially conservative people of the Philippines undergo.

You have spent years on here supporting the establishment line: they might as well employ you on the BBC.

It's nice that you speak in respectful tones in regards to the poor people of the Philippines and their strong family culture. However, the majority of them wouldn't support your politics, which would impact the cohesion of their societies and families and their society would look vastly different.

Edited by Stirlingsays (10 Dec 2022 8.02am)

I didn’t mean you! I meant the neighbours would reciprocate.

No-one shares responsibly for events. They can only respond to them. The problem with claiming that any alternative response would be better is always that it is just that. It’s just a claim. Just another theory. Untested.and unverifiable.

Opposition parties live on such claims. Then they die when trying to implement them.

It would take several books to review the complex social situation in the Philippines but knowing them much better than you do I can assure you they are extremely envious of what we have, both socially and politically.

This idea that I support the establishment always makes me smile. I don’t. I support democracy, the rule of law and common sense. I see the need for change but achieved by consent via debate based on truth. Finding the truth in the wastelands of misinformation that now circulate is the challenge.


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 10 Dec 22 9.32am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by the silurian

Ill be there 30 th Jan, late Jan but still January....
How convenient, maybe next time

Edited by the silurian (10 Dec 2022 7.32am)

It’s not convenient. It’s just a fact. Do you need me to prove it, because I can. Or will you, just for once, accept my word?


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Wisbech Eagle Flag Truro Cornwall 10 Dec 22 9.43am Send a Private Message to Wisbech Eagle Add Wisbech Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by cryrst

Let me get this right, you are a pensioner with time on your hands, have got a bad medical condition, are in the dusk of your life and your wife won’t let you go for a beer or two to meet someone with a passion for the same football team as you. I’m sure the man genuinely doesn’t want a fight. Now either; you need to get the trousers back and tell her to get back in the kitchen and do ladies stuff, ( sorry bec )your afraid or you’re lying.

My wife is a nurse. Currently working 6 days a week trying to help people like you.

We will have the day before our holiday to prepare and get our dog into kennels. I wouldn’t want to interrupt that day when for the previous 29 I will be alone for most of them. Maybe you are inconsiderate. I try not to be.

I am neither afraid nor lying. Why on earth would I be?


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Stirlingsays Flag 10 Dec 22 10.01am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

I didn’t mean you! I meant the neighbours would reciprocate.

No-one shares responsibly for events. They can only respond to them. The problem with claiming that any alternative response would be better is always that it is just that. It’s just a claim. Just another theory. Untested.and unverifiable.

Opposition parties live on such claims. Then they die when trying to implement them.

It would take several books to review the complex social situation in the Philippines but knowing them much better than you do I can assure you they are extremely envious of what we have, both socially and politically.

This idea that I support the establishment always makes me smile. I don’t. I support democracy, the rule of law and common sense. I see the need for change but achieved by consent via debate based on truth. Finding the truth in the wastelands of misinformation that now circulate is the challenge.

That's not really accurate.

It's not as if this was the first respiratory pandemic, even in my own lifetime. Indeed, we have had them all though our history and government have had refined policies towards them taught from history. They announced those very same policies at the start and it was completely overturned with spend, spend spend of borrowed money.

What happened was unprecedented and completely out of line with past reactions. It was heavily criticised not only by layman plebs like me but also at the very highest medical levels, for example the 'Great Barrington declaration'. There was a massive censorship and omission of alternative voices and promotion of only one side of the discussion. Indeed, it was only at those highest levels that some felt able to do it without losing their jobs. At the lower end we saw many people lose their jobs for just making their own personal health care decisions.

Also, let it not be forgotten the quite authoritarian measures towards the unvaccinated's liberties that you personally called for because you erroneously believed that the unvaccinated were higher transmitters. I also remember the insults that some unfortunately made. However, for you to have the gall to talk about what isn't and what is 'misinformation' is a utter disfigurement of reality.

When you talk so well about yourself perhaps you should reflect upon that.

Edited by Stirlingsays (10 Dec 2022 10.16am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Stirlingsays Flag 10 Dec 22 10.11am Send a Private Message to Stirlingsays Holmesdale Online Elite Member Add Stirlingsays as a friend

Originally posted by Wisbech Eagle

My wife is a nurse. Currently working 6 days a week trying to help people like you.

We will have the day before our holiday to prepare and get our dog into kennels. I wouldn’t want to interrupt that day when for the previous 29 I will be alone for most of them. Maybe you are inconsiderate. I try not to be.

I am neither afraid nor lying. Why on earth would I be?

I won't speak badly of your family still the point could be made that nurses trained aboard could be staying and helping the people of their own native country with their skills.....what about them? Those people you care so much about. It is a brain drain.

We should and could have been training British nurses without importing foreign nurses who are badly needed in their own country. We are certainly rich enough to do this and this was what we were doing for decades until the internationalist took over.....Then we get told we need immigrants so badly.....We only need them because they imported them to lessen training costs and we obviously know why those nurses are attracted here.

The problem is entirely a self created one.

Edited by Stirlingsays (10 Dec 2022 10.15am)


'Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith. And, I'm a locksmith.' (Leslie Nielsen)

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Midlands Eagle Flag 10 Dec 22 10.36am Send a Private Message to Midlands Eagle Add Midlands Eagle as a friend

Originally posted by Stirlingsays

We should and could have been training British nurses without importing foreign nurses who are badly needed in their own country. We are certainly rich enough to do this and this was what we were doing for decades until the internationalist took over.....Then we get told we need immigrants so badly.....We only need them because they imported them to lessen training costs and we obviously know why those nurses are attracted here.

I have said it before that I believe that the blame for the shortage of nurses should be placed at the door of the Royal College of Nursing who have raised the barrier to entry to degree level thus ruling out thousands of people who have the aptitude and desire to do the job successfully in favour of those who are good at passing exams but soon lose interest when asked to get down and dirty.

The withdrawal of the training bursary also didn't help either.


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